The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2221 Battle of Stellar War Fortress

Due to the "excellent" performance of Duan Ning, Duan Po and Thain on the main battlefield of the frontline starry sky.

The Gallente Federation, which sent a large number of supporting legions and was preparing to regain its position in the Proxi star field, was stunned by the impact of the wizard civilization legion before it could show its power.

The star-level war fortress with peak level-6 combat power was also forced to move closer to the Proxi star field during this period to relieve the pressure on the frontline battlefield from Thane and others.

The entire Gallente Federation is currently in a tight situation.

They are not afraid of losing the front line in the Proxi Star Territory.

Just lose it.

Anyway, the Gallente Federation has countless other defensive fronts behind their home star field.

But the Proxi Star Territory can be lost, but it cannot be lost so fast!

A single move affects the whole body.

If the front line in the medium-sized star field here collapses too quickly under the impact of Thain and other wizard civilization legions.

It will inevitably interfere with the Federation's layout in other surrounding star fields, and then trigger the collapse of the entire star field battlefield in a larger area.

The wizarding civilization didn’t expect it either.

Thain, the "newly promoted sixth-level magician", will perform so well after being sent to the Puroshi Star Territory!

While informing Thain, he tried his best to maintain his high-spirited war posture.

On the other side, the wizard civilization quickly moved toward several battlefields in and around the Proxi star field, bringing in more reinforcements.

Thain also took the opportunity to mention it to the wizard civilization.

They are not short of high-level power, so the wizard civilization can send as many cannon fodder troops and resource supplies as possible.

The federal star-level war fortress that entered the Proxi star field is the thing that Thain is most excited about right now.

Brothers and sisters Duan Po and Duan Ning helped, and the eight-winged angel Fumila was on the side for support.

Thain, who is driving the combined fortress group, is now indeed qualified to step forward and have a try!

"The war fortresses and fleet groups of the Gallente Federation are not high-level creatures in the strict sense. They are just combat groups, so they have shortcomings of one kind or another."

"That star-level war fortress, although its combat power is exaggerated, its strike force can also threaten peak level six creatures."

"But it's just a dead thing after all."

"The lack of flexibility and bulky size are its biggest shortcomings."

"I will ask others to help us contain those giant mechas around the fortress."

"As for our main goal, it is to find a way to break into that stellar fortress."

"As long as we can enter it, this war fortress, which is said to be comparable to the peak level six creatures, will pose no more threat to us than ordinary level four or five creatures." Thain said to the two people in front of him.

Duan Po and Duan Ning are important supporters of Thain's war plan.

Right now, this stellar war fortress is related to the next stage of Thain's exploration of the mysteries of mechanics. If possible, he would like to capture it and dismantle it. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

It was also after this battle was over that Thain promised Duan Po that he would immediately start an experiment to solve the "strange disease" on her sister.

This is during the war, and everything is based on war priorities.

It just so happened that Duan Po still owed Thain a favor, so it was hard for Duan Po to refuse Thain's request.

Duan Ning was not at all ambiguous about carrying out such "dangerous tasks".

This female cultivator who was just starting out in the Immortal Realm was extremely curious about everything, and she was also extremely daring about any battle.

With the many secret treasures and trump cards she has at her disposal, it is indeed impossible for ordinary creatures to threaten her.

In addition to his own outstanding strength, Duan Ning also has another trick, which is that he can call his fellow disciples.

Although I only have Xuandu and Duan Ning as my direct disciples of the Human Religion, Shushan Sword Sect and Tianyi Palace are both considered to be forces of the Human Religion.

At this time, the Shushan Sword Sect had several quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxian-level swordsmen who were active on the battlefield of wizard civilization.

Over at Tianyi Palace, Fairy Yunmeng, the palace owner with Daluo Jinxian level strength, heard that she had also arrived at the wizarding civilization battlefield.

Because of his outstanding alchemy ability and his extremely popular reputation, the other party had cured many powerful men from the fairy realm on the battlefield of the wizarding civilization, and he was also a presence that responded to every call.

With these potential helpers, let alone capture a stellar war fortress.

Even with the Proxi star field as the core, it is more than enough to invade the hinterland of the Gallente Federation's home star field!

A fierce battle started again in the Proxi star field.

Faced with the continued reinforcements from the Gallente Federation, the response of the Wizard Civilized Legion, led by Thane, was to continue to increase their efforts to attack the federal front.

On the starry sky battlefield, the star-level war fortress with unlimited power and long-range strike firepower was the first target targeted by Thane and others.

This sixth-level peak fortress is different from the King of Corellon that Thane participated in the siege of in the Corellon Star Territory.

At least from the number of units participating in the battle, it was not clear at all that Thain and others were on the side of the siege.

Endless metal battleships and small fortresses rely on the surroundings of this stellar war fortress.

Including the giant mecha legion that the Gallente Federation relied on as another support, also appeared around the fortress.

The all-round cooperation of fortresses, mechas, and battleships put great pressure on Thane and others.

Even though Thain and Duan Po were both outstanding in strength, Fumila and Duan Ning also assisted in the attack from different directions. \u003cb


But it is still difficult to rely on flesh and blood to withstand the covering firepower of the Gallente Federation and get close to the surroundings of the stellar fortress.

In the end, it was Thain who successfully broke the deadlock and pushed the front forward again.

After the coalition fortress group reached the hinterland of the battlefield for some distance, a layer of blue energy light suddenly lit up from the inside to the outside of the fortress group.

This blue light shield blocked the countless firepower pouring from the stellar war fortress and the federal army.

Not only did it help Thain and others successfully get closer to the stellar fortress, but it also helped Thain's wizard civilization combat legion get closer to the federal metal front at a relatively small cost.

This blue light shield is naturally the "planetary shield"!

Although there is no plane core to replenish energy for it, the Rubik's Cube that absorbs the energy of the laws can use its own energy and the collective element pools of the seven space fortresses to exert such absolute defense.

Under the pouring firepower of the Federation, it is naturally difficult for such a large-area protective shield to last for too long.

But this period of time is enough to support Thain and others in close combat.

As soon as he approached the Federation's star-level war fortress, Thain controlled the Federation fortress group to complete its transformation, and a piece of metal flame ignited from the palm of his fortress.

"The ability of metal fire was used to help the Union fortress group achieve integration and stability, and to upgrade and improve some of its shortcomings."

"Since it can fuse independently, it should be able to decompose activated metals and technological creations." Thain mused.

As a result, a large area of ​​metal fire ignited from the palm of Thain's fortress, and soon swept over most of the federal stellar war fortress.

At the same time, a piercing siren sounded.

Appeared in the ears of federal pilots in the stellar fortress.

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