The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2206 Planetary Shield

Thane did not explain in advance to Rose, Eric and others about his secret contact with the local strongmen in the Corellon Star Territory.

If too many people know about this kind of thing, it can easily lead to accidents.

And Thane is also worried that Rose and Eric will give advice on his plans.

In some areas, Thain is also a very "independent" person.

He also doesn't like others interrupting or questioning his decisions.

Anyway, when the final result comes out, Rose and others choose to accept it, and Thain will not trick them. đź…†


Drawn by Thane's orders.

Cybertron's intelligent robot army, Centaur army, part of the Kryptonian army, the Wonderful Plane army, several black tower armies such as Joni from the Black Realm, and several Knight Hall legions from the Land of Ashes all headed towards Thane. The indicated coordinates move closer together.

Everyone's speed is quite fast.

It also shows the importance they attach to Thane's orders.

These legions, in a hurry, had probably gathered half of the power that Thane had invested in the Corellon Starfield.

The other half of the Black Bat Civilization Legion, the Huya Legion, and the Holy Tower and Knights Hall Legions commanded by Lina, Mei Kelly and others cannot arrive here in time because they are far away from here and involved in other combat missions.

Thain knows very well that the current battle plan emphasizes the importance of troops and speed.

Of the five sixth-level creatures in the Corellon Star Territory, one died, and the remaining three were staunch resisters. Only the last one, Momosori, who stayed on the home planet, had hope of being won over by them.

Once with the help of the other party's power, the planet Corellon was successfully captured.

The difficulty of the war between Thane, Rose and others in the Corellon Star Territory must be reduced by at least half!

Use the Rubik's Cube body as the cross-space traction target.

Thain, who was holding the Rubik's Cube in his hands, controlled his huge Union Fortress combat cluster, and completed the jump with all the wizard civilization legions gathered in a blue light.

When the dazzling blue light flashed in front of the legions.

Including the power of the surrounding space, many middle and low-level creatures feel a very clear sense of confusion.

The one who came to his senses first

Some wizards and civilized combat legions looked back to the left and right.

But they discovered that they had arrived on the planet Corellon!


Surrounded by a blue medium-sized plane filled with many high-tech buildings.

Because Corellon's planet is larger and has more complete plane rules, the feeling it brings to the wizarding civilization's combat legion is also very different from the past.

At this time, great turmoil has occurred in this medium-sized world.

The source of the turmoil is not that a huge black hole appeared in the sky of Corellon, and many wizard civilization legions, including Thane, poured out of it one after another.

Before Thane and others arrived, the turmoil in this medium-sized world was mainly caused by two groups of native creatures in the Corellon Star Territory who had different ideas.

Even the Guardians got involved in the fight!

"Although King Corellon took away all the main legions in this world and headed to the central and outer star fields to fight us."

“But the will of this world doesn’t seem willing to surrender so easily.

"It also directly reflects the opposition between the guardians and Momo Soli and others."

"Golden Iron Beast, you and Yuri go together and help Momo Soli and others kill that guardian!"

"Haha, it seems that Momosoli is still a little reluctant to take action. Our wizard civilization can help them." Thain ordered.

"Yes!" The sharp golden claws rotated wildly between the palms of the golden iron beast.

The Golden Iron Beast, which possesses the peak strength of level five, has improved to a certain extent after coming to the Corellon Starfield battlefield.

Among them, there is part of the power of the law that Thain gave to the Golden Iron Beast through the Rubik's Cube to nourish it.

There is also the secret of Transformers fusion developed by Thain recently.

As the Golden Iron Beast flew towards the location of the world's guardian, it gradually completed a joint operation with the other two beast-shaped intelligent robots.

Missing the devil

With Fang's blessing, their joint combat mode is still far from the secret of Thain's "mechanical integration".

However, you can indeed get some strength bonus.

Yuli, who was driving the Flame, also activated the fortress thrusters behind her, and together with the Golden Iron Beast and others, they flew towards the guardian's location.

The guardian of this medium-sized plane only has a life level of level five, and he doesn't seem to be particularly good at fighting.

——Fighting guardians are very rare in the star realm.

Among the four guardians of the wizarding world, it is estimated that only the Guardian of Summer is completely good at fighting.

The Guardian of Winter, who is at a higher level than the Guardian of Summer, is actually better at sealing and other more mysterious and obscure witch methods.

After the Golden Iron Beast and Yuri flew towards the guardian, Thane issued combat instructions to other legions while flying towards the north of the world.

Because there are too many legions brought by Thane, it is impossible for the vortex black hole in the sky to transport all the hundreds of millions of legions brought by Thane into the Corellon planet in one go.

At present, only about one-third of the Legion has successfully entered it, and the other two-thirds are still stranded outside Corellon's planet.

A huge light blue energy shield and the dimensional barrier of this world serve as a double defense mechanism to resist the influx of more legions under Thane's command into this world.

Gal Gadot, Barry, Xia and others who were relatively unlucky, or whose positions were wrong on the eve of the teleportation, are still stranded outside this world.

It will take some time for them to enter.

As the absolute leader of this joint assault army, he is also the strongest person present.

After Thain arrived in the medium-sized plane, he did not kill the most threatening guardian immediately. Instead, he handed over this task to the Golden Iron Beast and Yuri to complete.

Naturally, it's because, in Thain's eyes, there are more important things waiting for him to do.

A small half of the huge hull of the seven combined fortresses,

Along with the huge black hole in the sky, it squeezed into this medium-sized world.

Dense magic rays shot downward from all over the fortress group.

A scene of the end of the world is unfolding on the planet Corellon.

At the bottom of the fortress group, huge metal decks opened up, and countless mechanical legions, carrying cannon fodder of other all kinds of alien creatures, poured into the planet Corellon like a flood.

Although in the previous negotiations, Catherine promised Momo Soli on behalf of the Holy Tower of Ashes that if the other party could happily accept the surrender, the Wizard Civilization Army would try not to destroy the integrity of Corellon's planet, let alone destroy Corellon. The innocent creatures of the planet.

But it is a pity that because Momosoli was unable to successfully persuade other powerful people from Corellon Planet in such a short period of time, fierce battles and killings were still inevitable in this world.

The place Thane flew to was in the extreme north of the planet Corellon.

It is a land covered by glaciers.

At the same time, it is also the area where the main body of Corellon’s planet’s other world-class secret treasure—the planetary shield—is placed.

Because the planetary shield borrowed the power of the earth's core in this world, including the large amount of heat energy generated during the activation process that needed to be offset, it was placed in such a cold place.

In the extremely rich Corellon Star Territory, there are two coveted world-class secret treasures.

Spider Queen Rose is determined to win the "Corellon Star" held by King Corellon.

Thain, on the other hand, has his sights set on another defensive world-class secret treasure, the "Planet Shield."

Although Thain's Rubik's Cube also absorbed some defensive technology-side secret treasure rules, it did not give Thain much protection in the past during the battle.

The planet shield in front of us is obviously a high-quality material that makes up for the shortcomings of the Rubik's Cube and once again improves its quality.

And when Thain arrived here, the sixth-level creature Momosoli was already here, waiting for him for a long time.

"I was doing some live broadcast preparation and testing this morning, so I only coded one chapter. The next chapter will be around two o'clock~"

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