The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2140 Rich

Without having much communication with Duan Po in this regard, Thain's attention was later attracted by the auction event in front of him. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

The auction is still going on, and the items listed in the list in front of Thain and others are also being put on the auction table one by one.

The fox demon beside him also said in time, "You two distinguished guests can bid on whichever item you like."

"In addition to collecting immortal jade and spiritual jade, our Baibao Pavilion can also collect other items of equal value."

"Or maybe the two distinguished guests have some treasures that they want to sell. After being appraised by our appraisal master from Baibao Pavilion on-site, they can be placed directly at the venue." The fox demon said with a smile.

Thain did not hide his identity as a wizard in the wizarding world. This little fox obviously guessed that Thain might not have enough fairyland currency on him.

But it doesn't matter. As long as Thane has other wealth of equal value, coupled with his revealed identity as a fifth-level magician, no problem will be a problem.

Thain nodded, not intending to communicate too much with the little fox.

They are both foxes, but Thane prefers the one in his family.


The trading atmosphere in this black market treasure house is no worse than those large auctions that Thain has participated in before.

Even because many of the items for sale in the auction were rare treasures from the fairyland that Thain had never touched before, Thain couldn't help but take action one after another.

He is actually very restrained.

Because Thain knew that he had to keep money to buy sycamore wood and Jiutian Xuanhuo.

But the fact is... I just can’t help it! !

There are so many fairyland materials that he has never come into contact with before. For a magician who is determined to explore the truth, if he cannot get it in his hands to explore, it is simply a kind of torture.

Especially some of these materials are not all used by Thain himself.

Those botanical wonderland treasures, Thain can definitely

Give it to Lu Lianman and Jessica for research.

Fairyland materials of death type and dark corrosion type can be brought to Lina and Meikaly.

Water-based materials can be given to Meili.

These people who are close to Thain are also in contact with the fairyland civilization for the first time. They are no less curious about the various materials and specimens of the fairyland than Thain.

Including at the auction site, there are also immortal elixirs such as "Body Forging Pill", "Bone Tempering Pill", "Fifth Transformation Golden Pill" and so on, and Thain is also very interested in exploring them.

These notes can significantly increase physical fitness, or provide elixirs for recovering injuries. Thain can not only use them for personal research, but can also give them to knights such as Lenna.

Money is such a good thing, it can satisfy the desires of most people.

And Thain also increasingly recognized that with sufficient resources, it is possible to build a so-called strong person.

Thane failed to advance Selina and Erin to level four. It can only be said that he did not have enough resources at hand.

If Thane could have two rays of the omnipotent soul of dominion... he might not be so entangled.

Fortunately, Thain's mechanical experiment has become mature. Thain believes that there is a high probability that the two women's souls and the light of consciousness can be saved with the help of the Rubik's Cube.


Thain is already acting with extreme restraint.

But his frequent bidding still shocked Duan Po and the little fox demon in the same box.

Duan Po has always been a casual cultivator, and all his cultivation resources depend on a knife in his hand.

There is neither a strong master's backing nor reliable relatives and elders.

I have never seen a "rich" like Thain, who can't help but buy something when he sees it.

When I was traveling around Fang City before, because I went to mid- to low-end areas, although Thain made frequent moves, the impact on Duan Po was not that great.

But the Baibao Pavilion in front of me is a famous gold-selling cave in this city!

Even Duan Po himself was only interested in purchasing the Ultimate Divine Pill, and had no other plans to take action.

Unlike Thane, he wouldn't even blink an eye at something with a hundred or two hundred immortal jade.

The little fox demon who was in charge of shopping on the other side quickly turned from shock to ecstasy after seeing Thain's generous move!

The little fox demon has a certain share of the transaction volume of Duan Po and Thain in the box.

Originally, Thain and Duan Po's combined purchases of several hundred immortal jade were enough for this little fox demon in the earthly immortal realm to make a fortune.

But seeing that Thain's transaction volume alone exceeded five thousand immortal jade in the blink of an eye, the little fox demon suddenly felt so happy that he almost suffocated.

Five thousand immortal jade is fifty million magic coins.

And the little fox demon told Thain that Baibao Pavilion can directly collect the soul crystals in his hand as trading items.

Even because one of the supporting forces behind Baibao Pavilion has a huge demand for this type of soul crystal, the recycling price given to Thain at the auction can be higher.

So what else is there to say? Just buy it and buy it!

Thain took out all the soul crystals and sent them for evaluation, and then he was immersed in them.

When Thain finally came to his senses a few days later, he was shocked to find that the total amount of the auction items he purchased was close to 9,000 immortal jade, which is 90 million magic coins.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Thain finally stopped his actions.

In fact, when he left the wizarding world this time, he didn't have much money with him.

I had already done a lot of shopping in several other major star ports, mainly to purchase experimental materials for Lu Lianman, Lina and others. In total, I have spent tens of millions of magic coins.

At present, another 90 million magic coins have been spent, and Thain's available funds for exchanging soul crystals are now less than 200 million.

After all, Thain established the soul crystal smuggling channel in the Land of Ashes not many years ago.

Thain didn't have as much money as he thought.

If all these soul crystals are used up, he will have to pay for his own wealth.

When Thain finally stopped, he noticed that Duan Po and the little fox demon next to him had been staring at him closely.

At this time, Duan Po had already bought his Extreme God Pill.

After the bidding reached 500 immortal jade, he easily bought the elixir.

On Thain's side, the sycamore wood he was interested in had just been put on the auction block.

The starting price of three thousand immortal jade soon soared to five thousand.

Apart from the shilling element, it is also such a top-quality fire-type material, which is indeed rare.

In particular, the auctioneer also pointed out that this section of the sycamore tree still contains some blood power of the quasi-holy phoenix. It seems that its former director once laid eggs on this section of the sycamore tree, so it was left here. There are some bloodline marks.

Therefore, it also adds to the value of this sycamore tree.

When asked the auctioneer which phoenix bloodline it was.

The answer given by Baibao Pavilion is the mark of the Black Phoenix!

As for which quasi-holy black phoenix from the Immortal Domain Civilization it is, Baibao Pavilion did not say it clearly due to confidentiality regulations.

In the end, this piece of sycamore wood was bought by Thain for a very high price of eight thousand immortal jade.

"Xiaodou noticed that the monthly ticket is 235, so there is another chapter, which will be updated around 8:30."

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