The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2148 Reinforcements

It was also when Taoist Banshan was swearing that the combined fortress group that had already gathered energy on the way here suddenly launched an attack on the sixth-level creatures in the Immortal Domain in front of them.

The dense fortress energy beam seemed to be shooting into a sieve the Taoist Banshan Taoist who had an extremely huge legal body.

In particular, the main gun of the fortress was aimed at the mountain mover's head and the huge mountain he was carrying on his back.

The huge energy beam directly penetrated a hole in the mountain peak on Taoist Banshan's back, not to mention Taoist Banshan himself!

This seemingly naive sixth-level monk from the Immortal Realm is still a bit quick-witted at critical moments.

I saw him twisting his body very decisively.

The huge mountain that was originally intended to be thrown was used as a temporary defense by the mountain-moving Taoist.

Not to mention, it’s really useful!

The huge mountain with a height of tens of thousands of meters, under the light of the endless elemental energy of Thane Space Fortress, blocked a large number of attacks for the Taoist monks. 🅆

But some attacks still couldn't be avoided.

From time to time, rays of astonishing power pass through the giant mountain and hit the body of the Taoist who moved the mountain.

This guy, Fa Tian Xiang Di Zhen, had many scars on his body, and at the same time, he cursed "Fuck!" one after another in a muffled voice.

Because Thain's fortress main gun was originally aimed at Taoist Banshan's head, but seeing this guy turn around and use the giant mountain to block it, a large part of the firepower was poured into Taoist Banshan's butt area.

This guy cares about his head and not his butt!

But it did block Thain's sudden thunder attack.

While Thain used the power of the combined fortress to suppress Taoist Banshan, Thain, who used the Rubik's Cube to control the other firepower of the fortress, immediately activated the remaining weapons of the fortress and aimed the firepower at all directions of the starry sky battlefield. Those evil cultivators from the Immortal Realm came here.

More than a dozen evil cultivators of level four or above! It’s already a pretty powerful force!

Even without Banshan Taoist, it would be very difficult for Thain and Duan Po to face so many level 4 and 5 powerhouses.

This group of monks from the Immortal Realm seemed to have made it clear that the fate of Sean and En was to be dealt with quickly.

Thain had never been taken care of by so many "gods" and "immortals" on the civilized battlefield before.

The combined fortress group with extremely powerful firepower indeed blocked many immortal monks attacking from all directions.

But then again, with so many monks above level four in the Immortal Realm, it would be difficult for Thain to focus on guarding against them.

Just like the war fleet of the Gallente Federation, it is most annoying to be approached by powerful wizards and civilizations.

The combined fortress of Thain was also a little wary of being approached by so many immortal monks.

The firepower originally focused on Taoist Banshan had to be dispersed to other surrounding evil cultivators from the Immortal Realm.

The Taoist mountain mover, who was carrying a huge mountain on his back, also hurriedly left the cluster covered by Thain's firepower and joined other evil cultivators who had gathered.

"Damn it, what the hell is this! Why is it bigger than those federal technology warships I've seen?" Banshan Taoist cursed.

The huge mountain on the shoulder has been filled with holes by a group of shots from Thane's combined fortress.

But considering that some of the elemental beams launched by Thane were so powerful that even his copper skin and iron bones could not withstand them, Banshan Taoist was still reluctant to discard this temporary "defense equipment" in the end.

According to the previous fighting method of Taoist Moving Mountain, the giant mountain he condensed with the power of the Great Law would often be thrown out to hit people.

He still maintains his true form of Fa Tian Xiang Di, indicating that Taoist Banshan has no intention of giving up on the prey in front of him.

There are so many of them!

Along the way, if you grind slowly, you can kill Thane who is driving the combined space fortress group.

After all, these are just seven space fortresses, not seven level five creatures.

But even seven fifth-level creatures can hardly withstand the attack of so many people.

Taoist Banshan and the others still have a chance!

But it is undeniable that with the advent of the joint space fortress, what was supposed to be a devastating blitzkrieg has now been turned into a war of attrition.

This kind of battle is what Taoist Banshan and others don't want to see the most!

