The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2149 This Iron Fist

The "bald" sound of the Wind Demon King made the Evil Buddha unable to control the violent energy in his body, and a meteorite exploded around him.

However, the air waves and impact fragments generated by the meteorite explosion did not affect the Diamond Wind Demon King at all.

A blazing yellow wind wall blocked the aftermath of the meteorite explosion.

In terms of strength, the Wind Demon King, who is also at the quasi-sage stage, is slightly inferior to the Evil Buddha.

It is estimated that only old man Xuantian can suppress the Evil Buddha by half.

But Wind Demon King was not afraid of him at all. 🅆

Because the difference in strength between the two is actually not obvious.

More importantly, the Diamond Wind Demon King comes from Shituoling in the ancient world, and has a much tougher background than Evil Buddha, an evil cultivator who came out of the world of demons!

Since ancient times, there has been an old saying in the fairyland civilization that evil cannot prevail over good.

One can imagine how miserable the evil monks in the Immortal Realm were suppressed by the righteous people.

It seems that the situation of every top civilization is similar.

The black magicians in the wizarding civilization are in a weak position, and the same is true for the evil cultivators and demonic cultivators in the fairyland civilization.

Perhaps this also indicates that in this star realm, order is often greater than chaos.

Moreover, this place still belongs to the realm of wizards and celebrities. The perpetrator is obviously this evil Buddha with evil intentions in his heart. What does it have to do with the Wind Demon King?

The Wind Demon King is still thinking about it. It was this guy who snatched away the blood of the saint that he originally regarded as his treasure last time.

Seeing that the Evil Buddha was about to suffer misfortune, the Wind Demon King not only had no idea of ​​​​helping him, but instead thought about how to step on him again!

Old man Xuantian usually plays the role of a peacemaker in Fang City.

But he really couldn't say much at this time.

If the Evil Buddha couldn't help but take action just now, whether it was against the group of elves who insisted on leaving, or against the Diamond Wind Demon King who was constantly provoking in front of him.

Old man Xuantian will stand on the opposite side of the Evil Buddha.

The rules of Fangshi were established by everyone together, and they were also recognized by their respective supporting forces behind them.

If someone breaks the rules, they must follow the rules.

At this time, what Old Man Xuantian was thinking about was no longer wiping the Evil Buddha's butt, but keeping an eye on him and not letting him go.

Otherwise this

Old man Xuantian doesn't want to bear the blame, nor can he afford it.

The one who had the same idea was the smiling Diamond Wind Demon King.

Unknowingly, they were on the left and right, vaguely controlling the Evil Buddha in the middle.

The Evil Buddha laughed "haha" at this time and said, "Someone dares to fight outside our city. Do they really not take our three bosses seriously?"

"Let's go see! Who is causing trouble?"

"Even if the troublemakers are my men, I will follow the city's rules and kill them with my own hands." Evil Buddha said seriously, and then flew to the starry sky battle group outside the city.

A fight with a quasi-saint-level powerhouse cannot be resolved in a short while, and there is no guarantee that Old Man Xuantian and the Wind Demon King will be able to capture the Evil Buddha.

Seeing that the Evil Buddha said this, the two looked at each other and flew over together closely following the Evil Buddha.

However, after Demon King Zhuanfeng took out his flag and Old Man Xuantian took out a fairy sword, I'm afraid what happened next would be very difficult to resolve.

At this time, Evil Evil Buddha also had a fierce look in his eyes.

Because just now, Old Man Xuantian had notified the nearby Wizard Civilized Inspection Corps.

Since they can run a black market within the wizarding civilization, these casual cultivators from the fairyland must have interacted with the powerful wizarding civilization.

It's just that the battle over there is so fierce, perhaps there is no need for Old Man Xuantian to take any unnecessary action. The patrol legion of the wizard civilization is actually on its way!


Mage Bola and others suddenly appeared and joined the battlefield, as well as the sixth-level elf Alleria and others who appeared behind them, helping Thain take a big breath.

Because Thain is now the one who suffers the most siege.

In the past, Thain would lead a group of subordinates to beat others. Today, the scenery changed, and it was changed to Thain being beaten by others.

