The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2157 Treatment

When Thain's son was born, in addition to the female family members of the Holy Tower of Ashes, it didn't take long for members of the Grant family and Duan Po, the adoptive father Thain had just found for his son, to see the little guy.

At this time, the child was in the hands of his grandfather, Kelman Grant.

Kelman has indeed become older over the years, much older than Thane was when he first returned to the wizarding world hundreds of years ago.

In the wizarding world, when the bodies of knights experience irreversible excessive aging, it often means that these knights are about to reach the end of their lifespan.

Unlike the group of magicians, they become stronger with age due to the accumulation of knowledge.

The golden age of knights is still in the early and middle stages of life.

However, Grant Sr. was still very excited to see another of his biological grandchildren before half of his body was buried.

He kept pricking this little cutie with his stubble, making the eardrum-breaking cries from the top of the Holy Tower of Ashes even louder.

But everyone looked happy.

Could a baby who was born a Level 2 creature still be pricked by a beard?

Only Thain muttered, "The more powerful the creature, the longer it takes to conceive offspring. This is because these new lives are already learning and absorbing the knowledge contained in the genes of their parents during the egg stage. .”

"Just like a young dragon, when it just breaks out of its shell, it can use simple means of using elemental power such as breathing fire, and a part of dragon language."

"Why does this boy give me the impression that he is not mature at all? Didn't he stay in his mother's belly for so many years?" Thain touched his chin and thought.

Then, Thain called the Dragon Vein Warlock Mel over and asked her if she knew the reason.

"Maybe your physique is too strong. When he was in fetal form, he mainly absorbed and inherited your physique, which is why Lina's body is so deficient now."

"He didn't inherit much knowledge from you, so his wisdom is still at the ordinary infant stage."

"And the offspring of people with strong life levels like you and Lina often have a very long growth period."

"His infancy and subsequent toddler and teenage years should also last for a long time."

"Just like a giant dragon needs nearly a thousand years to reach maturity, but as a descendant of humans in the wizarding world, it shouldn't take that long." Mel lowered his head and replied in thought.

(sThe most obvious situation is that of Mel and Tourmaline, because their parents are too powerful, and until now, they have not fully developed.

Mel is slightly better, because her father is not that strong, and Mel also has a major feature on her chest that makes Tourmaline envious. )

"Really?" Thain

He was shocked to hear it.

It was also when Thain and Mel were discussing this topic that the little guy not far away finally stopped crying.

Because at this time, Soul appeared in front of the little guy.

At this time, Po was wearing a thick layer of bandages all over his body, and as a monk in the fairyland, his appearance and temperament were very different from humans in the wizarding world.

Only Duan Po's sharp eyes are impressive.

Originally, everyone thought that Duan Po, who had an extremely sharp temperament, would scare the little guy.

Unexpectedly, when Duan Po appeared in front of Thain's son, the little boy was not frightened. Instead, he laughed and stretched out his hand as if he wanted to hug Duan Po.

When Duan Po saw this, he felt a little at a loss.

It wasn't that he couldn't hold the child because he was still injured, but that he didn't know how to get along with such a little guy.

In a hurry, Duan Po finally remembered that he had a gift to give to his godson.

It's a bunch of grass gourds.

Duan Po tied this knot with his own hands in the past two days. He really didn't know what to give to a baby.

Grass gourds are toys that elders often make for children in the secular world.

Duan Po was born in poverty since he was a child and has been in the casual cultivator world for so many years. Naturally, he also knows some miscellaneous gadgets.

Due to the condensed ray of Xuanxian Qi of Duan Po, this string of grass gourds is still very hard, enough for this strong little guy to toss and play with at will.

The little guy was also attracted to this string of grass gourds.

With his chubby arms, he grabbed the other person's hand and even danced with joy.

When Duan Po saw this, the cold and cold temperament that he had maintained suddenly melted away a lot.

He reached out and touched the child's cheek.

While seeing this cute child, Duan Po couldn't help but think about how her sister would behave if she knew she had a nephew.

Thain also walked up to Duan Po at this time, smiled and said, "It seems that my son and you are indeed destined."

"The grass gourd is also called the 'sword-raising gourd'. Your son loves this gift so much. Even in our fairyland's concept, he will be an excellent monk in the future." Duan Po said.

"As for the part of the spiritual power I left inside, it can continuously warm his body as he grows up, and can inspire him to defend against enemies when encountering danger in the future."

When Sean heard this, he frowned.

Pick, when he looked at the grass gourd that his son had already grasped, he did find a trace of special power contained in it.

