The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2110: Explanation and Expedition

Fairyland civilization.

Unconsciously, nearly two hundred years have passed since the high-level talks in the Walter Wynn Star Territory.

On the premise that the Chanjiao on the Immortal Domain have already prepared their troops for mobilization, the Chanjiao army has already assembled in front of the cross-star teleportation formation, and currently about one-third of the Chanjiao vanguard army has arrived. Entering the border battlefield of the star field of the great world.

This war has a milestone significance for the fairyland civilization.

Because to a certain extent, this is another unity and cooperation war between the major forces within the fairyland civilization after hundreds of thousands of years.

The three major sects of Taoism, Buddhism, and the demon clan are all involved.

For the fairyland civilization whose internal conflicts are increasingly intensifying, this war is undoubtedly an opportunity for them to resolve internal conflicts and unify the overall strength of the civilization.

Those saint-level powerhouses who stand at the top of the fairyland civilization still have some brushes and foresight and wisdom.

During the civilized war in the wizarding world, they seized this opportunity.

And looking at history, it seems that the last time the Fairyland Civilization experienced an explosive transformation, it was also closely related to the Wizarding Civilization.

There seems to be some special bond between the wizard civilization and the fairy civilization in this star world.

In short, this is not the first time that the two world civilizations have cooperated.

And what is exciting is that every cooperation will bring great benefits to both parties.

It is precisely because of this prerequisite and cornerstone of cooperation that the Fairyland Civilization can feel more confident about going to the Wizarding Civilization to participate in the war, without having to worry about being cheated too badly.

The prehistoric world, Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun, the founder saint of Chanjiao, has confirmed that he will not go to the outside world to participate in the war in person.

But all the saints affiliated with Chanjiao would routinely come to Yuxu Palace and listen to a few words of teaching from the saint before going on an expedition.


He was not the last saint to arrive at Yuxu Palace.

However, before he arrived, there were already nearly ten saint-level experts stationed here.

Why is Chanjiao regarded as the leader of contemporary Taoism?

This can be seen from the number of Saint-level experts in front of us!

Although they are eighth-level masters, apart from Yuanshi Tianzun, only Yang Jian and Nezha have reached this level.

However, the number of seventh-level saints who explain the religion is really quite large, ranking first among the three major sects of Taoism.

Moreover, the overall strength of the Saints of Chanjiao is much stronger than the so-called "Eight Great Saints" of the Demon Clan, and the ones behind them.

Except for a few who have died, the twelve direct disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun have all reached the realm of saints. (Of course, several have been transferred to Buddhism.)

In terms of the ability to choose disciples, it is indeed difficult for the fairyland civilization to find another being who is more awesome than Yuanshi Tianzun.

Standing in front of the Yuxu Palace at this time, the person with the highest status was not Yang Jian, who was slightly stronger than Nezha, but a middle-aged monk wearing a simple Taoist robe with mostly gray hair.

This monk is Guang Chengzi, the first disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, and he also possesses the seventh level of peak strength.

The famous acquired spiritual treasure in the prehistoric world, the Heaven-turning Seal refined from Buzhou Mountain, is the famous weapon of this saint who explains the religion.

The Fairyland Civilization has something in common with the Wizarding Civilization in some areas.

For example, on top of the master's inheritance.

Even though Guang Chengzi's strength has been surpassed by Yang Jian and Nezha who grew up later.

But when these two eighth-level saints met Guangchengzi, they

You still have to call me "Master" obediently.

Including this time going to the Wizarding Civilization to participate in the war, Yang Jian and Nezha theoretically have to follow Guang Chengzi's instructions.

Of course, as the first disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, Guangchengzi's strength and character are not bad in all aspects.

He generally does not make any wrong decisions, including in the process of treating the juniors of the sect, and he also plays the responsibilities and obligations that a sect senior brother should have.

The direct disciples up and down the Chan sect are all extremely convinced of Guang Chengzi, the elder of the sect.

This time, Guangchengzi led the Chanjiao army to join the wizarding civilization, and there was no objection within the Chanjiao.

When Nezha arrived, the saint-level monks from Chanjiao were talking about going to the wizard civilization to participate in the war.

There were not only saint-level monks gathered around, but also quasi-saint-level monks and Daluo Jinxian-level monks. There were also many people approaching, totaling hundreds of people.

These monks with life levels of six or above are definitely the high-level forces that Chanjiao will go to the wizard civilization to participate in the war this time.

Everyone is looking forward to the next war, and the fellow disciples and brothers who are close to each other have agreed to cooperate with each other on the civilized battlefield.

In addition to agreeing on war cooperation, this group of great experts also mentioned some recent events in the fairyland civilization.

For example, the witch clan stationed in the underworld of reincarnation actually wanted to participate in the war with the wizard civilization. This was really something that no one expected.

In obvious contrast to the situation with the Witch Clan, the Blood Sea Asura Clan, which is supposed to have a closer relationship with the wizard civilization, actually did not take any action under the premise that the fairyland civilization mobilized its civilization to gain foreign currency for the war. .

"Those Blood Sea Asuras seem to have no intention of participating in this war." More than one Immortal Saint-level monk made this judgment.

As for the Wu clan's participation in the war, Nezha, who went to the Water Wynn Star Territory to participate in high-level talks, really didn't know about it before.

It shouldn't be that the wizarding civilization deliberately concealed Nezha.

But the participation of the Wu clan in the war was probably just determined in the past two hundred years.

Including the witch clan army in the reincarnation hell, they haven't been mobilized yet.

In the past fifty years, ghosts, gods, ghosts, and ghost cultivators from all walks of life in the fairyland civilization have frequently appeared in the ghost city of Fengdu, the Ten Halls of Yama, and the underworld of reincarnation in the prehistoric world.

Not only the prehistoric world, but also the "yin energy" of the entire fairyland civilization has been on the rise in the past ten years.

The major saints and Taoist families, as well as the three families of Buddhism, Taoism, and demons, have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years that everyone has actually ignored the power of the Witch Clan and Hades.

Unknowingly, the Wu clan has actually developed to an extremely powerful level.

Although there is currently only one person with saint-level power, the ancestral witch Houtu, who has transformed into reincarnation, the witch clan has still seen the emergence of many talents in recent years.

The Ten Halls of Yama all have quasi-saint-level strength, including the great witches of the witch clan, as well as the top powerhouses who turned to the path of ghosts and immortals after their physical bodies died.

As another cultural treasure of the fairyland civilization - the underworld of reincarnation, the most eye-catching power currently possessed by the Wu clan is not the high-level combat power, but the middle and low-level legions.

Just imagine what a spectacular scene it would be when endless ghost cultivators and souls of the dead rush out from the underworld of reincarnation.

What Thain and Lu Lianman mentioned in their previous remote video conversation is indeed correct.

The reincarnation underworld forces controlled by the Wu Clan are really a group of undead!

This is a group of undead with characteristics of the fairyland.

"The next chapter will be at eight o'clock~"

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