The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2109 The Underworld of Reincarnation

Teaching disciples is really not an easy task. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

And Thain gradually discovered that sometimes the difference between mentor and disciple is quite big.

For example, Lu Lianman and Sean, and then for example, Sean and Kathleen.

After a period of teaching, Thain noticed that Kathleen's talent for understanding mechanics was almost zero. More importantly, she seemed to have no interest in mechanics at all.

They no longer have any interest in exploring the field of mechanics, so of course Thain is teaching for nothing.

Fortunately, Kathleen performed relatively well in her exploration of Jade Fire Magic and her introductory mastery in the field of alchemy.

Thain also asked why Kathleen chose fire magic when she was an apprentice.

Katherine's answer was also very candid and did not say anything false.

She initially learned fire magic not because she was interested in the mysteries of the fire element.

Simply because when she was in the public magic academy of the Belen Empire, the most powerful magic that Kathleen had access to in a short period of time was the "small fireball" in fire magic.

Katherine also had a period of persistent pursuit of power, but since she reached the level of an intermediate magic apprentice and followed the apprentice trial team of the Sunlight Holy Tower, performing hundreds of missions to exterminate the mountain bandits, she felt that His hatred and obsession gradually slowed down a lot.

While pursuing power, she maintained her constant exploration of the truth, which Kathleen gradually realized during her advanced magic apprenticeship.

With this alone, she surpassed many so-called "quasi-magicians" at that time.

Thain was naturally very satisfied with Kathleen's answer.

He admired this little girl's frankness, and once again saw some shadow of himself in Katharine.

As for Kathleen's shortcomings in the field of mechanics, Thain thinks it may be that he has assigned her too many learning tasks recently? So much so that Kathleen really didn't have the extra energy to delve deeper into it.

Or perhaps Kathleen really has no talent in mechanics-related fields.

However, it’s not bad to inherit part of Thane’s skills.

Thain may not only accept Katharine as a disciple in his life.

His profound knowledge about mechanics may be passed on to other more talented disciples in the future.

In addition to the differences in the field of truth exploration, although Kathleen is similar to Thain in many places, there are also some places that are completely different.

For example, Thain was not very willing to perform the teaching task of Holy Tower College.

He believed that facing some magic apprentices who knew nothing was a waste of his experiments.

With that time available, he would rather immerse himself in his own exploration of the truth.

But Kathleen was different.

The contract she signed with Meili included teaching at Holy Tower College.

Therefore, in addition to being immersed in the cutting-edge academic knowledge that Thain taught her every day, Kathleen also had to take time to prepare lessons and go to Holy Tower College to teach the children.

Thain mentioned that he could help Kathleen get rid of these Holy Tower teaching tasks first.

However, Kathleen declined her mentor's proposal, saying that it was only two magic classes a week and would not interfere with her exploration of the truth.

In addition to wanting to fulfill the contract, Thane could see that Catherine really liked those energetic apprentice children.

"Okay, it's up to you. I will still check your magic homework regularly."

"In addition, I believe you also have a certain understanding of Jade Fire Magic."

"After a while, we will start the jade fire body refining experiment." Thain said.

On the dinner table, a goblet in his hand couldn't help but tremble, and the light yellow elemental juice in it rippled.

Katherine asked a little introvertedly, "Does it have to be physical training?"

Thain raised his eyebrows, took a sip of the elemental juice handed over by the little fox girl, and replied, "Of course, this is the characteristic of our Jade Fire Master Sect."

"Your mentor, me, and your... uh... uncle, uncle Zeng, and master Zeng are all practicing body training," Thain said.

After joining Thain's sect for a period of time, Kathleen also knew that her sect was special.

In addition to Thane, the fifth-level peak magician, there are several strong ones above level four in the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

Those uncles and uncles were so far apart that Kathleen had no idea in her mind for a while and had never met each other before.

On the other hand, Kathleen showed great interest in her master, Thain's mentor.

"Teacher, does the old master, Master, also practice body training?" Kai

Celine asked, blinking.

"Ahem, this question... you can go back and ask your master yourself."

"But I can tell you that your great-grandmaster, the founder of our Blue Burning Fire Master Sect, was an extremely powerful sixth-level peak body-refining great magician." Thain said solemnly.