This straw gourd is not valuable, the important thing is the intention contained in it - it was made by Duan Po himself, and there is a ray of protective aura left by him.

"It just so happens that you need to recuperate in the wizarding world. If Lina and I can't take care of this little guy during our usual experiments, I'll ask you, my adoptive father, to help take care of him." Thain said with a smile.

Duan Po did not refuse this time, but looked at the child with a gentler look.

"Have you decided what to name the child?" Mother-in-law Xia Ya came over and asked. She was the senior one present and her concerns were different from others.

Regarding the child's name, Thain had already thought about it on his way back to the wizarding world.

Looking at this chubby little guy who was vaguely handsome like his father, Thane said, "Let's call him Narcissus."

"Narcissus Grant," Thane said.

"What a good name!" Old Grant laughed at this time.

Other members of the Grant family who came to congratulate also smiled.

Lina, Naxi Xiu, mother and son are safe.

After taking care of Lina for a while, and having had enough of Naxi Xiu, a tough little guy, Thain was pulled aside by his mother-in-law, Xia Ya.

Since the last birthday party, the relationship between Sean and Xia Ya has been a little awkward.

However, the birth of the child erased this embarrassment. At the same time, Xia Ya called Sean aside this time, and the focus was on another matter.

"As I told you last time, the great undead wizard invited from the Mamet United Alliance has arrived."

"In addition, there is another sixth-level magician with a gloomy temperament who also came to the Holy Tower of Ashes recently."

"The other party claims to have been brought by you to solve the soul problems of Natalya and Lina." Xia Ya said.

Awakening Natalya has become Xia Ya's current worry.

Seeing that Lina had given birth to a child, Xia Ya was happy, but she couldn't help but feel a little sour for her daughter.

She doesn't want to worry too much now, as long as she can save Natalya, she will do anything.

Thain naturally knew who the sixth-level magician was. Hearing his mother-in-law Xia Ya's words, he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Huh? Are they all here?"

The great undead wizard who was invited by Xia Ya at a high cost was a fifth-level undead magician named Cheney.

Although his life level is not high, his attainments in the field of undead magic,

Really impressive.

And after arriving at the Holy Tower of Ashes, he expressed his sincere apology to Thane and Xia for failing to arrive at the Holy Tower of Ashes in time several times.

Thain actually didn't like this guy who didn't keep his promise.

But this guy really apologized from the bottom of his heart.

And in order to make up for his mistake of breaking the promise, he said that this experiment to wake up Natalya would be a free rescue, and he would only charge some material fees.

What Thain didn't know was that this fifth-level necromancer named Cheney had an extremely awesome mentor named Rogge.

Including the past few hundred years, the reason for breaking trust with Xia Ya and Thane several times.

It was also because Rogge's seclusion had reached a critical period. Cheney had to help his mentor look after the Tower of True Spirit, and he also had to take care of a large number of undead lords, often traveling between the world of the undead and the wizarding world.

This time, the front leg had just returned from the world of the dead, and the back leg hurried to the Holy Tower of Ashes to help with things.

Speaking of which, the reason why Xia Ya met Cheney was because of an accidental cooperation on the civilized battlefield, and through the help of friends, she got in touch with this magician who was said to have profound research in the field of soul-based mysteries.

Even Xia herself doesn’t know Cheney’s true identity.

As for the other sixth-level magician who was invited to the Holy Tower of Ashes, it was naturally introduced by Spider Queen Rose, the sixth-level black magician Eric.

Eric is not easy to deal with. At least he is much colder than Cheney, who sincerely apologizes.

And this guy still has the aura of a black magician that cannot be concealed.

Originally, Thane had high hopes for Eric, because he already knew in advance that Eric's mentor was most likely a true spirit-level magician.

But leaving Natalya and Lina to such a black magician for treatment made Thain really uneasy.

So for Cheney and Eric who appeared in front of him at the same time, Thain asked them to jointly analyze Natalya's current state of soul silence and design a feasible treatment plan.

Thain himself is also in the field of soul science and has gradually learned a lot in recent years.

It is true that a long illness makes a good doctor.

And with Mei Kelly, a fifth-level black magician who is also good at some soul-based mysteries, Thane is not afraid that Cheney and Eric will eventually cure Natalya.

Eric expressed his dissatisfaction with someone wanting to cooperate with him.

But Rose had her request first, and Eric, who had been bullied by Rose since he was a child, naturally did not dare to resist.

Cheney, another great undead wizard who spoke very well, said with great interest, "You can try it first."

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