The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2139: For Sale

Thain and Duan Po spent a lot of time walking around the city.

During this period, Thain was mainly shopping, and Duan Po was explaining to him from the side.

Although it was their first contact, the two of them had a good sense of each other.

The materials that Thain purchased at the beginning were all ordinary low-end materials to increase his collection of specimen materials.

It has to be said that the types of Fairyland materials Thain purchased from the Ghost Market were more diverse than what he had seen in the public starport before, and the prices were also more affordable.

In this regard, Thain couldn't help but sigh, "It would be a good business opportunity to package these fairyland materials in large quantities and bring them back to the wizarding world, and then sell them to other magicians."

"No wonder so many knights and magicians are keen to explore the ghost market of your fairyland civilization." Thain said.

Duan Po glanced at Thain but didn't agree with anything.

Finally, after roughly visiting the ordinary areas of Fang City, Duan Po and Thain came to the deepest part of Fang City.

A huge and splendid pavilion appeared in Thain's field of vision.

This is also the "Hundred Treasures Pavilion" that Duan Po mentioned before.

"There are several other top auction houses in Fang City, but the Baibao Pavilion in front of us is the most famous."

"And it seems that the auction inside has already started." Duan Po said.

"Let's go in and take a look." Thain waved his hand.

Whether it is from previous contacts or frequent shopping in the market, it can be seen that Thain is far more generous than Duan Po.

Also, one is a fifth-level peak magician with a rich net worth.

The other was a down-and-out casual cultivator who had just been promoted to level five.

In the years since he came to the battlefield of wizard civilization, Duan Po has long heard that all the magicians in wizard civilization are extremely rich!

Because in the eyes of most monks in the Immortal Realm, these magicians are a collection of "alchemists", "weapon refiners" and even "array masters" in the Immortal Realm.

It seems like these magicians know everything.

Unlike knights, they only focus on fighting.

Duan Po himself is also a monk who only knows how to kill and fight.

Duan Po happened to come to this market because he wanted to buy something in the Baibao Pavilion. So, the two of them entered it together.

The auction held by the Fairyland Civilization is quite different from the style of the Wizarding Civilization.

But one thing is common, that is, wealthy customers and customers with extremely high status and status can all

Enjoy special rights.

As level five experts, Thain and Duan Po naturally went to an auction area and received services that were not comparable to those of low-level monks below level four.

As for the Baibao Pavilion, after respectfully welcoming the two of them to the private room in the pavilion, they also specially sent a fox demon from the earthly immortal realm to serve as their shopping guide.

"Two distinguished guests, our Baobao Pavilion's auction has begun."

"This is the list of previous auctions. You two can purchase some items that were not auctioned directly."

"And this is the list for the next auction. Our Baibao Pavilion is the chamber of commerce that has the most complete range of goods and treasures in this city."

"Twenty years ago, there was an acquired spiritual treasure here, but it was taken away." The fox demon named Xiaomei introduced it to the two of them.

There is also a little fox girl in Thane's laboratory, who also has demigod-level strength.

Therefore, when this fox demon appeared in their box, Thain couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

Unlike the little fox girl Ai Jieli, she feels innocent and cute.

The fairy fox demon in front of me has a bit of "charming" meaning.

And Thain noticed that there were three tails behind this fox demon, which seemed to be where her life gate was.

"There is an orc world in our Wizarding Alliance. The orcs in that world are very similar to the monsters of your fairyland civilization in some aspects." Thane casually smiled at Duan Po.

Duan Po nodded and said, "When I was on a mission on the frontline battlefield, I saw a fifth-level bear god from the orc world. He is indeed very similar to the bear demon from the demon clan."

After chatting for a while, Thain was quickly attracted by the auction list in front of him.

Those items that have been sold out are not attractive to Thain.

He even saw a magic weapon made by the alchemists of the wizarding civilization.

However, Thain saw a lot of good things in the later items for sale that had not yet been put on sale.

What attracted Thain the most was the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, which had a starting price of 10,000 immortal jade.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire is once again a top-notch divine fire in the Immortal Realm that can rival Nanming Lihuo and Nirvana Fire!

This kind of flame is very rare in the fairyland and difficult to collect.

I don’t know where the founders behind this place got it from.

Thain saw the Six Ding Divine Fire listed for sale in the star port before, with an asking price of one billion magic coins.

