The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2158 Success

Due to an unexpected mistake, he asked two of the proud disciples of a true spirit level magician to treat his wife's injuries.

In the entire wizarding world, it would be difficult to put together a more luxurious lineup than this.

Thane couldn't get the real masters to take action.

At the beginning, Eric was very impatient and even a little dissatisfied.

He thought that Thain had found another level five necromancer to come over and participate in the treatment.

Not only did he doubt his ability, but he also insulted Eric.

However, when he saw Natalya in a state of soul silence in the ice coffin, Eric quickly became interested.

This kind of knight between life and death is really rare!

Even Eric had never seen a few similar specimens in his mentor's collection room.

So I couldn't help but ask, "How did you save this female knight whose soul was broken and who was destined to die in the first place?" 🅆

Faced with Eric's question, Xia Ya answered first, "We gave her the golden apple potion."

Eric suddenly looked astonished.

After all, a normal magician from the Holy Tower could even get something like a golden apple. It was really different from the situation in the Black Realm.

However, he was willing to give the golden apple potion to a third-level knight. Eric couldn't help but secretly thought he was an idiot.

Even Eric, a sixth-level black magician, didn't have many potions of this level in his hands.

Although there is a true spirit-level black magician as a mentor, the concept of master-disciple among the black magician group is relatively indifferent, and Eric has not received much help from Hexiu.

Moreover, Eric was able to be accepted as a disciple by He Xiu a long time ago. In addition to his excellent personal talent, luck also played a large role.

He was the only one among the "experimental assistants" hired by He Xiu to survive.

And later, he successfully survived several black magic experiments hosted by Hexiu.

Perhaps seeing that this little guy was destined to be with him, He Xiu casually accepted him as his disciple.

I didn't expect that it has been so many years.

Eric has also achieved the level of a sixth-level black magician.

Cheney, the fifth-level necromancer, is also very interested in Natalya's current situation.

But what he was more interested in was Lina, who was in the state of one body and two souls, and also came to observe Natalya's treatment experiment.

Lina had just finished giving birth and was still relatively weak at this time, but she knew that Thain was very concerned about this experiment, so she came with her.

Regarding Natalya's situation, Cheney was the first to express his opinion.

Facing Cheney's series of eloquent talks in the field of soul mysteries, not only Mekelly in Lina couldn't help but nod, but even Eric, who originally looked down on this guy, gradually changed his eyes.

"This fifth-level necromancer masters the secrets of soul-based magic that are indeed much deeper than mine." Mekelly, who temporarily took control of Lina's body, came close to Thain and whispered through spiritual power.

Even Mekelly recognized Cheney's ability, and Thain couldn't help but nodded and gave Xia Ya a reassuring extension.

After a while, Eric also expressed his opinion.

He was asked to come here by the Spider Queen Rose. Eric, who had not dared to disobey Rose's instructions from the first level, was eaten by the Spider Queen until he was promoted to the sixth level.


Including the one who came to rescue Natalya this time, he was really here to help, and he didn't have any bad intentions.

It's just that the other party's black magician's temperament and past make it difficult to believe it at first.

Eric's statement is not much different from Cheney's, but it is supplemented in some other areas.

When he heard Eric's insights in the realm of soul mysteries, Cheney couldn't help but turn his head and look at him in surprise.

It is estimated that even Cheney did not expect that this sixth-level magician also mastered such profound soul-related mysteries.

You know, some of Cheney's knowledge was inherited from the true spirit-level necromancer Rogge.

The very obvious black magician temperament in Eric only made Cheney's eyes slightly wrinkled, but did not reveal anything.

Necromancers, as a group of spellcasters who deal with corpses and undead spirits all year round, are inherently repulsive to the boundaries of darkness, and are not that deep.

Among the black magicians who fell into the black realm in the wizarding world, the largest group of black magicians turned out to be undead magicians!

This also promoted the development of the academic fields of the black realm undead system and corpse-refining synthetic beasts.

As long as Thain doesn't reveal Eric's identity publicly, Cheney doesn't intend to pursue anything.

He was almost too busy with his mentor's Tower of True Spirit, so he had no time to care about the master of the Ashes Holy Tower and why he had a relationship with a sixth-level black magician in the Black Domain.

Moreover, the Eric in front of him also gained some recognition from Cheney because of his outstanding insights into the realm of soul-related mysteries.

Masters always appreciate each other.

Even if they come from different camps and regions.

Thain doesn't want to delve into those too high-end soul-based truths. He is not a master in this area, so he only needs to understand them briefly.

Facing the two invited fifth- and sixth-level magicians, although Thain had already predicted the outcome of their discussion, he still couldn't help but ask, "What is the success rate of rescuing Natalya?" ?”

When Thain asked this question, Xia Ya also stared at the two of them closely.

At least Thain could still get a general idea, but Xia Ya was completely different. Just now it was like listening to a book from heaven, so nervous that she unknowingly held onto Thain's magic robe.

At this time, it was related to the success rate of her daughter's treatment. Xia Ya was nervous and held onto Thane's magic robe harder.

Thain didn't notice this detail, but Mei Kelly, who was still dominating Lina's body next to him, glanced at Xia Ya's "not honest" left hand.

When Eric heard this, he was very straightforward and replied without thinking, "There is about a 7266 success rate."

"Your wife is actually in a state of suspended animation. The success rate of treatment is close to three-quarters, which is not low. What else do you want?" Eric frowned.

