The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2182 Newcomers Join

The conversation between Thain and Klopp was completed through remote magic transmission.

After receiving the instructions from Knight Klopp, Thain began to prepare intensively.

Thain has left it to Meili to complete the scheduling of the Ashes Holy Tower Magician Legion.

Including arriving at the border of the Corellon Star Territory within thirty years, Thane has also notified all the holy towers and knight halls in the Land of Ashes.

Except for Musol's Black Forest Holy Tower Legion, which is currently on the front line, performing the resource transportation task assigned by the wizard civilization, and cannot arrive on time. 🅆

Other holy towers and knight halls responded to the call for war from Thain, a sixth-level magician.

Also after Thane was promoted to level six, his Land of Ashes became noticeably more lively and prosperous.

The two long-term garrison members mentioned by the Guardian Organization have not arrived yet, but two others have arrived, newly promoted fourth-level strongmen who want to build a holy tower and a knight's hall in the Land of Ashes.

"The newly promoted fourth-level magician Borrick from the Abarut Empire, and the newly promoted fourth-level knight Ganulu from the Kingdom of Jahana, want to come to our land of ashes to build a holy tower and a knight's hall. You have Do you need any instructions?" Meili asked after agreeing to Thain's legion dispatching work.

"Why do the magicians from the Ebalut Empire want to come to our land of ashes to build a holy tower?"

"Isn't the magical atmosphere over there better?" Thain asked curiously.

"I can really answer this question for you." Meili smiled.

"Because Borrick is one of the first batch of magic apprentices to come to our Holy Tower of Ashes as exchange students."

"He even served as a magic assistant at the Ebalut Empire Public Magic Academy, and after being promoted to the first level, he came to our Holy Tower of Ashes to teach for more than a hundred years. I had a bit of an impression of him."

"It's just that after level three, he returned to the Ebalut Empire and never heard anything about him again."

"I didn't expect that when I appeared again, I would be a newly promoted fourth-level magician. He grew up really fast." Meili sighed.

Ashes Holy Tower's exchange student policy was established when Holy Tower Academy was first established.

The purpose is to solve the problem of the source of students for the Holy Tower.

Since Borrick, the fourth-level magician, was among the first batch of apprentices to come to the Holy Tower of Ashes, it meant that he was definitely less than 10,000 years old.

"Are you the newly promoted fourth-level magician who grew up during the Civilized War?" Thain sighed.

Borrick's talent is indeed not bad, and more importantly, he is equivalent to half a member of the Holy Tower of Ashes.

A fourth-level magician finally emerged from his Holy Tower Academy, and Thain was filled with emotion for a while.

Especially since the other party chose to come to the Land of Ashes to build a holy tower instead of the Abarut Empire, which has a stronger magical academic atmosphere, Thain is still very optimistic about the other party's vision.

Another fourth-level knight, Ganuru, has little to do with the Holy Tower of Ashes.

After he was promoted to the fourth level, he inspected various parts of the wizarding world for more than a hundred years before finally deciding to build a knight's hall in the Land of Ashes.

Meili said, this is a fourth-level knight with a wild style.

The reason why the other party chose to build the Knights Hall in the Land of Ashes is also very simple and ridiculous.

He has been investigating various places in the wizarding world for more than a hundred years. It is not that he found that the laws and environment here in the Land of Ashes are better, but that he feels that this place is destined to him.

So I slapped my forehead and made such a decision.

Compared to the other knight hall masters in the Land of Ashes, this Ganuru Knight seems to be more upright.

As the expedition was about to begin, Thain naturally did not have the time to discuss too many cooperation details with these two new powerful players.

They chose to build their own holy tower and knight's hall in the Land of Ashes, and Thane was still welcoming, especially the magician Borrick.

Thain said, "I need to go out temporarily. When I come back, call them to me and have a chat."

"There is also the upcoming expedition to the Corellon Star Territory. Ask them if they are interested."

"The Holy Tower and the Knights' Hall cannot be built in a short time.

Come. "

"I can invite them to join the Corellon Star Territory war in advance." Thane said.

Meili nodded and replied, "Okay, I will inform them both of this information."

Going to the world of Sky Orbit Star to perform the special mission of Klopp Knight, Thain did not need to say too much to other people in the Holy Tower.

It's just a low-level plane. Even if the opponent summons a sixth-level creature to help in the battle by some means, it won't take too long to get there.

But before setting off, Thane was hugged by Tourmare's legs and entangled for a while after waking up from her slumber.

Tourmaline, who has grown into a young girl, becomes more and more graceful and youthful in the eyes of Thain.

What's even more rare is that Tourmaline's childishness is obviously still there.

As a result, she still has the cute temperament she had in the past.

Speaking of which, Thain and Tour Xi have known each other for more than 10,000 years.

Bixi grows so slowly, I wonder if it is because of her dragon turtle qualification.

Tourmaline also talked to Thain. When her sister Bai Xing was as old as her, she was already very mature in all aspects.

"The Ashes Holy Tower Legion is setting off again? Can you take me with you this time?" Bixi asked, holding Thain's waist and shaking his arm.

How could Thain have the heart to refuse Bixi's request, so he nodded.

"Okay! I'm going to summon the sea army under my command!"

"Also, my sister left a batch of Neptune species for me last time. I can bring them with me this time too!" Bixi said happily.

Thain touched Bi Xi's head out of habit and said, "Then you go and coordinate with Meili. I have something else to do here and I have to go out first."

"Okay, Thane, go ahead and do your work. I'll go gather the Sea Legion." Bixi wrapped two cyan ribbons around his flawless arms and skipped away from the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Even though she is about to grow into a girl, Bixi still seems to be a child.

After watching Tourmaline leave, Thain set off from the Ashes Saint

Depart from the tower.


This trip went to Sky Orbit Star to perform a special mission, and Thain did not need to drive his combined fortress group again.

The expedition to the Corellon Star Territory is imminent, and the Federation fortress group will be parked outside the Wizarding World, just assist Meili and others in completing the transfer of the Holy Tower Legion and war supplies.

As for the combat power he brought, Thain only brought the eight-winged angel Fumila stored in the Rubik's Cube.

The mission requirement given to him by Knight Klopp is to assist the wizard civilization army on the battlefield over there and eliminate all living creatures in the world of Tiangui Star.

It means to kill them all.

The wizarding civilization's execution methods for traitors have always been so cruel.

There are also more than ten million mechanical legions stored in Thane's Rubik's Cube.

I believe that those low-level mechanical cannon fodder that have not yet awakened to their own wisdom can perfectly execute any order given to them by Thane.

A huge black phoenix appeared at the feet of Thane, and carried Thain on its back, leaving the wizarding world and flying deep into the starry sky.

This elemental phoenix is ​​really convenient as a transportation tool.

Tiangui Star is not far from the Wizarding World. This is an alien plane that joined the Wizarding Alliance earlier.

It's just that the location is too remote, and there are no special resources nearby.

As a result, Tiangui Star has not developed for so many years, and it is still a world civilization at the low-level level.

Of course, this is Thain's judgment on Tiangui Star from the perspective of wizard civilization.

In fact, in the eyes of the creatures in the Tiangui Star world, their development has been stagnant for so many years. The biggest factor is that they have been enduring endless exploitation by the wizard civilization...

Although this is indeed true, it sounds a bit unpleasant when you say it.

Besides, there are indeed many world civilizations in the Wizarding Alliance that have completed the leap and promotion with the help of the Wizarding World.

The development of the Tiangui Star world has been stagnant, and you can't rely entirely on the Wizarding World.

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