The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2154 The turmoil is over

The world-destroying impact light sequencer has finally been charged.

In this extremely dark starry sky, its dazzling light blooms.

The bright and scorching beam of light directly penetrated all illusion and darkness.

While annihilating any matter in its launch path, all that is left is emptiness and silence.

The Jiuji Demon Lord at the late sixth level is not dead.

The world-destroying impact light of Thane's super giant space fortress only annihilated half of his body.

The eight-winged angels Fumila and Duanpo helped Thain a lot during this period.

Because if it weren't for the help of the two of them, and only relying on the power of Thain's own metal fortress and fire suppression, it would be difficult to keep figures like Jiuji Demon Lord within his attack range.

The left half of Jiuji Demon Lord's body turned into nothingness. As he roared in pain, the purple flames on the surface of his demonic body became more and more intense, but on the contrary, his aura plummeted.

Even if Jiuji Demon Lord can finally reshape his physical body with his demonic body, he will definitely suffer heavy losses this time.

In previous battles, Thane had collected a lot of the flesh and blood of Jiuji Demon Lord, as well as the special purple flames on his body, as specimen collections.

The Jiuji Demon Lord, who was in a severely injured state, did not need Thain and others to deal with it next.

Because the surrounding wizard civilization army has taken over the battle for them.

Even among the wizard civilization patrols that arrived on this starry sky battlefield, there were more than just the one led by the death knight Alex.

When Thain's World-Destroying Impact Light Sequencer was launched, another patrol legion of wizard civilization, also with a sixth-level peak powerhouse, had also appeared here.

When Thane raised the eyes of his giant metal robot and looked at the battlefield not far away.

The six-level peak warriors of wizard civilization who besieged the Evil Buddha had become two people.

The new one is also a knight, and also has stronger power than ordinary sixth-level peak creatures!

But the strange thing is that the death knight Alex doesn't seem to have a good relationship with the other party.

While besieging the Evil Buddha, there was quite a bit of criticism that this guy was meddling in other people's business.

This is a top knight who masters the power of light attribute fighting spirit.

In subsequent conversations with other people, Thane learned that the other person's name was Robb.

The battle with the Jiuji Demon King was left to the other powerful wizards and civilizations present.

Duan Po, who was at his physical limit, was the first to fail and fell out of the battle group.

Even his body was floating uncontrollably in the starry sky.

He had no strength at all.

But the strange thing is that even if he is exhausted, Duan Po still holds the hatchet in his hand tightly.

Work side by side with Duan Po

After the battle, Thane knew how sharp the opponent's knife was.

The palm of the giant fortress metal robot stretched directly towards Duan Po. After bringing Duan Po into the fortress to recuperate, the eight-winged angel Fumila also stretched her wings of light and entered the joint fortress through a special passage.

Thain, who was cleaning up the battlefield, was suddenly attracted by what Fumila handed him in front of him.

"This is..." Thane looked at a broken bracelet in Fumila's hand.

There is a faint trace of space power on it. It looks like it was originally a space bracelet, but it has been destroyed now. I don't know how intact the contents are.

It may be crushed into dregs by the power of broken time and space, or there may be some treasure left behind.

Fumila replied, "When I blasted through the demon lord's body, I found it from a corner of the space beside him."

Thain's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Good stuff!"

This battle lasted for a long time.

The main reason was that the Evil Buddha was stubbornly resisting, while the chaos caused by the Jiuji Demon Lord, Taoist Banshan, and the Heavenly Ghost Locust was quickly suppressed by the Wizard Civilization Supervision and Patrol Corps.

After getting the Jiuji Demon Lord's storage bracelet, Thane did not rush to break the spatial restrictions in it, but first joined the battle to assist the wizard civilization army.

And he is the main victim this time. It is estimated that he will have to cooperate with these wizard civilization patrols in the investigation.

Including Xianyufang City, they must also give Thane and others a reasonable explanation.

How to compensate when you see it.

After taking care of the unconscious Duan Po, he soaked him in the training cabin in his space fortress to recover. Thain quickly came to the vicinity of Master Pola and others.

At this time, Master Pola's entire arm under his magic robe was soaked in his own elemental blood.

This time when he went out with Thain, the fourth-level magician suffered quite a lot of injuries.

However, Master Pola seemed to be in good spirits. When Thain arrived at his side, the fourth-level magician was working with two fourth-level knights from the patrol legion to beat up a fourth-level magic cultivator.

After Thane arrived, the battle naturally ended faster.

Mage Bola then introduced to Thane the elven gods such as Alleria and Sylvanas who had helped them immediately.

