The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2181 Special Mission

Thain asked Dominator Knight Klopp for instructions on whether he could send troops to the Corellon Star Territory.

The answer came quickly – yes!

Knight Klopp didn't even say anything more to Thane about this war plan.

He just answered these two words.

Including the various combat corps that Thane needs to bring to the Corellon Star Territory, after coordination, there should be no problem.

The Great World War of Apocalypse, where Master Thain is located, has basically ended in recent years.

The great world of Apocalypse was completely occupied and conquered by wizard civilization.

Including the seventh-level Apocalypse Lord, he also died 248 years ago.

This is the 17th master who has fallen from all parties combined on the civilized battlefield.

Such frequent occurrences of the fall of masters only occur during wars between top civilizations.

The Gallente Federation's Overlord-class war fleet group is too large in scale and has the characteristics of real-time replenishment of ships, so it is difficult to calculate exactly how to calculate the death of a Overlord-class combat force.

What the wizard civilization is looking at is whether the fleet number of the Gallente Federation will be cancelled.

If even the fleet designation is cancelled, then the Wizarding Civilization will conclude that they have destroyed a Federation Dominator-class fleet.

In comparison, the fall and crash situation of the Gallente Federation's Dominator-level fortresses and Dominator-level giant mechas are better to be calculated.

Because they are all single beings.

But no matter what, behind the fall of the 17 masters, it represents the unimaginable destruction of trillions of living beings.

The total population of the Gallente Federation plummeted by one-third during the Civilization War.

And this downward trend will continue to develop as the wizard civilization front advances.

It is conceivable who is the real loser in this war.

Although the war in the Apocalypse Star Territory has basically ended, only a handful of resistance forces are still struggling in recent years.

However, Thain's master and other members of his sect did not immediately leave the Apocalypse World battlefield, but continued to be stationed at that place.

Are you kidding? How could you leave the territory you just established so easily? ! \u003cb


Just like Thain followed the Zerg and the Tianming Empire when they first conquered the Divine Star Territory.

If you don't have a good meal in this private land that you have already occupied, how can you be worthy of the efforts that you and others have made in conquering this large star field.

Regarding this point, the higher-ups of wizard civilization also adopt a recognized and tolerant attitude.

The occupied world of Apocalypse indeed belongs to the wizarding civilization.

But the wizarding civilization will also allow those who are the main combatants to have priority in enjoying the abundant wealth and war benefits that this world has.

Without enough benefits, how can it be possible for the wizard civilization to work together to defeat the enemy and win the civilized war just by relying on orders?

However, during this period, there is still a big difference in treatment between the creatures of the Wizarding Alliance and the local powerful people in the Wizarding World.

For example, Master Thain Cuilisi and others can continue to be stationed in the Apocalypse Great World battlefield for two to three hundred years.

After all, those Jade Fire Holy Tower legions also need to rest.

The wizards' alliance legions as vassals were not so lucky.

The alien gods in the Wizards Alliance can stay in a "profit-producing" battlefield like the Apocalypse Star Territory for more than a hundred years. This is already the result of the wizards' civilization showing great kindness and consciously diverting some resources to their vassal younger brothers.

Any more and it will definitely not work!

How can a servant enjoy the same treatment as his master?

Is the Wizards Alliance really what it claims to be, a beautiful alliance that advocates freedom, equality, mutual trust, and cooperation?

The Huyan Legion, the Kryptonian Legion, the Wonderful World Legion, etc. that Thain had previously recruited during his mission had all been following Trilis, Thain's master, in the past period of time.

During the Apocalypse Star Territory War, these alliance legions also made a lot of benefits.

For the sake of Thane, Triris also took great care of these Alliance legions.

At least not directly like other unfamiliar alliance legions.

Serve as cannon fodder and scapegoat, to consume the vitality of Apocalypse World with your life.

It is also for this reason that these alliance legions who are very close to Thain have a very good overall impression of Thain and the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

No matter what, I am afraid of comparison.

People such as the King of the Huyans, the fifth-level Kryptonian warrior Karazo, and the powerful Gal Gadot from the mysterious plane are no longer newcomers who have just wandered into the star world.

What is the specific situation in the Wizards' Union? They have been joining for such a long time. Can't they still see it? 🅆

Looking at the foreign gods of the alliance and their fighting legions without backers, they rushed into the front line of the civilized battlefield with extremely exaggerated casualty rates one after another, with grimaces on their faces, as if they were trying to fill their lives.

All the combat units that are still on standby will take a deep breath of air-conditioning in their hearts.

It is also a blessing for those low-level legions in other planes to have a reliable and thoughtful god to protect them.

Not all foreign gods will be as comfortable as a fish in water on the civilized battlefield like the King of Ghost Crows.

The Huyan King and others, who have witnessed the fall of many gods, know the importance of holding tightly to Thane and his disciples.

However, Trilis is a veteran sixth-level powerhouse in the wizarding world with hundreds of thousands of years of profound knowledge.

There are too many powerful people in the Wizarding Alliance who are dependent on her, or have interests related to her!

Cuillis's connections and the influence she could mobilize on the Wizards Alliance legions meant that she didn't need to place too much importance on those Huyans and Kryptonian legions who had only come closer in the past few thousand years.

Therefore, for these alien legions with a shallow foundation in the Wizards Alliance, Thane is their best choice!

Including Cuilis taking care of the Huya Legion, it was also for Thain's sake.

Otherwise, as early as after the war in the star field around the Black Bat civilization ended, these alien legions that had just come over would have been consumed by Trilis as cannon fodder.

After all, those gods from other planes and other worlds who have followed Cai Cuilis for a longer time and joined the Wizards Alliance for a longer time have no credit but hard work.


There is no reason to leave the old people alone and only support the newcomers.

It was just right for Thane to invite the Huyans, the Kryptonian Legion, the Wonderful Plane Legion, etc. to participate in his next war.

Because if Thane does not recruit them in time, since there is no war on Trilis for the time being, what awaits them may be to be recruited by the wizard civilization to other star field battlefields on the front line.

At that time, there may not be "kind people" like Thain and the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect to take care of them.

The dispatch of the Huyan Legion, the Kryptonian Legion, and the Wonderful Plane Legion takes time.

Including some logistical supply preparations, it also takes a certain amount of time.

It would be thirty years at the earliest before Thane could lead his legions to the battlefield in the Corellon Star Territory.

It was also during this time that Thain needed to go out for a short trip to perform a task that Klopp Knight had just given him.

"It just so happens that you have been promoted to level six. I have an internal mission here that I need you to carry out."

"At the same time, this is also the first special task you perform after joining the 'Reserve Potential Master Training Program' to prove your qualifications." Klopp Knight said to Thain.

"This mission is not difficult to handle. In fact, the war over there has been almost complete over the past few years."

"What you need to complete is to assist our wizard civilization army to eliminate all living creatures in the world of Tiangui Star."

"Our legion, in the past ten years, has completely disintegrated this low-level resistance force that betrayed the Wizards Alliance."

"It's just that these creatures in the Tiangui Star world seem to have summoned a very troublesome level six creature this time."

"I originally wanted others to go, but since you have been promoted to level six, and you have shown that you can compete with level six creatures in your early years, your strength should be stronger now, right?"

"You only need to repel the level six creature that was summoned. Of course, killing is the best." Klopp touched his chin and said to Thain.

"Yes, my lord," Thane replied.

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