The main weapons of the sixth-level elf Alleria and her sister Sylvanas are elven bows and arrows.

It's just that Alleria's weapons are much better and have reached the level of low-level world-class secret treasures.

As a highly favored minister of Elune, the Elven God,

At the same time, she also carries a large amount of wealth from the elven world to search for fairy spiritual materials in the wizarding civilization. It is not surprising that Alleria owns a world-class secret treasure bow and arrow.

The green arrow shot by the world-class secret treasure bow "Wrath of the Sky" hit Taoist Banshan's back directly, causing him to let out a muffled groan.

Both at the mid-sixth level, Alleria's strength is not inferior to him, not to mention that she has a world-class secret treasure as a blessing.

With the rich and large plane - the elven world - as her support, Alleria's life is much better than that of a miserable casual cultivator in the fairyland like Taoist Banshan.

Taoist Banshan has been hanging out in the fairyland civilization for so many years and defeated many of the proud ones, but so far, he still hasn't got an acquired spiritual treasure.

Why is the gap between level 6 and level 6 creatures so big?

"Damn, sneak attack!" Taoist Banshan turned his head and cursed angrily, and broke off the green arrow stuck in his back.

Sylvanas and the other elves have already chosen their opponents.

When the fierce melee broke out, the pressure on Thain's side dropped sharply again.

Thain did not recognize the elves who came to support him.

However, as the most loyal vassal plane of the wizarding civilization, when the knights and magicians of the wizarding world are in danger, these elves should step forward without hesitation!

Thain has always had a good impression of species in the elf world.

Now, with Alleria and others helping him in times of need, Thain's affection for these elves is obviously even greater.

But these elves are really sincere.

They really only save Thain! But he paid no attention to the eight-winged angel Fumila on the other side, and the severely damaged fifth-level immortal realm casual cultivator Duan Po.

Fortunately for Fumila, her strength is stronger than that of the Heavenly Ghost Locust. Even if she is besieged now, there will be no problem in the short term.

But Duan Po can’t!

It was a miracle that he, who was only at the early stage of level 5, could withstand the strength of the Jiuji Demon Lord at the late stage of level 6 for so long.

Of course, it is still a miracle now, but in a while, it may become a "relic".

Thain's Phaseless Mask judged that Duan Po had already

In a weak and dissociated state where his life hangs on a thread.

"I'll leave this to you for now, I'll go help that Immortal Realm monk!" In the combined fortress, Thain, who drank a Lulianman brand life potion, said to Alleria and others who arrived on the battlefield. said the man.

At this time, Alleria has firmly held back the mountain mover.

The extremely slow-moving mountain-moving Taoist met a sixth-level elf as flexible as Alleria, and he simply met his nemesis!

Without waiting for Alleria and others to reply, Thane, who held his breath and concentrated his attention, once again inspired the power of the Rubik's Cube, drove the combined space fortress in the direction of the Jiuji Demon Lord.

Also during this journey, the extremely large Union Fortress quickly distorted and deformed.

A layer of silver-white metal fire ignited on the surface of the Union Fortress again.

This extremely huge metal continent gradually transformed into a towering giant that they could not imagine in the astonishing realization of the surrounding wizard civilization and the powerful people in the fairyland.

The mountain-moving Taoist was being shot by Alleria's Wrath of the Sky bow and arrow, and was screaming "Ouch".

Having just pulled out another law arrow feather from his shoulder, he was once again shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Holy shit!" Taoist Banshan looked at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

I saw Thain, who quickly transformed into a giant fortress robot, waving his iron fist and blasting towards the Jiuji Demon Lord.

A moment ago, Jiuji Demon Lord was still relying on his fierce demon arms to suppress Duan Po in front of him.

The demon king was also wondering in his heart, why are the bones of this Xuanxian-level casual cultivator so hard? !

But before Jiuji Demon Lord could break Duan Po's back, the sudden wind of fist coming from behind gave him a warning sign.

"Huh?!" Jiuji Demon Lord looked behind him.

What appeared in his field of vision was a piece of metal iron fist that was comparable to the huge mountain that lifted up the mountain.

This iron fist stretches as far as the eye can see.

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