The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2205 The Center Blooms

After Kathleen and others set off, Thain was still quite worried about their itinerary.

Mainly because he was worried about Kathleen, after all, she was his only disciple.

If something happened, Thain would be extremely distressed.

It was also at this time, after calming down, that Thain understood why Meikali was so determined not to let Narcissus risk his own life.

The fighting on the front line is still fierce.

The latest war news came from the battlefield where Rose's blood elf king Kael'thas was.

It may be that the outstanding results of the Black Bat Civilization Legion in the past inspired the blood elf king who was in the same war zone.

So under the personal leadership of the blood elf king, the blood elf clan's spellbreaker legion began to launch a desperate attack on another frontline plane of the Corellon Star Territory.

These creatures who have embarked on the path of a belief system are still very fierce when it comes to fighting for their lives.

Including the "power of blood" mastered by the blood elves, Thain, a sixth-level magician who has some research on blood knowledge, is extremely interested.

The outstanding performance of Blood Elf King Kael'thas on the frontline battlefield reflects the mutual promotion effect of several legions in a civilized battlefield environment.

If it weren't for the Black Bat Civilization Legion that stimulated them, those blood elves might not have been able to launch such a fierce offensive.

Likewise, the battlefields on the frontline were frequently victorious, putting great pressure on the creatures in the Corellon Star Territory.

Let's continue to develop like this.

Perhaps there is no need for Kathleen and others to achieve the established goal of persuading them to surrender.

Just the performance of Thane and others on the frontline battlefield was enough to tear apart the defensive front that the creatures of the Corellon Star Territory had painstakingly built.

As for the Corellon Star Territory creatures, they did not expect that the wizard civilization army would become so fierce after ushering in the support army headed by Thane.

Especially Thane himself.

In recent years, he has been no longer satisfied with just conducting mechanical fusion experiments with Li Batian and Thunderbolt.

The level 4 and above intelligent robots led by Golden Iron Beast are all the targets of Thain's experiments!

And these advanced intelligent robots are also happy to cooperate with Thain to complete the experiment.

Because during the experiment with Thain, they could feel the light of law emitted by the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube at an extremely close distance.

These blue-purple law energies will be of great benefit to the growth of these intelligent robots.

Thain also asked Li Batian and others what the Rubik's Cube meant to them.

The final result is that under the light shrouded in the Rubik's Cube, these intelligent robots who have awakened from their own wisdom can feel the warmth of returning to the mother plane, or the mother's embrace.

This answer made Thain slightly stunned.

He couldn't help but look back to Fumila and ask her if she had similar feelings.

Fumila's feelings are obviously different from those of other intelligent machines.

People are all different!

But what they have in common is that she also likes to be by Thain's side and enjoys the process of fighting together with Thain.

The emotions and thinking of intelligent robots have always been one of Thain's research topics on the mysteries of mechanics.

In addition, Thain's recent research also found that.

Compared with "beast-type" intelligent robots such as Golden Iron Beast, Thain's fusion experiment is more compatible with "motorcycle-type" intelligent robots such as Libatian and Thunderbolt.

However, the fusion with the Golden Iron Beast can also proceed smoothly.

When leaving the Federation Fortress and only integrating with these intelligent robots from the planet Cybertana.

The golden iron beast in the form of a beast eventually transformed into a huge breastplate resembling a golden beast's head, draped in front of Thane.

"Level 4 smart robots have made less impact on my current strength."

"At least it has to be a level five intelligent robot like Li Batian, Thunderbolt, and Golden Iron Beast, in order to have a significant increase in my power."

"And if you want to achieve a qualitative change, such as completing cross-realm battles, you must at least reach a level six intelligent robot like Fumila."

"I heard that the strength of the Decepticons and Optimus Prime has improved significantly over the past few thousand years."

"Maybe the strength of the two of them is not inferior to Fumila."

"If the power of the Decepticons and Optimus Prime can be fused..." After the experimental battle, Thane couldn't help but think in his mind.

There are more than just ways to improve strength, including those level four smart robots that have limited power improvement for Thain, but they also play a big role.

There is a saying that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!

Regarding the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, I heard from Golden Iron Beast that the number of ordinary robots that have awakened their intelligence in recent years is about seven million. (Many people died on the front lines of the civilized battlefield. Although there are black boxes for resurrection, how to replenish the tribe has always been a flaw.)

The current statistical number of advanced intelligent robots that have reached level four or above is 147!

This number is a bit higher than when Thane first brought the intelligent robots back to the Wizards League.

This shows that in these years, there are still many intelligent robots that have completed their advancement and transformation.

There are so many advanced intelligent robots, if Thane integrates them all into his "mechanical integration mystery"...

What an unprecedented achievement of truth that would be!

Including Thane's strength, it is bound to undergo a fundamental transformation.

But unfortunately, that level of truth is still the same as other practical plans in Thain's plan.

Like experimental projects, it is an experimental plan that is expected to be completed one day in the future.

It is not yet possible to achieve this.