On the other side, Cheney, who has a more stable personality, was not as straightforward in his answer as Eric, but the probability he gave was actually lower.

"There is about a 6978 success rate, Master Thain, we will do our best." Cheney said.

But then, he gave another explanation: "However, I have a way to condense the soul here.

The soul secret of force can add up to a success rate of about 15 on the basis of 6978, but this has a prerequisite. "

When Cheney said this, not only Thain and others were attracted, but even Eric looked at Cheney with some distrust.

Are you kidding? Add a 15% success rate?

The overall success rate is already close to 85!

Even Eric, who has a mid-level seventh-level true spirit black magician mentor, can't open such a mouth. He doesn't quite believe how this fifth-level undead magician can do it.

It is definitely not the secret of truth that he has mastered himself! Or maybe he was bragging. Eric thought to himself.

Just as Eric thought, Cheney later said that this was indeed not the secret of truth that he had mastered, but that he had inherited it from his mentor.

For this reason, when Cheney was performing this cutting-edge secret that helped Natalya condense her soul, no one should be around to watch, especially an "expert" like Eric.

A fifth-level fire elementalist like Thain can provide some assistance.

And Cheney immediately made it clear what the prerequisites were for him to use this secret of truth - "Soul crystals, I need a lot of soul crystals!"

"Maybe Master Thain, you will have some misunderstandings about the number of soul crystals I need."

"But I want to remind you that the total number of soul crystals that will be consumed in the end may wipe out a sixth-level magician's net worth."

"If there are enough soul crystals, I can guarantee that the success rate will be increased by 15."

"If there are fewer soul crystals, the correspondingly improved success rate will also decrease." Cheney said.

After hearing Cheney's statement, Xia Ya was still anxious about how to get so many soul crystals.

Thain's body relaxed.

"So what you want is the soul crystal."

"This matter is easy to handle." Thain breathed a sigh of relief.


This time it was Cheney's turn to be surprised.

He even felt that Thain didn't hear what he said clearly just now.

This is a soul crystal that is enough to wipe out a sixth-level magician's net worth! The required magic currency expenditure may involve tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

"You can already start the preliminary preparations for the rescue experiment."

"I will provide you with all the soul crystals you need in the shortest possible time," Thain said.

After saying that, Thain thought of something again and added, "Although Master Cheney said before that you don't need to pay for treatment, in the end, regardless of success or failure, we will still pay you a reward."

"And the reward paid to you is also soul crystal." Thain said.

"Oh...ah?" Cheney looked up and said in surprise.

Cheney and Eric came well prepared, so their experiment on Natalya's awakening was carried out quickly.

And Thane also got a huge amount of soul crystals as promised.

Even though the two of them had a true spirit-level magician as their mentor, they were also a little curious as to where Thain got so many soul crystals.

——During the time when Thane went to the frontline star field to participate in the auction, the Zerg had another

A lot of soul crystals were transported and piled up in the Yijing demiplane.

Including such a big thing as rescuing his wife Natalya, Thain would not hesitate to intercept part of the soul crystal that was supposed to be sent to the Belen Empire and the Black Territory.

In short, it will be enough to make up for it in the end. Thain has already asked the Zerg to increase the order.

With a sufficient amount of soul crystals as support, the success rate of Natalya's rescue experiment reached 8478 as promised!

This is already an extremely high number. Looking at the entire wizarding world, except for those true spirit level magicians, I am afraid no one can answer this number anymore.

Even Cheney, who has a conservative personality, still said the lowest probability.

The actual highest probability is actually over 90.

However, there are also problems.

Natalya's soul can be awakened, and there are even so many soul crystals to condense the power of her soul. After awakening, Natalya's soul strength may be directly comparable to that of a fourth-level creature.

But even if some of Natalya's broken soul is put back together, there will still be cracks, not to mention the lost soul fragments.

In this case, Cheney has told Thain to expect that his wife will suffer partial amnesia.

It's just losing part of the memory, it's not a big deal.

The worst thing is to start a new love relationship.

In the past, it was Nataya, a female man, who pursued Thain. In the days that followed, Thain felt that he could take the initiative.

He felt that he really owed Natalya a lot.

And after the tense waiting and long experiment was finally over.

Looking at the light of elements around the experimental platform, it finally gradually dimmed.

Thain couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Did it succeed?"

Of course the experiment was successful, and Thain had even sensed Natalya's fresh breath.

It's just that Natalya hasn't opened her eyes yet, so Thain is also a little afraid of any changes that may occur during the process.

In front of the experimental table, Cheney took off his elemental glasses and nodded.

He said, "It has been successful, but your wife still needs to recuperate and rest for a period of time to adapt to her current soul strength."

"This time won't be long. It may be a few years, but it won't be more than ten years at most. Don't worry." Cheney said with a smile.

For fifth- and sixth-level magicians, more than ten years are indeed just a blink of an eye.

When Thain heard this, he let out a long sigh of relief.

I couldn't help but express my gratitude again to Cheney in front of me, and to Eric, who also played a big role in the experiment.

A large number of soul crystals were brought up by Thain's mechanical angel Fumila and handed over to the two of them as a reward.

When he saw Fumila, who had level six strength, Cheney showed a look of amazement on his face.

Eric couldn't help but nodded.

He knew why Rose, the Spider Queen, wanted to win over Thane.

"In addition, there is an experimental subject that requires your help." Thain took the opportunity to say to the two of them.

"The current monthly ticket is 748~

Brothers, can you break 800? If so, I will update another chapter around two o'clock~"

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