The current Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire is close to the Six Ding Divine Fire, but its starting price is only 100 million magic coins, and the final transaction price is at most 500 or 600 million, or even lower!

No wonder Pola and others asked Thain to come and have a look at this fairyland ghost market.

"Nine Heavens Mysterious secret of the sixth level of the Ember Flame is indeed still a little short of perfection. If conditions permit, I can indeed try to bid." Thain couldn't help but ponder as he looked at the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire on the auction list. .

In addition to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, Thain quickly saw other items on the auction list that he was interested in.

As the carrier of Thain's Staff of Ashes, Thain was finally found in this auction house!

——Fire Yang Wutong Wood, this is an extremely rare law wood in the fairyland civilization, which contains a ray of fire law.

There is a saying in the fairyland civilization that the phoenix does not live in the parasol tree.

The sycamore wood that appeared at the auction in front of me was allegedly purchased from a quasi-holy phoenix.

The starting price of this piece of sycamore wood is three thousand immortal jade, which is indeed much cheaper than the suitable materials that Thain saw in the Wizarding Star Port before.

In addition to this piece of sycamore wood, Thane also saw another option that he could buy—a trunk section of the Tree of Life produced in the Great Elf World.

It seems that the elves from the Wizarding Alliance also come to this ghost market to shop.

Things like the Tree of Life are not widely circulated in the Wizards' Alliance, and the elves treasure these plants very much.

Unless it is an ancient tree that has died naturally or withered, the elves rarely cut down this type of vegetation.

From the introduction of the auction house's list, Thain also learned that this trunk of the Tree of Life was indeed taken out from a level six ancient tree that was destroyed in the war.

On the current frontline of the wizard civilization battlefield, in addition to the various elven legions, there are indeed many ancient trees involved in the battle sequence of the elven world.

Ancient trees of war, ancient trees of wisdom, ancient trees of wind, etc., have all been transplanted to battlefields on the front lines by the elves. They serve as large-scale combat platforms, protecting the surrounding creatures in the elven world.

In the subsequent list, Thain did see many other types of ancient trees.

The branches were listed in the auction.

Duan Po was also looking at the auction list at this time, and what he focused on was one of the fairyland elixirs called "Extreme Divine Pill".

The main function of this elixir is to accelerate the growth of organisms and replenish the life source of some receptors.

For example, if a young dragon takes the Ultimate Divine Pill, it is very likely that it will be able to grow to maturity quickly in more than ten years without too many negative effects.

But because the main effect is too unconventional, and few dragons will feed their offspring this kind of thing, it is also very rare in the fairyland market.

Duan Po inquired for a long time before he heard that such elixirs were being auctioned here.

The reason why Duan Po wanted to buy Ji Shen Dan was naturally for his sister who would never grow up. In Duan Po's opinion, this might be a "disease".

It happened that Thain was right next to him, and Duan Po also knew that these magicians in the wizarding world knew everything and were extremely knowledgeable.

So Duan Po couldn't help but ask, "Master Sain, I have a friend. Her body has always been in a juvenile state. No matter what, it is difficult to grow and develop. Do you know the reason?"

Faced with Duan Po's sudden question, Thain was stunned. The first thing he thought of was his wife Lina.

Lina had always maintained the state of a little girl before. Later, when she was in the Black Realm, she slowly solved this problem and then had two forms.

Lina, who is currently pregnant, of course maintains her royal sister form.

However, when the two of them get along in private, Lina is still more accustomed to the way she used to get along with Thane.

"Why do you ask this question?"

"I'm familiar with this!" Thain said, slapping Duan Po on the shoulder.

"Ah?" Duan Po said in surprise. This time it was his turn to not react.

Ignoring Duan Po who was in a state of shock, Thain lowered his head and continued to look at the auction list and said, "Bring your friend to me later, and I will help her take a look."

"I happen to have experience solving this problem," Thain said.

"Really?" Duan Po frowned and looked at Thain hesitantly.

"At the beginning of this month, we will resume the three updates for the time being. When the monthly tickets are doubled in the middle of the month, Xiaodou will give everyone another blast~

Also, our practice of adding one update to 100 monthly tickets is still maintained. Currently, there are 156 monthly tickets, so around 7pm, there is still one chapter~"

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