The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2121 Union Fortress

After being urged by his mentor to go to the Sky City, Thane soon saw his central fortress.

This smaller central core fortress was completed decades earlier than expected.

Sixth-level magician Wharton, one of the top space fortress builders in the wizarding world, appeared in front of Thane in person and explained to him the various functions and special features of this central core fortress.

In fact, Thain had already obtained relevant information about all the data about this space fortress through the crystal ball. đź…†

Master Wharton is giving a final analysis and description of this customized space fortress during the delivery stage of this space fortress.

"Actually, in my space fortress construction career, this central core fortress is not the most powerful, and it is far from being called 'perfect'."

"But considering that it can engage in a combined battle with six other space fortresses that amazes me, it is also a very special existence in my construction career."

"I look forward to you being able to show the true value of this space fortress on the front lines of the civilized battlefield." Master Wharton said to Thane.

Thain nodded. During Master Wharton's introduction, he knew that the silver-white square fortress in front of him was not its fixed shape.

Under the design of Master Wharton and others, this space fortress can undergo at least three large-scale deformations and more than ten small-scale deformations.

The maximum volume can be increased by more than three times, reaching a level larger than that of ordinary standard space fortresses.

The smallest one can be reduced again, and its extreme scale can be maintained in a compact and compact state that is only comparable to the volume of two war airships.

The changeable shape is to make this central core fortress fit the other six modified fortresses that need to be connected to its exterior.

The six additional space fortresses ordered by Thane in Cape Chi and the City of Steel are far larger in terms of basic volume than ordinary standard space fortresses, not to mention that those fortresses can also undergo a certain degree of distortion and deformation.

The main function of this central fortress customized in Sky City is not combat effectiveness or defensive performance. Its more function is reflected in "balance" and "coordination."

Moreover, Master Wharton of Sky City also gave Thane’s central core fortress another ability—huge energy.

"Relying only on your world-class secret treasure and the basic energy carried by the other six space fortresses is probably not enough to support the stronger power they will unleash after they are combined."

"Because the seven space fortresses work together, the overall energy consumption required is far more than just superimposing them on top of each other. It is likely to double or even triple the original basis."

"I'll give you the central core

The last ability added to the Heart Fortress is to use subspace collapse technology in the fortress space on the left and right sides, close to area 30, to add a large number of element pools and power hubs. "

"This can ensure that your combined fortress group can last longer in the battle."

"As for the partial fortress armor and combat index that have been weakened because of this, it doesn't seem to be a problem in my opinion."

"You should rarely drive this central fortress to fight alone. It should be protected in your fortress group more often on civilized battlefields."

"And this central fortress is not without any explosive power."

"Because its total amount of energy is almost 22 times that of a standard space fortress, I added a 'World-Destroying Shock Light' magic sequencer to it."

"If you rely on the central fortress to launch alone, energy instability and other conditions may occur, so I suggest that in actual combat, it is best to combine the power of the seven space fortresses to launch."

"The impact caused by that should be three times as powerful as usual."

"Theoretically, this kind of 'world-destroying impact light' has the ability to severely damage level six peak creatures, and even destroy a medium-sized world." Wharton said to Thain.

(S's destruction of the medium-sized world does not mean directly breaking it, but directly triggering the collapse of this world by penetrating the navel of the plane.)

The space fortress created by Master Wharton has a signature in the wizarding world, that is, it is equivalent to a world-class secret treasure.

Thain's central fortress, individually speaking, is definitely not as exaggerated as a world-class secret treasure, but if it is combined with the other six space fortresses and integrated into a whole...

The power of the "World-Destroying Shock Light" magical sequence weapon also greatly exceeded Thain's expectations.

It can severely damage level six peak creatures, and is even more powerful than the magic bombs made of the finest inert crystals that Thain had obtained before.

At least Thain knew that a magic bomb could never destroy a medium-sized world.

And what Master Wharton said was only the energy gathered from the seven space fortresses, and did not include Thain's Rubik's Cube.

What if all the power of the Rubik's Cube was infused into it...

What if Thane is joined by the eight-winged angel Fumila, and even the planned power of other intelligent robots on the Cybertron planet...

What if Thane gathers more space fortress power in the future...

Seven space fortresses

, is just Thain’s limit at this stage. In the future, he plans to control more space fortresses, ten, or even more...