Katherine, who has been promoted to the first level, also has a rough idea of ​​what the power structure of the middle level of wizard civilization is like.

The sixth-level peak magician is already the strongest among the magicians who built the Holy Tower. One step further up is the Tower of True Spirit.

However, whether it is a fourth-level magician or a sixth-level magician, it is still so far away for Kathleen.

Her current goal is to advance to the second level within three hundred years.

This was also the indicator given to her by Thain.

Thain does not expect that his disciple will be promoted to level four in the future, but there should be no problem if he is promoted to level three, or becomes a demigod, right?

In Thain's view, promotion to the second level within the next three hundred years is a more reasonable promotion range.

Reaching a high position in one step is not necessarily a good thing.

Laying a stronger foundation will be more conducive to future development.

Not long after accepting Kathleen as a disciple, Thain had a long-distance magic video chat with Lu Lianman who was far away on the frontline battlefield during an experiment, and told Lu Lianman the news.

Lu Lianman was so excited that she finally had a disciple.

She told Thain to teach Kathleen well.

Including Lu Lianman herself, she later prepared a large number of low-level potions that she specially refined, preparing to send them back to the wizarding world to replenish the body of her good disciple.

When Thain heard this, he couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth and said, "Kathleen hasn't started the body refining experiment yet, so she shouldn't need so many potions and supplements, right?"

"What do you know? Some potions are not only used to restore physical strength and vitality."

"Have you not noticed that your master's skin has always been very good?"

"Although your uncle Penas's skin color is also very beautiful, I prefer a child with a lighter color." Lu Lianman said, touching her chin.

Thain was shocked when he heard this, and he couldn't help but look down at his arm.

Well, because of Thain's own physical condition, and possibly because of Lu Lianman's

His skin color was also very fair due to the auxiliary medicines given to him.

When Lu Lianman saw this, her face turned red and she said angrily, "What are you looking at? I'm talking about Kathleen."

"Oh." Thain replied.

In addition to chatting about recent family affairs, Lu Lianman also mentioned that his master Bojia Garu should also return to the wizarding world to rest in a while.

Gargaru suffered some injuries on the Apocalypse World battlefield not long ago.

With Gargaru's fighting style being more ferocious than that of a knight, it was only natural that he would be injured.

In addition to telling Thane to visit his uncle at the Holy Tower of Flame Sigh when he has time, Lu Lianman also knows a lot about the frontline battlefield because she is on the front line of the Walter Wynn Starfield battlefield.

Some information is difficult for Thain, who is in the wizarding world at the back, to have access to.

"Did you know? There is another wave of fairyland army that is about to arrive on the battlefield of our wizard civilization."

"I am afraid that there will be more and more immortal monks on the battlefield of our wizard civilization in the future." Lu Lianman said.

"Oh? What kind of immortal monk is this time?" Thain asked.

"I heard from Ms. Jennifer Ni, the sixth-level magician at the logistics base, that it seems that the other party is the Immortal Realm's Teaching Corps." Lu Lianman replied.

"Oh, in addition to explaining the teaching, it seems that the fairyland civilization has another force coming to our side."

"It seems to be the witch clan, the reincarnation underworld force..." Lu Lianman then added an extremely difficult-to-pronounce name of the force.

"The underworld of reincarnation..." Thain also fell into deep thought.

In recent times, he has a relatively good understanding of the civilization of the Immortal Realm based on the corpse of a fourth-level monk in the Immortal Realm obtained from the King of Ghost Crows and the information obtained from other channels.

Chanjiao seems to be another top Taoist force in the Immortal Realm.

Now that we are coming to the wizarding civilization battlefield so late, we should not be coming to the main battlefield of the Gallente Federation.

The destination should still be in the direction of the Minghe Empire. To be honest, Thain is also very interested in the war currently taking place in the Great World. If possible, Thain would like to apply to be transferred to the battlefield of the Great World next time to have a look.

There are also a considerable number of wizard civilization legions fighting there.

As for the reincarnation underworld forces... According to Thain's recent understanding of the fairyland civilization, "Could it be a group of undead?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

Lu Lianman spread her hands and shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either.

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