Whether it is the many level-4 robot "hardware" required or the "software" in the field of knowledge reserve.

But at this stage, Thain can lower his sights and demands a little lower.

The combination of more than a hundred intelligent robots of level four or above is really an exaggeration, and it also exceeds the limits of those intelligent robots' own imagination.

However, Thane can consider starting their own integration experiment with more than a dozen advanced intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron with the heads of gold and iron beasts.

Fusion does not necessarily have to be with Thane.

When Thain's Rubik's Cube splits into multiple sub-bodies, under the traction of these Rubik's Cube sub-bodies, intelligent robots such as the Golden Iron Beast can also increase their strength through mechanical fusion.

Even when this technology gradually matured, including Thane, they also made many mechanical modifications to their bodies.

Even without the need for Rubik's Cube bodies, these robots can complete the merger and upgrade!

This is an advanced feature unique to the robot family, and is not the envy of most flesh-and-blood biological groups.

However, Thain heard that some elemental creatures in the star world can also obtain short-term strength advancement through fusion.

From a superficial point of view, the fusion method of these intelligent robots is quite similar to the fusion of elemental creatures.

Thain's experimental exploration of truth is constantly making new discoveries.

Including the frontier battlefields, good news is also coming frequently.

But there was no news for a long time about Catherine and others who infiltrated Corellon's planet.

So much so that Thain couldn't help but worry about the other party.

If it weren't for the Rubik's Cube, it was vaguely conveyed that Kathleen and others were relatively safe at the moment, and were already on the planet Corellon, the deepest part of the star field.

Thain even doubted whether their mission had failed!

Just when Thain's patience was slowly being worn away bit by bit.

Katherine and others who are far away on the Corellon planet have conducted several negotiations with the sixth-level Corellon creature Momosori.

The overall negotiation was not smooth.

Because on some details that Thain couldn't compromise on, Momosoli still wanted to fight for them.

Although it was Kathleen's first time to carry out such a mission of instigating rebellion behind enemy lines, she was a disciple taught by Thain, and she had some of Thain's demeanor back then.

After clearly informing Momosoli that the Holy Tower of Ashes could not accept the demands he made.

Seeing the guardians of Planet Corellon, they gradually discovered some clues about the negotiation meeting here.

Katherine was so cruel that she directly inspired Thain to tell him before leaving.

The Rubik's Cube body that was handed over to her.

The equipment that was originally used as a life-saving prop for Kathleen has now become the last straw for her to force the sixth-level creature Momosoli to accept the status quo.

When the blue-purple light of law appeared on the Corellon planet, many creatures on the Corellon planet, including the guardians, looked at it with feeling.

Holding the Rubik's Cube in her hand, Kathleen scolded, "What are you still hesitating about?!"

"Do you still think that you have too much capital to explore terms with our wizard civilization?"

"Either lead the Corellon Planet Council immediately and surrender to our Holy Tower of Ashes!"

"Either you kill us here and prove your loyalty and determination to resist to the Guardians and King Corellon and others on the frontline battlefield!" Kathleen said angrily.

As expected of the tower master's disciple, the heroism and decisiveness shown by Kathleen at this moment made Magician Ren and others who were traveling with her secretly shocked and impressed.

To actually dare to question a sixth-level creature is indeed not something that ordinary low-level creatures below fourth level can imagine.

Faced with Kathleen's scolding, Momo Soli, a level six creature, couldn't help but lower his head and sigh.

Not only him, but other members of the Council of Planet Corellon who also participated in this secret meeting also lowered their heads and communicated for a while in dejection.

The light of law from the Rubik's Cube body lights up on Corellon's planet.

There are some things that can no longer be hidden, and they must make a decision early.

One of the fourth-level Corellon planet creatures came to Momosoli and said, "If I can sacrifice a small number of people in exchange for more people to survive and avoid the disaster of war, I am willing to be that sinner!"

After saying that, this Level 4 Corellon planet creature actually gritted his teeth and took the initiative to fly in the direction of the guardian.

During its flight, the flying saucer-shaped combat cabin it piloted seemed to have turned on attack mode.

The departure of this fourth-level creature marked the official outbreak of chaos and civil war on the planet Corellon at this moment.

It is estimated that King Corellon and others who were far away on the frontline battlefield did not expect that such chaos would suddenly break out behind them.

The one who learned about the unusual movement on the medium-sized planet earlier than King Corellon and others was Thane, who was holding the Rubik's Cube.

"Notice, temporarily stop the fighting in the surrounding planes, and all participating legions will move closer to the joint fortress group!"

"After notifying the control room of the Federation Fortress Group Master, after 33,440 hourglasses, start the inter-space jump!" Thain said while holding the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

“The live broadcast is going to be live tomorrow, I’m so nervous qaq

Because there are a lot of things to prepare for, tomorrow’s update may be affected. I hope everyone will bear with you and things will be back to normal the day after tomorrow~

Regarding many questions about this book, Xiaodou welcomes everyone to chat with Xiaodou in the live broadcast room~"

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