This is the territory of wizard civilization, and for every quarter of an hour of fighting, there will be an additional quarter of an hour of danger.

The wizarding civilization is not easy to talk to, especially for those casual cultivators who have no background.

Even mid-level sixth-level monks like Taoist Banshan, under the war rules set by the wizard civilization, had to be robbed of nearly half of their war profits by the wizard civilization in various ways.

What can he do?

Apart from scolding "I'm a bastard!" in private, is it possible that he can also go against the wizarding civilization? !

It's not like Taoist Banshan has never seen monks from the Immortal Realm who disobey the rules of wizard civilization.

After all, casual cultivators are a mixed bag of good and bad, and they are used to living an unfettered life.

But at that time, a quasi-holy monk from the Immortal Realm blatantly refused to hand over half of his war profits. He was directly slapped away by a certain master of the wizard civilization and flew away from the civilized battlefield.

It seemed like it was done by a wounded alliance leader who had just been withdrawn from the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

If it weren't for the fact that the cooperation between wizard civilization and the fairy realm was in the honeymoon period, that quasi-holy monk would have been slapped to death!

According to the ideas of Banshan Taoist and others, after finishing this job, they will immediately leave the battlefield of wizard civilization and return to the fairyland.

There will even be people helping to meet them on their retreat route.

But now it has become a protracted war. How can we do this?

Taoist Banshan couldn't help but look at the battlefield where Jiuji Demon Lord and Tiangui Locust were, hoping that these two level six companions could quickly deal with their opponents and come to help him with this "metal continent".

The Heavenly Ghost Locust is indeed the weakest among the three, and its strength does not disgrace its current state.

Fumila, who had eight metal wings and countless lightsabers floating beside her, was chased as embarrassed as a dog.

It has unfolded the demon king's true form, and its huge and densely packed compound eyes actually have several lightsabers stuck in them.

Brown-yellow acid flowed from the wounds of the Sky Ghost Locust's compound eyes.

Not to mention supporting Taoist Banshan and others, the Heavenly Ghost Locust, whose wings were trembling wildly, wanted to call others to support it at this moment!

It's really too much mud to hold up the wall.

I have always looked down upon the sky

Gui Locust, a Daluo Jinxian-level demon king and mountain-moving Taoist, looked down upon each other even more at this time.

It was also at the urging of Heavenly Ghost Locust that four of the fourth and fifth-level immortal realm evil cultivators who originally besieged the Thain Alliance fortress group were separated and went to support Heavenly Ghost Locust.

Taoist Banshan then looked in the direction of Jiuji Demon Lord.

Having a late-level sixth-level Jiuji Demon Lord who is more powerful than Taoist Banshan really did not disappoint.

He has already activated his fierce demonic body. The fifth-level casual cultivator holding a hatchet was so pressed that he could hardly lift his head.

Dense bloodstains and scars appeared on Duan Po's body.

Compared with the injuries that Thain suffered from the blow from Taoist Banshan just now, Duan Po's current trauma is obviously more severe!

But that's it. I don't know what force is supporting Duan Po, but he has not fallen down yet. 🅆

The surface of the hatchet in his hand was dripping with Duan Po's blood.

But when facing Demon Lord Jiuji's punch after punch, Duan Po could always raise the knife in his hand to resist in return.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "..."

The surface of Jiuji Demon Lord's demonic arm was broken with several scratches by Duan Po's sharp sword energy.

It is really a cold and sharp sword. Taoist Banshan knows how powerful the demonic body of Jiuji Demon Lord is.

But even with such a powerful demon body, it can still be split open by Duan Po's leap!

"Damn, what kind of monsters are these?"

"Why are they different from those geniuses I met before!" Taoist Banshan cursed secretly.

He had long heard that when Duan Po was in the fourth level, he jumped a level and killed Jiuji Demon Lord's beloved disciple who was in the middle of the fifth level.

Originally, Taoist Banshan laughed at him because he was obviously the disciple of Jiuji Demon Lord who was not good at learning and was just an egg who was killed by someone who jumped over the rank.

Jiuji Demon Lord actually wanted to call them together to block the casual cultivator who had an immortal sword.

