The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2202 Deadlock and Key

After the World War in Fantasy Sea ends, issues such as loot and resource utilization will be taken into consideration.

Thain agreed to Meili's application and ordered the magicians of the Holy Tower to destructively mine the resources of this plane, including the planet's heart of the plane, which will also be taken out at the last moment.

Time is still quite tight, because there are really a lot of resources and wealth scattered in the fantasy sea world.

Just the "legacy" left by the dozen or so native fourth-level creatures is enough to fatten up the wizard civilization army led by Thane.

Other low-level legions can definitely benefit from the world of fantasy sea.

"The Corellon Star Territory itself is a medium-sized civilization that has embarked on a semi-technological path. After conquering them, you, the intelligent robot family, should also be able to reap considerable benefits." After the war, Thane expressed his enthusiasm for taking the initiative to welcome himself. Said the greeting Golden Iron Beast.

"Thank you Master Thain for taking care of our intelligent robot family over the years."

"Before coming here, Lord Megatron mentioned to me many times that I must firmly obey your command on this battlefield in the star field."

"If the Wizards Alliance had not assigned other tasks to our intelligent robot family, the two leaders Optimus Prime and Megatron would have arrived here." The Golden Iron Beast said respectfully to Thane.

"Haha, we broke out from the Gallente Federation together and had a fateful friendship."

"If anything good happens, I will definitely think of you first."

"Including the fact that I hold the Rubik's Cube in my hand, I naturally have a good impression of you smart robots." Thain said with a smile.

"So are we. It is our honor to fight under your command, Master Thain." The Golden Iron Beast said hurriedly.

Jintiemon is extremely powerful and has excellent commanding abilities.

What's even more commendable is that it understands the world better than other intelligent robots.

Li Batian, who has just completed the temporary integration experiment with Thane, is a tough guy who can only use brute force most of the time, while the Human Torch is more angry and direct.

Only the golden and iron beast in front of him is extremely nurturing and knows how to deal with the world.

It doesn't look like a robot that runs intelligently and follows a program at all. No wonder it was given a heavy responsibility by the two leaders of the intelligent robot family.

Thane smiled and said, "Compared with the name 'Megatron', I still prefer its former name of 'Decepticon'."

After the end of the Fantasy Sea World War.

Some legions were left to clean up and collect the proceeds of the subsequent war in this world, while Thain continued

Leading the main force of his legion, he continued to march deeper into the Corellon Star Territory.

For a war in a medium-sized star field, a sixth-level strongman like Thain would see a different picture than an ordinary fourth-level strongman.

Perhaps what ordinary level four experts see is that this star field is so prosperous and there are so many creatures above level four that it may not be easy to conquer.

But what a sixth-level creature like Thane saw was that since he successfully killed a sixth-level creature in the fantasy sea world, the already extremely rich Corellon Star Territory once again opened its most plump and rich resources to him. A place waiting for Thane to conquer.

The planet Jerriman, where Thane's wife Lena is currently located, is a planetary battlefield passed by Thain's army.

However, Thane had no intention of intervening in the war on Lina's side. He just took a look from a distance outside the planet.

Lena doesn't need Thane's help at all!

In addition to Lina's personal strength, which is really good among level five, she also opened a door to the undead on the Jellyman planet this time.

Several level four undead warriors walked out of the door of the undead opened by Lina.

And there is an endless tide of undead under his command.

Of these undead powerhouses, Thain only knew the Bone Dragon Sanchez, who had been promoted to the peak level four.

The other four level undead creatures should be other powerful people that Lina signed contracts with from the undead world in recent years.

Thane and Lena took different paths.

In addition to the study of fire magic, Thane is pursuing another path in the fields of mechanics and alchemy.

Lina is extremely accomplished in the fields of dark magic and undead magic.

After taking a look at Jerriman's planet where Lena was, Thane continued to fly towards the next more difficult-to-conquer battlefield.

Ever since Thane killed a level six creature in the fantasy world, Corellon Star Territory's defensive front has had huge loopholes.

Although there are still a lot of creatures above level four in this star field, the strength and number of level six creatures are a flaw.

The remaining local strongmen who were still stranded on their home planet, unable to decide whether to seek peace or to fight, also headed to the front line one after another to resist the attack from the legion led by Thain.

