The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2203 Persuading Surrender

Thane set his sights on Momosoli, a sixth-level creature in the Corellon Star Territory.

There are also people who have approached the person with the greatest say in the Corellon Star Territory - the King of Corellon.

As a semi-technical civilization, the Corellon Star Territory follows the high-level model of the Parliament.

Not entirely speaking in terms of strength.

Therefore, the King of Corellon cannot be said to have unique authority in this civilization. It can only be said that he has the most powerful voice and has high prestige among the middle and lower levels.

The person who found King Corellon was Bond, a level six agent from the Gallente Federation. 🅆

Bond's trip to the Corellon Star Territory really took a lot of trouble.

Because almost the entire territory of the Federation has been blocked by the wizard civilization army.

Bond was able to arrive in a sixth-level body because of the function of his world-class secret treasure.

(If S is a bottom creature, because the life magnetic field is low and it is not valued by wizard civilization, the success rate of escaping from the blockade will be higher.)

Bond came to the Corellon Star Territory with a mission this time.

He came to solve the troubles caused by King Corellon and others.

"How can you help me solve my problem?" King Corellon asked curiously.

The Bond in front of him was very different from when he came into contact with King Corellon many years ago.

Bond has become more mature than before and has some old wounds.

Perhaps because the situation on the main battlefield in the Gallente Federation is not optimistic, Bond always has a trace of melancholy on his face.

When I first met Bond, he was just a level five creature.

Now that they met again, at level six, Bond still surprised the King of Corellon.

Of course, Bond should have just been promoted.

The kind of gene modulation technology mastered by the Gallente Federation is enviable to those in the Corellon Star Territory who also have half a foot in the field of science and technology.

In fact, any world civilization, when in desperate situations, will burst out with extraordinary potential.

This is true for the Gallente Federation, and so is the Corellon Star Territory.

In this short period of a hundred years

, a total of seventeen new level four experts were promoted in the Corellon Star Territory.

Among them, there are even two beings who have reached the peak level of fifth level. It is expected that in the face of the crisis of the collapse of the mother civilization, they can use the power of the mother star to counter the trend and advance to level six.

This is the case in the Corellon Star Territory. It is understandable that Bond reached the sixth level in a relatively short period of time under the environment of the Gallente Federation.

More importantly, Bond's talent is indeed rare in the federal agent world.

Faced with the question of King Corellon, Bond said solemnly, "Our Gallente Federation will not be as hypocritical as the wizarding civilization."

"We will truly help our friends, and we will not do anything like tear up the contract."

"This time a war breaks out in the Corellon Star Territory, we, the Gallente Federation, are willing to assist you." Bond said sincerely.

When Bond said these words, people had to ignore the fact that the Gallente Federation had plundered many plane star cores, and had broken contracts to conquer the Rose Dynasty civilization.

But history is often written by the victors.

As a top civilization, everyone is as black as the crows in the world.

King Corellon will naturally not mention things that make everyone unhappy.

Faced with Bond's statement, King Corellon couldn't help but ask, "Oh, how will you, the Gallente Federation, help us?"

"I heard that almost all of your federation's frontline star fields have been blocked."

"Is it possible that you still have a way to send legions to support our Corellon Star Territory?" The King of Corellon couldn't help but ask.

If the Federation is willing to send troops to help, it is indeed a way out for the Corellon Star Territory.

Bond shook his head at this time and said, "Our Gallente Federation's assistance to your Corellon Star Territory is mainly based on technical support."

"Our federation is willing to donate the science and technology necessary for your development, especially the ordnance technology that you need most at the moment."

"If you Corellon

In the next process of resisting the invasion of wizard civilization, the domain has done relatively well in all aspects of resistance. Our federation will provide you with some financial and military support as appropriate in the future. "

"As for sending legions directly to assist, don't think about it for the time being. Our federation currently has no extra legions available, so we can send them to the remote star field battlefield here." Bond sighed and said.

In fact, as a diplomatic missionary, Bond should not reveal his own side's background so quickly.

He could even deceive King Corellon, saying that if the other party persists for a while, the Federation will send legions to support them.

But Bond ultimately did not do so.

He impressed King Corellon with his sincerity.

"What are the conditions?" King Corellon asked.

There is no free lunch in the world.

King Corellon knew that even some technical assistance, since it came from the Gallente Federation, the top technological civilization, must have prerequisites.

Bond replied, "We hope that your Corellon Star Territory can officially send a circular letter to all plane civilizations in the surrounding star territories to reprimand the wizard civilization for this barbaric and unreasonable invasion."

"It turns out that the wizarding civilization is an evil world that is extremely aggressive and eager to expand."

"It is imperative that we, the Gallente Federation, take the lead and form an anti-wizard alliance!"

"Today, the Corellon Star Territory is in danger of destruction, and our Gallente Federation is also in a difficult battle."

"In the future, when our two world civilizations fall, the surrounding star fields and planes will probably suffer!"

"I think those other worlds that are still in a state of neutral swing should also see this."

"What they lack now is the appeal of the righteous!" Bond looked at the King of Corellon in front of him with burning eyes.

Facing Bond's gaze, King Corellon was silent for a long time, and finally lowered his head and sighed with regret.


While Bond was trying to persuade King Corellon, the other side turned his attention to Momosoli, a sixth-level creature.

Well, I immediately started taking action.

With the help of the communication coordinates obtained by the God of Dusk Salivation, Thane indeed contacted Momosoli who stayed behind on Corellon's home planet.

However, the person who initially communicated with him on behalf of Thain and other powerful wizards was not Thain himself, but his Holy Tower Dean Meili.

Because this involves an issue of initiative.

Thain and others, who are in the posture of conquerors, are undoubtedly the absolute active party now.

What is left to Momosoli and other local strong men in the Corellon Star Territory is unconditional surrender and no other choice!

Of course, during negotiations, it was impossible for Meili, with Thain's instructions, not to give Momosoli and other strong indigenous people some room for maneuver.

What Thane and the others need to do is squeeze out as much value as possible from this medium-sized star field.

If Momosoli can allow Thain and others to significantly reduce the cost they have to pay in the process of conquering this star field, Thain does not mind giving limited benefits to the other party.

The secret talks between the two sides during this war did not yield much useful results at first.

It was impossible for Momosoli to agree to surrender just because of a few words from Thain, and Thain also had to consider whether the other party was pretending to surrender.

But after this contact, both parties have determined something.

Thain needs to send a team of confidant magicians to the Corellon planet in the deepest part of the Corellon Star Territory to conduct a more detailed interview with the sixth-level creature Momosori.

It would be best if this surrender team also brought a magic contract signed by Thain himself.

The wizarding civilization respects the fine tradition of contracts, and even the Corellon Star Territory has heard of it.

Momosoli doesn't believe the conditions Meili verbally agreed to, he only recognizes the contract now!

If only the wizarding civilization represented by Thane could show such sincerity.

Then some of the remaining strong men in the Corellon Star Territory, represented by Momosori, may not be able to agree to what Thane and others proposed - unconditional surrender, disarming the armed forces around the home star, and presenting a world-class secret treasure." Planetary shield" and other harsh conditions.

"There will be more at seven o'clock in the evening~"

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