The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2122 Goodbye, Guardian of Summer

The super complex space fortress is about to take shape. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Due to the emergence of huge mass and the pull of gravity, obvious abnormal natural phenomena such as atmospheric tumbling and surging waves occurred in the Wizarding World directly below the Union Fortress.

It can be seen why Thain came outside the wizarding world to conduct experimental tests on the Union Fortress.

Under normal circumstances, even ordinary standard space fortresses would have to fly to and dock outside the plane, not to mention the behemoth that Thane was standing on at this moment.

This is to maintain the natural and ecological balance of the wizarding world.

In terms of protecting the mother plane, these knights and magicians in the wizarding world have really gone to the limit.

And in obvious contrast to it.

He is a powerful wizard civilization, endlessly squeezing the alliance plane, and regularly destructively exploiting the enemy plane.

Also when Thain's joint fortress was gradually taking shape and exerting a certain influence on the wizarding world, several beings who were the guardians of the wizarding world also vaguely felt it.

Since the opening of the civilized battlefield, most of the true spirit level magicians in the wizarding world have gone to the frontline battlefield.

This also means that those super experimental shocks that are very shocking in rules and can only be caused by masters above the master level have decreased a lot in the past ten thousand years.

The reduction of such super experiments can be said to make the four guardians of the wizarding world secretly relieved.

Although the current joint fortress that Thain is conducting does not meet the experimental standards of true spirit level magicians, among sixth-level spellcasters, such special experiments that have a large-scale impact are still relatively rare.

Due to Thain's Union Fortress, the area directly below the Wizarding World at this time is the southwest sea of ​​the Wizarding World.

Affected by their jurisdiction, the Guardian of Spring and the Guardian of Summer, two of the four guardians, took the lead in flying towards the experimental area close to Thain after feeling the special gravitational turbulence coming from outside the plane.

"Haha, it's this little guy."

"I didn't expect that only ten thousand years have passed, and I have already touched the sixth level?" The Guardian of Summer looked out of the plane.

Whoever was doing the experiment couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

The Guardian of Summer has some impressions of Thain, not only because the light of the plane in Thain's body came from her hands.

It was also because the Guardian of Summer had heard from other people that Thane had received the inheritance of the Formless Mask.

The wizarding world is large, but the high-level circles are not.

Once something happens, those top wizard civilization experts will often take a breath.

Especially the four guardians. Except for the Guardian of Autumn, whose original profession was a knight, the other three guardians were all magicians before taking over.

But after becoming guardians, they naturally no longer have much time to immerse themselves in their own magic experiments, including the path they take, which gradually shifts from exploring the truth to shining a light on the mother plane.

The wizarding world becomes more prosperous, rich, and powerful, and the four guardians receive greater power bonuses!

Another underlying power of the wizarding world that has not yet been demonstrated in civilized wars is that the four guardians actually already have master-level power.

The last person to break through to the realm of dominance was the Guardian of Autumn, who successfully advanced 20,000 years ago.

The guardian's strength has jumped so exaggeratedly, which also shows the prosperity of the wizard civilization.

The only pity is that no matter which plane of civilization it is, it is difficult for guardians to leave their home plane.

From the moment they took on the role of guardian, they were bound to their own world.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the four guardians will be active on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

Most of the time, guardians are in a state of obscurity and selfless dedication.

The Guardian of Summer is a passionate and unrestrained being, and she also has the most fiery and irritable personality.

Being able to stay in the wizarding world for 200,000 years

He has never left, and it is really difficult for someone with the character of the Guardian of Summer.

This time, after discovering that Thain had made some noise outside the plane, the Guardian of Summer directly said to the Guardian of Spring, who arrived at the same time, "Leave this little guy to me."

"You are in the Black Territory, don't you have something to do?" the Guardian of Summer said with a smile.

After being bored for so long, I finally had something to do, and a smile appeared on the face of the Guardian of Summer.

The Guardian of Spring's character is mainly calm.

After hearing what the Guardian of Summer said, the Guardian of Spring hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Okay, please make sure that he places the experiment some distance away from our wizarding world."

"The migratory birds migrating from the Endless South Sea are heading to the eastern coast of the Kingdom of Jahana to spend the winter."

"Frequent air currents and tsunami surges will affect the reproduction of these little guys." The Guardian of Spring warned.

"I know, I know, including me, I will also support the guardian barrier to reduce his impact on our mother plane during the experiment." The Guardian of Summer responded.

As a superior and dominant being, he actually pays attention to the migration of migratory birds at the bottom of the wizarding world. This may be the charm of the guardian profession.

Of course, the migratory birds mentioned by the Guardian of Spring are not simply hundreds or tens of millions, but may involve the winter migration of trillions of birds.

The seasons in the wizarding world change quickly, which also makes the four guardians very busy and often need some assistance.

After hearing the answer from the Guardian of Summer, the Guardian of Spring nodded, then turned around and left the place.

Outside the plane, feeling the seven space fortresses slowly merging into one, Thane's face couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy.

During the integration process, there were indeed many "accidents" and "mistakes".

However, in Thane's Rubik's Cube control and in the seven space fortresses, there are as many as thousands of official magicians.

The problems that occurred during the emergency repairs and adjustments made by the division were just minor problems.

The seven space fortresses integrated into one are truly unprecedentedly huge.

Although it is not as exaggerated as those star ports outside the wizarding world, Thane has never seen such a huge space fortress before.

The world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube immediately covered most areas of the entire combined fortress with Thain's mind.

Allowing Thane to control most of the abilities of this combined fortress.

The first time you control it, you will definitely feel a little unfamiliar.

Including many weapon systems in this joint fortress, Thane was unable to test them one by one.

For example, for the "World-Destroying Shock Light" sequencer mentioned by Master Wharton, Thane was unable to find a suitable target to try it out for a while.

However, the overall operation of the joint fortress group seems to be relatively stable.

A large amount of data flow was continuously fed into the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hands at this stage.

As long as Thain conducts a few more experiments to store more information and data in the Rubik's Cube, I believe he will become more skillful in the subsequent manipulation and improvement process.

Just when Thain was extremely excited to feel his "new toy", a cold snort came from below the plane, interrupting Thain's thoughts, and also made him feel great pressure.

"Hmph, little guy, conducting large-scale magic experiments at close range outside the plane is not allowed~"

"Didn't you receive a notification before?" A beautiful female voice came from below the plane.

When Thain turned his gaze and looked down, he saw a mature woman in a red dress.

"Dear Guardian of Summer." Thain said in surprise.

At the same time, Thane noticed that there was still a red elemental barrier surrounding the Great Guardian of Summer.

The main function of this elemental barrier is to block the impact of Thane's experiment on the wizarding world below.

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