The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2131 Memo of the Ash Staff

"When will the war begin in that medium-sized star field?" Thain asked.

"It can be as short as two hundred years, or as long as five hundred years."

"Don't worry, we must have solved your wife's problem and fulfilled our contract before inviting you to fight," Rose replied.

"The war in that medium-sized star field cannot be fought in the short term."

"The legion under my command has not advanced there yet."

"It's just that I have already regarded it as my own in advance." Rose said.

Although Thain was obviously the one taking advantage this time, considering the past actions of the Spider Queen and her character, Thain always felt uneasy.

So Thain couldn't help but ask, "There won't be any pitfalls in this, are you waiting for me to jump in?"

"And why can't I get the Jade Burning Fire Master to join us?" Thain asked.

Thain's expression of distrust made Rose roll her eyes.

The main reason is that the spider queen has a really bad reputation in the wizarding world, and she has never done anything kind.

Faced with Thain's suspicion, Rose replied, "Don't worry, I won't trap you. Of course, Eric and I are not doing charity."

"Let me tell you clearly, that medium-sized star field is not easy to conquer. There are not only peak level six creatures in it, but also a few ordinary level six creatures."

"Among all medium-sized world civilizations, that medium-sized world is definitely at the forefront of strength, and even has the potential to impact large-scale planes."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't like it."

"I don't want the masters behind you to participate because I don't want other forces to get too involved in the distribution of interests behind this medium-sized star field."

"Don't think about getting too many benefits. I think in the wizarding world, apart from Eric and me, there are very few people who can help you solve your wife's problems."

"Unless you can ask a certain master to use the omnipotent soul of master to repair their wounds." Rose said.

Rose's words made Thain raise his eyebrows.

Thain said, "I only need to solve the soul problems of Natalya and Lina, and I don't need other resources for the time being."

"Giggle, that's what you said."

"Of course, if

If you perform well enough then, I will give you some benefits. "

"I won't let you work completely in vain." Rose smiled.

"Since I can't be allowed to win over the divisions to act together, can I bring over some of the combat legions that are attached to me? Some of them are still members of the Wizards Alliance." Thain asked.

"what ever."

"The legions here include the Servant of God legion under my command, as well as Eric's undead legion and the corpse-refining beast legion. It's barely enough."

"But if you can bring more legions, I won't deprive you of those war seizures at the legion level." Rose replied.

That's how it is when working with Spider Queen Rose, you have to ask questions clearly.

A person like Rose who lives in the dark realm may not tell you the rules, and the magic contract is just a decoration.

When the time comes, Thane will bring a group of people there and take over the seven combined space fortresses.

Even if there is any conflict in the end, he will have enough confidence and strength to deal with any trouble.

These troubles may come from outside or from within.

In addition to talking about the above-mentioned war cooperation, Thane also mentioned that he will next conduct trade cooperation with the Black Domain on the soul crystal level.

Rose didn't care about this "little thing".

He nodded and agreed casually.

She didn't know that Thane, who had already joined the Zerg, would eventually achieve an exaggerated amount of trade with the Black Territory.

Although those soul crystals were only a small part of what the Zerg captured on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

But even Rose would be tempted by the acquisition of wealth involving hundreds of millions of magic coins.

But by the time Rose noticed, it might have been too late.

How could Thain, whose wealth has already flowed into his hands, give it away again?

And by then, the problems of Lina, Natalya and others should also be solved.

This means that Rose will no longer have any leverage against Thane.

Rose thought that she would

In the medium-sized star field war, it will take advantage of Thane.

As everyone knows, Thain has already benefited from other places in advance.

After ending his communication with Spider Queen Rose, Thain was in a good mood and returned to the Holy Tower Laboratory to continue his own experimental data collection.

Next, there are two main experimental projects left in front of Thain.

The first is to refine the world-class secret treasure magic wand - the Staff of Ashes.

The second is to hit level six.

In the hundreds of years since Thane returned to the wizarding world, Ember Flame experiments and mechanical experiments have made breakthroughs one after another, so that Thain has naturally reached the sixth level. 🅆

It's just that hitting level six is ​​not something that can be accomplished by just closing and opening your eyes.

According to Thain's estimation, this breakthrough process may last from 300 to 600 years.

But Lena might be giving birth soon! Thain also wanted to witness the birth of his first child.

He doesn't expect to see that when he walks out of the laboratory a few hundred years later, his child will be one or two hundred years old...

Moreover, Thane's rest period from the wizarding civilization will be over in another hundred or two hundred years.

It was simply not enough for Thane to advance further, and he had to make another application report to the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization.

At the same time, only after seeing that Natalya and Lina's soul problems are solved and throwing away all the burdens can Thain concentrate on hitting the sixth level.

Thain knew very well how serious the consequences of failure to cross the life level would be, so he had to be fully prepared.

Refining the world-class secret treasure magic wand first is also a process for Thain to accumulate alchemical knowledge, which will make his journey to level six more stable.

"Okay, let's proceed with the refining of the low-level world-class secret treasure 'The Staff of Ashes', and strive to complete it within a hundred years!" Thain made a memo for his next experiment in front of the crystal ball.

Wizard civilization battlefield frontline.

The seventh-level true spirit black magician He Xiu has just arrived here.

Although he is only a seventh-level mid-level true spirit magician,

division, but Hexiu's role on the frontline of the civilized battlefield is definitely far greater than that of an ordinary seventh-level mid-level alliance master.

Because he is a black magician, that's it!

Hexiu's other identity is the "assistant" of Nigel, the eighth-level true spirit black magician in the wizarding world.

He is an assistant, not a disciple.

Because the two have never made a clear master-disciple relationship.

But those who are familiar with it all know that Hexiu has long regarded Nigel as his mentor and father, and Nigel has long regarded Hexiu as his only direct disciple.

It's just that the weird temperament of black magicians prevents them from showing any emotion other than coldness.

Including when dealing with his goddaughter Rose, Nigel has always implemented a free-range strategy and has never directly given her any preferential treatment.

You have to make your own future, and Nigel has no interest in being a nanny for this girl.

Hexiu, who had just returned to the battlefield of wizard civilization, was very angry because he also learned that his mentor Nigel was seriously injured.

Originally, Hexiu planned to go directly to the border battlefield of Huanyu World to fight against the Minghe Empire Legion there.

No matter what, he had to injure one or two pharaohs or kings of monsters from the Hades Empire in order to relieve Hexiu's depression.

However, the assignment from the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization required Hexiu to go to the frontline battlefield of the Gallente Federation that was most suitable for him and where he could best utilize his value.

Even his mentor, Nigel, could not disobey the instructions from the top of the wizarding civilization.

What's more, He Xiu is only in the mid-seventh level.

Hexiu has not been in the wizarding civilization for the past tens of thousands of years. Although he has also helped his mentor manage the Qatar Star Pirates Group, his main focus of development in recent years has been to explore the star world beyond the contact of the wizarding civilization. .

He Xiu's life pursuit is to be unrestrained and explore any field of interest.

And in recent years, He Xiu has really discovered some tricks.

A top civilization called the Gintama World gradually appeared in the vision of wizard civilization.

What is more distinctive is that this is the top civilization of the undead system.

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