"Thank you so much for lending us a helping hand!" Thane said to Alleria, Sylvanas and other elves, performing a mage salute.

Alleria is a sixth-level elf who looks extremely dignified. Before she reached level four or above, she was a member of the secular elf kingdom.


After Banshan Taoist surrendered, Alleria basically had no opponents.

After quickly helping the Wizard Civilized Legion clean up the mess, she planned to leave with her sister and others, without even the slightest thought of asking for anything in return.

What a kind spirit.

Facing Thain's greetings, Alleria put away her elven bow and arrows, put her right hand on her chest, and responded to Thain with the etiquette of the elven world.

Alleria replied, "It is the obligation of every elf in our elf world to help every suffering wizard, civilized knight, and magician."

"Master Thain, you don't have to be polite." Alleria said politely.

She also saw the power of Thain's joint fortress just now, and did not regard Thain as an ordinary fifth-level magician.

And even an ordinary fifth-level magician is equal to the sixth-level elves in the Great Elf World in terms of status.

Thain smiled and said, "This time we were attacked by the evil cultivators of the Immortal Realm. The Immortal Realm City will definitely give us an explanation, including the subsequent compensation, and you elves will definitely have a share."

"I also noticed that some kind elves have died in this battle."

"I don't know yet what kind of compensation Xianyufang City will give. But I would like to use this personal collection to thank the several elven ladies for their previous helping hands." Thain said politely and handed over a space ring.

This space ring stores some specimen materials collected by Thane in the past. Of course, almost all of them are botanical specimens. He knows that the elves are interested in these things.

In addition, Thain also picked out some of the items he had previously obtained from the market auction and gave them to the elves in front of him.

Magicians rarely use pretentious politeness with others, they basically just do what they say.

However, the sixth-level elf Alleria still wanted to politely refuse.

It would also be good for Alleria and the elven world behind her to make friends with a very powerful wizard civilization magician like Thane.

The reason for assisting Thane and others this time was not entirely because of the so-called Wizards Alliance rules.

But they, the elves themselves, also have certain demands.

Thain's statement made the smile on Alleria's face become even warmer.

With this kind of friendship that provides help in times of need, I never know when I will put it to use in the future.

If the Elf World wants to gain more rights and interests in the Wizarding Alliance, it will naturally need the support of local knights and magicians in the Wizarding World.

No wonder the general public in the wizarding world has very good senses about elves.

Women, including the elves, are also representatives of beauty in the traditional aesthetic perception of the wizarding world.

However, Alleria's hot-tempered sister Sylvanas did not have as deep a connotation as her sister. She directly accepted Thane's gift.

This is not the first time Sylvanas has dealt with the magicians of the wizarding civilization. She knows that these magicians with old-fashioned personalities usually do what they say.

If he refuses the other party's gift instead, he might make these eccentric magicians unhappy.

On the other side, her sister was still communicating with Thane, and here Sylvanas began to check if there were any good things in the space ring handed over by Thain.

When she saw some of these things, the outspoken Sylvanas couldn't help blurting out, "So you were the one who kept snatching things from us at the auction?"

"Huh?" Thain, who was chatting with Alleria about being able to visit a few people when traveling to the Elf World in the future, couldn't help but look back and said in confusion.

Upon hearing this, Alleria lowered her expression, glared at Sylvanas and said, "What are you talking about? Why don't you go and assist the wizard civilization's patrol legion in cleaning up the battlefield."

Sylvanas also knew that she had said the wrong thing and left the place in a hurry.

But before this guy left, he didn't forget to take away the space ring that Thain gave him.

Alleria said a little apologetically at this time, "How can I ask for your gift from Master Thane? We are acting in accordance with the rules of the Wizards Alliance this time."

"Otherwise, we happen to have some special materials here that we have purchased and collected from the market. I can give you part of it, Master Thain, within my authority."

"This way we can consider it a fair exchange, how about it?" Alleria smiled.

"That's fine." Thain nodded.

The friendship was accumulated little by little, and the Alleria sisters in front of him made Thain very fond of them.

At the same time as the two were talking, the wizard civilization patrol legion's supervision and suppression of these casual cultivators in the fairyland had already covered the entire surrounding star field.

Not only are these evil cultivators on the battlefield in front of us, including Old Man Xuantian and others causing trouble, they will also be subject to supervision and review by the Wizard Civilized Legion.

There is no telling whether this city will have to be closed for rectification for a period of time.

The top management of Fang City and the relying forces behind them have indeed suffered great losses this time because of their evil intentions!

Seeing this scene, the Evil Buddha, who was surrounded by two top knights of death and light, looked even worse.

What's even more desperate is that he can't escape now even if he wants to.

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