The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2130 Solution

This world is about starving the bold to death and starving the timid to death.

Of course, Thain frequently cooperates with the Black Realm and creates things that wander around the boundaries of wizard civilization rules. This does not mean that he is completely hysterical for the sake of resources and wealth.

Thane isn't crazy, he's even sane.

The reason for making a deal with Black Territory is that Thane has Rose, the Spider Queen, and the Beren Empire is also on board.

This is not about Thain alone.

Rather, there is an entire huge interest group. 🅆

If it is finally found out by some guardian organization of wizard civilization, I am afraid that a large number of people will be involved.

Considering that Spider Queen Rose has the Black Realm True Spirit Tower behind her, and there are so many fourth- and fifth-level knight magicians involved in the Beren Empire, there must be people at the top of the empire helping to cover it up.

This may be mixed with the personal friendships and interests of some True Spirit level experts.

Thain is not greedy. With this line of Zerg, he can earn hundreds of millions of magic coins, which can make up for the shortfall of his frequent experiments during this period.

Hundreds of millions of magic coins... At this price, you can bid for a world-class secret treasure in the Wizards Alliance.


The cooperation negotiations with the Zerg went very smoothly.

Since the main force of the Zerg is now located behind the Gallente Federation's home star field, it is not the same thing as the Wotwine star field on the frontline battlefield of the wizard civilization.

Originally, Thain thought that the Zerg would complete the transaction through the trade routes of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, and at most they would pay a portion of the transportation costs to the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce.

But I didn't expect that the Zerg could actually complete this extremely long trade route on their own.

The only requirement is that Thane has a large venue and accurate plane coordinates.

The Yijing demiplane that Thain just purchased from the Ebalut Empire is very good. This demiplane is located relatively close to the Wizarding World and has stable starry sky coordinate nodes. It is suitable for Thain to hoard supplies. a port.

After reporting the coordinates of the Yijing World, Thain was originally curious about how the Zerg could complete long-distance trade across star fields.

It didn't take long to get the answer.

——Space Tunnel.

This is a Zerg building that contains extremely abundant space energy.

From the outside, it looks like a huge mouth that opens into an unknown abyss.

In fact, this space tunnel plays a role similar to the wizard civilization's space teleportation array.

The Zerg Legion was able to sweep across the Gallente Federation star field, and it certainly did not rely on the slow flight of the Zerg biological battleships transformed from the Brood Base.

In order to ensure the mobility of the endless sea of ​​​​worms, the space tunnel is just one of the means for the worms to transport troops and resources.

In addition, more complex and complex methods are sometimes used to cover every battlefield with Zerg carpet slime.

The current Zerg space tunnel connected to the Yijing demiplane can be regarded as a special building with relatively small resource throughput, but its transmission distance is extremely exaggerated.

In order to establish a spatial tunnel in the Yijing demiplane, the Zerg even said hello to the wizard civilization, including the wizard civilization who also sent a fourth-level magician to the Holy Tower of Ashes to inquire about the situation.

Of course, it was impossible for Thane to tell the Wizarding Civilization that he came here with a Zerg space accent specifically for the purpose of "smuggling."

On the surface, it is to strengthen friendly exchanges with the Zerg, and it is equivalent to establishing a free trade port there to maintain the flow of resources from all vassal alien planes under the Holy Tower of Ashes of Thane.

The Titans can have their own star port outside the wizarding world, and the Zerg will have no problem establishing a space tunnel in the Yijing demiplane.

The wizard civilization did not have much doubt about this and quickly approved the matter.

As for subsequent cooperation with the Zerg and contact with the Black Domain trade network, Thain left it to the goddess of wealth, Vol'jin, to take charge.

Thane himself is confirming the supply from the Zerg.

After answering the link, he got in touch with Spider Queen Rose.

Every time Thane gets in touch with the Spider Queen, he always gives her a big surprise.

Although the Spider Queen was not in the wizarding world at this time, after constructing a stable communication light screen through the silver bead ring, the Spider Queen immediately discovered the fact that Thane possessed the fifth level of peak strength.

"Isn't your growth rate too exaggerated?"

"I highly doubt that the Guardian of Summer gave you not just a ray of light, but all the blessings within her scope of authority." Spider Queen Rose took a clear look at the situation on Thane's side. Finally, he crossed his legs and said.

At this time, in the background of the communication light screen, the Spider Queen was sitting on a throne in a black temple, surrounded by a lot of silver spider silk and special sculptures and murals.

I don’t know which foreign battlefield Rose is currently spreading her faith on, but Thain can feel it, and Rose has become stronger.

At least Rose's physical strength has now reached a level comparable to that of Thain's master Cuilis.

Not to mention, the various treasures and trump cards in Rose's hands are only a lot more than those of Trilis.

Therefore, judging from the results, Rose is more difficult to deal with than Triris.

In the plane war, Thain is not the only one who has grown.

However, Rose, the Spider Queen, who had given Thain a great threat and sense of oppression in the past, now had little influence on him when she appeared in front of Thain.

Thane, who had seen the powerful aura of the Zerg Queen of Blades, looked at the Spider Queen Rose in front of him, and felt that Rose was a bit uninteresting.

Despite Rose's physical strength, she can still crush Thane now.

But what if Thain has seven space fortresses as blessings?

The sudden increase in strength is the confidence that Thain can communicate with Rose on an equal footing.

After a while of polite greetings with the Spider Queen, whom he had not seen for many years, Thane talked about his intention to contact her this time.

It's still about Natalya's soul awakening and Lina's soul separation.

This time, I don’t know if Rose is

Because Thain's strength changed again, she really contacted a certain top soul master.

Faced with Thain's request for help, Rose readily agreed.

The smoothness of things was somewhat beyond Thain's imagination.

Even the spider queen said very kindly that she would ask the black magician to come and help Thane after a while.

This "a period of time" refers to the time difference, which is within a hundred years.

Facing such a kind Spider Queen, Thain didn't know what to say for a while.

Is this still the Black Spider Queen that Thane knew?

"Of course I'm not helping you in vain."

"The person who handles your wife's soul problem is my father's disciple, the sixth-level black magician Eric."

"He just returned to the battlefield of wizard civilization with his mentor Hexiu."

"Eric's mentor Hexiu has a task assigned to him by the wizard civilization to complete, but Eric will act with us next."

"I have taken a fancy to a medium-sized star field battlefield and would like to invite you to jointly develop it with me."

"Erick will be involved too."

"The cost of treating your wife requires you to pay back in the medium-sized star war there. You should have no problem, right?" Spider Queen Rose asked.

"I know you have an eight-winged angel robot as a slave. This is one of the prerequisites for us to cooperate equally."

"However, this medium-sized star field war is just a war initiated by me personally. You cannot bring your division members to participate."

"And most of the final harvest from the war will be with me." Rose added.

Thain is already very satisfied to be able to deal with the soul issues for Natalya and Lina.

Thane really didn't care about the gains from the war in a medium-sized star field.

However, what makes Thane a little curious is that Rose's father actually has a disciple?

"The next chapter is around eight o'clock~"

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