The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2155 The birth of son

The Evil Buddha was finally suppressed by two top knights in the wizarding world and imprisoned in the space fortress.

These two powerful knights are both on the "reserve potential master training list". At the same time, they are all from the Mamet Alliance. No wonder they have known each other before.

The most famous Tower of the True Spirit of Death and the Tower of the Light Elemental Master in the wizarding world are both in the Mamet Alliance.

This has also led to the Mamet United Alliance becoming the force with the strongest atmosphere for the development of light and death power elements in the wizarding world.

The powerful freezing air of death froze the hands and feet of Evil Buddha.

The scorching chain of light is also a great threat to demon cultivators like the Evil Buddha.

When this fat pig-like guy was imprisoned in the space fortress, he couldn't help but cursed at Jiuji Demon Lord and others who were also imprisoned, "What a bunch of trash, they can't handle such a small thing! They've been dragging it on until now." Such a look!"

Faced with the evil curse of Buddha, Jiuji Demon Lord and Tiangui Locust, who were the most seriously injured, had no strength to say anything.

Only Taoist Banshan, who had surrendered early, curled his lips and muttered, "Damn, you said it so easily."

"It's such a tough idea, why don't you come over and try it?"

Except for Evil Buddha and others, all the evil cultivators in the Immortal Realm who caused trouble were all captured and taken into the space fortress.

Among them, there were four immortals and two evil cultivators at the Xuanxian level. Because they were stained with the blood of low-level magicians and elves, and their resistance was fierce, they were directly killed by the powerful wizards and civilization.

In addition, the number of low-level demon cultivators and evil cultivators who were captured and killed was even greater.

Because the entire city was being inspected for rectification, some monks from the Immortal Realm who had not participated in the battle were also taken away for investigation without any clue.

In fact, when the fighting broke out between Thain and others, there was also fighting in the city.

Probably, news came in that the powerful wizards and civilizations were intercepted by the evil cultivators of the fairyland, which intensified the conflict between the wizards and civilizations who were shopping in the city and the monks of the fairyland.

In addition, Thain's world-destroying impact light almost touched the boundary of the subspace where Fang City was located and shot into the depths of the starry sky, thus causing considerable turmoil in Fang City.

All in all, in this chaos, the three fairyland forces behind Fangshi suffered a huge loss.

Even if the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon Realm doesn't cause trouble with Evil Buddha and others in the end, the other two families will still demand an explanation from the other party!

As participants and victims of the war, Thain and his team need to cooperate with the investigation of these wizard civilization patrols.

During the investigation, Thain was more curious about what would happen to these evil cultivators in the fairyland in the end, and where would they be sent?

The person who answered Thain's question was a sixth-level magician named Stein.

He did not look down upon Thane just because he was a level five magician.

On the contrary, after witnessing with his own eyes the battle in which Thain drove the combined fortress group to severely damage the Jiuji Demon Lord, he believed that Thain had far surpassed him in a certain field of truth and mystery.

Stein said to Thain, "Old Man Xuantian, Demon King Diamond, and most of the people who did not participate in the attack

Master Thane, the people you are fighting will be released after we investigate the situation. "

"As for evil cultivators such as Evil Buddha and Jiuji Demon Lord, hehehe, let's send them to the Atlanta Interstellar Prison for a period of time first." Stein sneered.

In fact, this sixth-level magician is not as gentle and talkative as he was when facing old man Xuantian and others.

Most of the time, the creatures of the Wizarding Alliance who are familiar with Stein know that he is a being with a cold temperament and cruel methods.

"Oh? After such a big incident, won't the top leaders of the Wizarding Civilization and Fairyland Civilization deal with it urgently?" Thain said in surprise.

"If it were a monk from the Saint Taoist Court, it would indeed be handled faster."

"But they are just casual cultivators... I don't think anyone above will take care of them so quickly." Stein replied, "The fighting situation on the front lines of the civilized battlefield is still quite fierce now. Now a lot of the attention from above is focused on the world. Over there at the Great World Battlefield.”

"That's it. Thank you, Master, for clarifying my doubts." Thain said.

Stein nodded and said with a smile, "You should take good care of your injuries first. These evil cultivators from the Immortal Realm have caused you so much trouble and loss this time, and our wizard civilization will definitely seek an explanation for you."

Thain nodded and then sent Stein away.

In fact, Thain's loss this time was not big.

His main losses were reflected in the certain injuries he suffered, as well as the many wear and tear and energy consumption of the combined fortress group during the battle.

The injuries on his body were nothing.

Compare Xi En's insights into body training from the collision of power with Taoist Banshan Taoist.

On the contrary, the gains outweigh the efforts.

On the other hand, Sanxiu Duanpo really suffered a very serious injury this time, and he still hasn't woken up until now.

If it weren't for the fact that he could detect this guy's vital signs, Thane would have thought that Duan Po died of serious injuries and was beaten to death by the Jiuji Demon Lord.

As for the wear and tear and energy consumption suffered by the combined fortress group... I'm sorry, all of Thain's seven space fortresses are still under warranty in Sky City, Cape Chi, and Steel City.

After returning to the wizarding world, Thain will not spend a fortune, but his joint fortress group will be repaired by the alchemy teams of the three major forces in the next period of time.

In addition, after this actual combat test with Taoist Banshan and Jiuji Demon Lord.