Taoist Banshan laughed at Jiuji Demon Lord for this.

But when he really came into contact with the difficulties of Thain and Duan Po, he realized how difficult these two ideas were!

On the side of Jiuji Demon Lord, it seems that it will be difficult to achieve a quick victory in the short term.

Looking at the gigantic metal giant in front of him, which had only lost a little of its metal skin due to the "grinding" of himself and others, Taoist Banshan couldn't help but muttered, "If you keep dragging it like this, nothing will happen, right?"

The crow's mouth of Taoist Banshan was soon fulfilled!

The response speed of the wizard civilization was faster than they expected.

In the starry sky not far away, biological fluctuations of level four or above appeared one after another.

The visitors were none other than Master Pola and others who had agreed to meet with Thain in this nearby area.

Although Master Pola and others are alchemists and may not have been to the front lines of civilized wars for a long time, they are still reliable under such circumstances!

Not only Master Pola, but also the low-level magicians who were shopping together in the city now also came to support without hesitation.

Are you kidding me? You can still be bullied by outsiders in the wizarding civilization? !

Master Pola and others are not that many in number.

But their appearance undoubtedly broke the heart of Banshan Taoist.

and others besieged the encirclement of the Thain Alliance fortress group.

At the same time, it also makes the battle here become more chaotic.

The bigger the noise, the faster the wizard civilization monitoring team will know about it.

But before the wizard civilization's supervisory patrol legion could arrive for support, another friendly group of strong men appeared right after Master Pola and others!

The friendly reinforcements that appeared were powerful men from the Great Elf World.

"Hmph, they prevented us from leaving Fang City for no reason, and sealed off that star field without any authorization from the wizard civilization."

"Please explain this matter carefully when you meet the powerful supervisor of the wizard civilization." Aurelia, the sixth-level elf powerhouse, sneered at the evil Buddha in front of her, and then took her sister and other elves with her. , go to the starry sky area outside Fang City where there are obvious battle fluctuations.

The battle in the Union Fortress was really too noisy, and these powerful elves with keen senses could easily detect the abnormal situation there.

Sylvanas, the late-level fifth-level elf who had complained to her sister before about why there were always people trying to snatch the auction items from them at auctions, now put away her complaints and quickly entered a fighting state.

Sylvanas is more militant than her sister.

Someone dared to break out a fierce battle in the Wizarding Civilization Star Domain, and the sounds of the battle clearly contained magical elements and the roaring power of the space fortress, which already made Sylvanas a little eager to try.

Could it be that the Gallente Federation Legion made a surprise attack and infiltrated here?

But it doesn’t seem like it!

Facing the mid-level six female elf, he led his sister and a group of elves to leave and go to the fighting place over there.

The evil evil Buddha, who had quasi-saint level strength, looked very bad at this time.

A dark palm was lifted up and then put down again and again.

Now that the commotion has begun, and as the elves start shouting, more than one person in the city has noticed the battle breaking out in the starry sky not far away.

As more and more people find out about the situation outside, Evil Buddha really can't turn his back now.

More importantly, he does not have the final say in this market alone.

"Oops! It seems like there is some kind of fighting going on outside?" The Wind Demon King, who came over to the Evil Buddha at some time, raised his furry palms and looked towards the area where the elves were flying.

The Wind Demon King was in a good mood at this time.

Because he successfully bid for the extremely precious Master Blood Crystal in the Baibao Pavilion auction just now.

That's right, the one who spent more than 700 million magic coins to buy the little finger nail-sized crystal in Thain's hand was the one in front of him!

In addition to the Wind Demon King, Old Man Xuantian and his disciples also appeared outside Fangshi at this moment.

After all, there was such a big fight outside Fang City. These high-level officials in Fang City were not blind or deaf, so they could naturally sense it.

And according to the rules of the city, their city should also take care of the fighting outside.

The Wind Demon King smiled at the Evil Buddha with a gloomy expression and said, "Hey, there seem to be a lot of evil cultivators over there."

"Bald man, where are those people under your command? Why didn't I see them?"

"The next chapter will be around three o'clock~"

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