Because if you continue to hesitate, it will not just be as simple as "suggesting peace", but directly defeating the conquered and allowing Thane and other powerful wizards and civilizations to bully and cut their flesh.

The sixth-level Corellon star domain creature Canalido, who originally tried to contact the Lord of the Waves, took the initiative to fly to the battlefield where Thain was to defend himself against the powerful enemy.

He knew that he was definitely no match for Thain, so he made up his mind and couldn't stand it!

Including when Thane activated the main cannon of the Union Fortress and wanted to use the "Destroying Shock Light" sequencer to directly destroy the plane planet where these native creatures were stationed.

This guy was also very bachelor and abandoned the planet, leading his army in the Corellon Star Territory to defend the battlefield on the next plane.

This guy is a real talent.

His style of play is a bit frustrating, but the advantage is that he can preserve his strength as much as possible.

And it also forced the advancement speed of Thain and others to slow down again!

The "World-Destroying Shock Light" sequencer of the Thane Federation Fortress cannot be used endlessly.

It is even more impossible for him to destroy more than 400 planets in the Corellon Star Territory.

Just relying on fighting like this, Thain didn't have any good ideas for a while.

More importantly, Canalidor brought enough creatures above Level 4 in the Corellon Star Domain.

He brought out almost all the remaining forces on his home planet.

Although Thain has not yet conducted detailed statistics on the number of creatures above level four in the entire Corellon Star Territory, there is no problem if it exceeds two hundred.

Even Thane, Rose and Eric brought a large number of vassal legions and summoned units.

But it is not easy to eat so many powerful foreigners in one go.

So at the beginning, Thain would want to instigate rebellion and win over a group of strong opponents.

If these Corellon Star Domain creatures could voluntarily surrender, it would save Thane a lot of trouble and reduce his own casualties.

"Find a way to help me contact that sixth-level Corellon creature Canalido."

"The last local sixth-level creature did not accept our persuasion to surrender, so he died."

"Ask Canalido if he is willing to give up resistance and become a vassal of our wizard civilization."

"If he can prove his sincerity and value, I can consider discussing with the Spider Queen to grant limited rights to these Crellon Star Domain creatures who are willing to surrender.

profit. "Sain said to the God of Dusk Saliva under his command.

When it comes to things like sending envoys and instigating rebellion, the God of Mu Saliva is quite skilled.

"Yes, sir."

"I will condense a divine clone and pass your instructions to the other party." The God of Mu Shi replied respectfully.

It didn't take long for Thain to send a messenger to contact Canalido before he received a response from the other party.

Canalido refused Thane's persuasion to surrender. He even chopped off the god's clone of the God of Dusk Salivation!

Although this guy is a peacemaker, he is extremely strong-tempered.

Now that he has had a blood feud with the wizarding civilization, he will never compromise again.

However, Canalido did not give up completely.

Recently, he has been contacting the Lord of Wei Zhuo in an attempt to get help from this Lord.

Unfortunately, Canalido's persistence was ultimately meaningless and in vain.

Although the God of Dusk Saliva lost a god's clone during this trip, he brought back another piece of valuable news to Thain.

"Lord Thane, instead of instigating rebellion against Canalidor, Corellon Star Territory actually has a better goal." The God of Dusk Saliva said.

"Oh?" Thain said in surprise.

"I went to the battlefield on the planet Cytense during this trip and found that not all the powerful people in the Corellon Star Territory are willing to follow the King of Corellon, Canalidor and others to fight to the death with our wizard civilization."

"Among them, a level 4 Corellon star creature, before I came into contact with Canalidor, secretly handed me a transmission coordinate and told me a name."

"The opponent is the last sixth-level creature in the Corellon Star Territory that has not directly conflicted with our wizard civilization army, named Momosoli."

"At the same time, the other party is currently guarding their home planet - Planet Corellon." The God of Dusk Saliva said.


After hearing this, Thain fell into deep thought.

He took over the summons coordinates that the God of Dusk Saliva had found out.

The names of the creatures in the Corellon Star Territory are all very strange, and Thane is not used to them.

Could this Momosoli be the key to unlocking the deadlock faced by Thain and others on the front line?

“I was reading a female pornographic article this morning, and I didn’t expect it to be so addictive.

The next chapter will be updated around two o’clock”

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