Thane's combined fortress group can still undergo some adaptive fine-tuning and device improvements.

All in all, the pros outweigh the cons.

As for the compensation and other matters mentioned by Stein, Thain was quite looking forward to it at first, but gradually became less optimistic.

He is not short of money, at least at this stage, he does not seem to need to buy anything more

Things, even some experimental materials for his future promotion to level six, he has almost prepared.

The place where Jiuji Demon Lord and others were escorted was indeed the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

Even Thain also stopped by, where he directly cooperated with the Wizard Civilization Patrol Corps in the final investigation.

Revisiting his old place, Thain was quite emotional.

But this time, Thane did not see the deputy warden Balami who had contacted Master Cuilis last time.

It was Norton, the chief warden of the Atlanta Star Prison, who showed up in person.

Maybe it's because there are three level six creatures and one peak level six creature among the prisoners held this time?

Warden Norton is a middle-aged magician who wears elemental glasses and is somewhat bald.

He gives people the impression that he is very kind-hearted, and he also practices the mysteries of light elements.

I really can't tell that this middle-aged magician is responsible for managing the huge Atlanta Interstellar Prison all year round. Countless vicious people in and around the wizarding civilization are afraid of Master Norton.

His reputation in the dark world and gray areas around wizard civilization is more exaggerated than that of some alliance masters.

Including the two powerful top knights Alex and Robb, they all showed great respect for Master Norton when they escorted these evil cultivators from the fairyland to the Atlanta Star Prison.

"Take this guy to the 19th floor of the prison." Warden Norton pointed at the Evil Buddha and said.

Then they pointed at Taoist Banshan and said, "These criminals will be escorted to the 17th and 18th floors."

Thain had heard before that there were 21 floors in the Atlanta Interstellar Prison, but many of the strong guards in the prison had never been to the three floors after the 18th floor.

That this evil Buddha can be imprisoned there also shows that the wizarding civilization attaches great importance to him.

The Atlanta Interstellar Prison is large enough to "live" in these fairyland evil cultivators in the city.

In the years since the Civilization War broke out, many people have left the Atlanta Interstellar Prison, but many more creatures have entered.

It’s bustling with people, but you won’t feel lonely inside.

Although what happened to Lena had happened before, Thain had no ill feelings toward the Atlanta Interstellar Prison itself.

He even wanted to use his connections this time to get some revenge on Jiuji Demon Lord and others who entered the prison.

Thane never shows mercy to those who seek to harm him.

It may be that Thain's previous battles in the joint space fortress group were also informed to the interstellar prison by the magicians of these patrol legions. Thain noticed that Warden Norton seemed to glance at him.

Unlike Alex and Robb, who both have an extremely repressed aura of power, the gentle Warden Norton has no power overflowing from him except for the aura of a middle-aged man.

The last one with such a situation was

Gongsun is invincible.

Of course, because he has not yet touched the sixth level peak realm, this mysterious realm is already infinitely close to domination.

Therefore, Thain's perception of the strength of Norton, Gongsun Wudi, Alex, Robb and others is not obvious.

He wasn't quite sure why the Evil Buddha, who was both a sixth-level peak creature, could be so completely suppressed by Alex and the other two.

After staying in the Atlanta Interstellar Prison for a while, Thain suddenly felt the throbbing of extremely strong blood power and immediately said goodbye to Stein and other patrolling legion magicians.

In the star realm, powerful creatures always have a relatively intuitive response to their direct blood descendants.

At this moment, Thain sensed the omen that his son was about to be born.

The Atlanta Interstellar Prison is not far from the Wizarding World and controls the Federation Fortress Group. He will be able to return soon.

On the prison side, Thain's investigation assistance work has been basically completed.

Regarding Thain's resignation, Stein and others expressed their understanding and told Thain that they would inform him of any subsequent feedback and results as soon as possible.

After bidding farewell to Stein and others, Thain, who looked in a hurry, controlled the combined space fortress group and quickly returned to the wizarding world with Master Pola and others.

Because he left in such a hurry, he didn't have much communication with the sixth-level elf Alleria and others he met this time before leaving. He only accepted some of the materials given in return by Alleria and others.

Also in the process of returning to the wizarding world, Duan Po, who had been in coma for a long time after being severely injured, finally woke up.

Looking at this fifth-level monk whose body is still covered with various legal injuries, he may not be able to recover from his injuries for at least the next one or two hundred years.

Thain joked, "We agreed that you would escort me, but now it's me who escorts you?"

Duan Po seemed to want to say something, but Thane stopped him and said, "You should recover well first. I have to go back to the Wizarding World to see my son first."

"It's not easy for a foreign powerhouse like you to enter the wizarding world at first. But I guarantee it, and you are in a state of serious injury and recuperation at this time. It should be no problem to enter our mother plane."

"Your physique and potential are really exaggerated. After such a fierce battle, although you were seriously injured, I discovered that your cell potential has broken through the shackles again. Your promotion to the mid-level fifth level should be a matter of course."

"I don't need you to give me anything in return. How about you cooperate with me in conducting a few experiments?" Thain asked.

"It really doesn't work. Seeing that you are destined to me, how about being my son's adoptive father?" Thain joked.

Faced with Thain's words, Duan Po, who was still lying in the training cabin, was silent for a moment and replied, "Okay."

I don’t know which of Thain’s requests he was answering.

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