This is one of the branches of the mechanical path that Thain is currently exploring.

"Thank you Master Wharton and your team for creating such a cutting-edge fortress for me."

"I will always remember your help on my path of truth exploration." Thain once again said to Master Wharton and others.

Master Wharton, who was in front of the crowd, shook his head and said, "You don't have to thank me too much. It's just a transaction between us. Didn't you also pay hundreds of millions of magic coins?"

"Making the control center of such a combined space fortress is also a rare challenge for us, and it has enhanced our insights in many fields."

"If you really want to thank us, try your best to show up on the front lines of the civilized battlefield."

"Annihilate as many Gallente Federation resistance forces as possible and end this civilized war." Master Wharton sighed.

"Yeah!" Thain nodded heavily.

Master Wharton's assistant, Master Xina, knew that Master Wharton felt this way because of his disciple, Master Xina's senior brother, a fifth-level magician who also had very high achievements in the field of space fortress manufacturing. The teacher has already perished in this war of civilization.

The fifth-level magician died unluckily. He was in the frontline starport area responsible for maintenance and repair, and was suddenly attacked by several huge fleets of the Gallente Federation.

Despite that attack, the wizard civilization resisted tenaciously and persisted until surrounding reinforcements arrived.

But more than one-third of the frontline starport and nearly ten space fortresses were destroyed in that war.

The fifth-level magician also died in that battle.

The power of an individual is still too small when looking at the entire civilized battlefield.

Even though the wizard civilization now has a huge advantage on the frontline of the civilized battlefield, in fact, the losses suffered every moment are still very serious.

It's just that in comparison, the Gallente Federation's losses were more serious.

"Go and try your Union Fortress. If any problems are discovered during the test, we can make adjustments at any time." Master Wharton said.

"Okay." Thain nodded, then controlled the central fortress and flew out of the wizarding world.

Not only the central fortress of Sky City, but also the other six space fortresses in Cape Chi and Steel City all have free adjustment services within a certain period of time.

After all, Thain paid hundreds of millions of magic coins.

And the thousands of magicians involved in the design, research and development, and manufacturing of these joint space fortresses are also extremely interested in Thain's cutting-edge experimental subject.

Many well-informed wizards of level 4 and above in the wizarding world can see that as long as Thain successfully completes this experiment, then his path to becoming a level 6 mechanic will be successful!


Outside the wizarding world, when Thane arrived in this boundless star space.

The other six space fortresses that had been built were gradually activated by the power of the magic cube in Thain's hand, and flew towards Thain and the central core fortress at his feet.

Those six space fortresses are all driven by a small number of registered magicians from the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Before conducting this experiment, Thane had already explained the stakes to the magicians of the Holy Tower of Ashes, and paid them garrison rewards that far exceeded those of ordinary plane war missions.

These magicians who assisted Thain in conducting this joint space fortress experiment can also be regarded as the "death warriors" trained by Thain. For this reason, he also made a special report to the upper levels of the wizard civilization.

Perhaps due to the influence of civilized wars, the wizarding civilization did not refute Thain's dangerous experiment, but remained silent.

Silence is acquiescence, and it is impossible for Thain to break the casserole and ask the truth because of this matter.

Not only Thain's Ashes Holy Tower magician, there are also at least a hundred Sky City alchemists in the central fortress under his feet.

These Sky City alchemists all joined voluntarily to assist Thain in conducting this experiment.

The search for truth is fraught with danger.

The high remuneration paid to come to Thain was not the main reason that attracted them. The cutting-edge secrets contained in it were the factors that really prompted them to make this decision.

Being able to participate in a large-scale sixth-level experimental project is something that many low-level magicians below level 4 dream of.

The magicians in the wizarding world are all madmen. These low-level magicians who are willing to risk their lives in the search for the truth of Thane perfectly illustrate this point!

"Okay, now let's conduct the integration experiment of the seven space fortresses." Thane whispered as he held the Rubik's Cube in his hand that exuded the light of the blue law.

Under the pull of the power of the magic law, the edges of the seven space fortresses that have approached Thain are rapidly distorting and deforming, while the seven space fortresses slowly appear in a "cone shape" and gradually get closer.

An unprecedented collection of giant space fortresses is gradually taking shape outside the wizarding world!

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