The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2094: Thain’s First Disciple

For level four magicians and above, many troubles in this world are nothing to worry about.

If you ask a third-level great magician to poach people, chances are, you will be rejected.

Why should I give you face if I am a six-level holy tower?

But for Thain, it is just a little "trouble". 🅆

His Holy Tower of Ashes has always had secret contacts with the Belen Empire, especially the military.

Thain didn't even need to show up in person. He went to those familiar Holy Towers who often had cooperative relationships and said hello, and the matter was probably done.

The question now is whether the little girl named Kathleen is worth what Thain does.

When he heard the little girl's name was Kathleen, Thain's first reaction was "How could it be such a coincidence?"

The language in the wizarding world is very complex, and the name Catherine should just have the same pronunciation.

But Thain has never forgotten that his mother is also named Kathleen.

Thane, who was abducted to the city of Menzobra since he was a child, has extremely vague memories of his mother.

Even when he returned to the underground, he didn't see his mother for the last time. He only saw a cemetery covered with white petals.

A large part of the reason why Thain has a close relationship with Lina is that Lina acted as both a girlfriend and a sister when Thain was a teenager.

Lina's maternal care and her considerable strength were the only harbor that Thain could rely on in the dark and cold underground world at the beginning.

That's why he is so attached to Lina.

Of course, nowadays, between Sean and Lina, they rarely reveal their emotions so thoroughly and analyze them so deeply.

They just know that they still love each other, and that's enough.

When he heard the distant and familiar name "Kathleen", Thain couldn't help but feel his body tremble.

Especially when he heard that the other person was an orphan, Thain had some special feelings inexplicably.

In fact, there are not hundreds of millions of women named Catherine in the wizarding world, but there should be hundreds or tens of millions.

The vast territory and population base of the top civilization are placed here.


But today I happened to be met by Thain, and he also had a certain affection for this female apprentice with a tough personality.

The other party's name can only be said to be the final note that prompted Thain to make a decision.

Names are so weird sometimes.

It seems that when Knight Klopp first looked at Thain, it was not because of the formless mask he inherited, but just because of his name - Thain.

A name sometimes seems to really affect a person's destiny.

Thain's momentary absence was captured by both Meili and Lina.

Mellie didn't know what the reason for Thain was, but Lina must have remembered something. Her eyes when she looked at Thain were much softer.

The final trial of a hundred top apprentices takes place in a special space.

A mechanical army that was ten times his own size surged toward him and others, causing a lot of pressure on these little guys.

Magicians often need slave creature legions and knight legions to stand in front to absorb firepower for them.

But at this moment, except for a dozen magic apprentices who are good at summoning and puppet making, others obviously can't rely on other power.

"Damn it, why is the intensity of the academy war so intense this year?"

"Except for you, there are two more desperate people. Of the twelve angels in the final trial, the one headed by him is probably not the second level of strength?!"

"I've used up all my cards!" Sophie, the desperate apprentice from the Holy Tower of Ashes, cursed.

Although he has a low-key nickname of "Dim Fire", his name also has the aesthetic temperament of an aristocrat.

But Sophie is not as ladylike as she usually behaves in the academy.

It turned out that she had been pretending all along.

Sophie, who is almost forty years old this year, is indeed qualified to call herself "Mom". Being able to possess first-level strength at this age is indeed a genius that only happens once in hundreds of years.

But at this moment, facing a trial legion that far surpassed her in strength and quantity, this rather tough noble young woman was really unable to withstand it.

Not far from Sophie, Simak, who had the title of Hand of Ashes, couldn't help but roll his eyes at her.

Simak really made a mistake in the past. He didn't expect that his Holy Tower Academy would hide such a female apprentice who could threaten him.

This time, he received a vague reminder that there seemed to be several big shots who were also paying attention to this academy war.

Not only him, Sophie, who probably comes from a well-off family, also received the news, otherwise she wouldn't have hidden it so deeply.

They just want to make a splash in the college war and be selected by the real superiors of this holy tower.

After level one, you can truly enter the palace of truth exploration in the wizarding world.

During this period, if there is an awesome guide, I don’t know how many detours it will save.

Just like when Thain was picked by Lu Lianman at a glance.

Personal talent is important, but so are the people who lead the way.

The apprentices from the six holy towers initially fought independently when resisting the impact of the surrounding mechanical legions.

Also, when we were in the secret trial realm, we were still hostile to each other. Now, if we want to unite and cooperate, it is not as simple as talking.

The first ones to propose cooperation were the apprentices from the Sunshine Tower of the Belen Empire.

For a long time, the apprentices of the Sun Yao Holy Tower who have undergone the semi-military training and management of the Belen Empire are indeed much better than other Holy Towers in terms of discipline.

It's just that this time, the Sunlight Holy Tower did not have its own Desperate Apprentices, so the overall prestige was slightly lacking.

Although there are about a dozen quasi-magicians, how can they suppress the four desperate apprentices?

In the end, what was very surprising was that a senior female apprentice from the Sunlight Holy Tower stepped forward.

She wore very ordinary makeup and even smelled of strange magic spices. She yelled, "If we don't unite, we will all be kicked out of the trial space!" (s These magic spices are used to cover up during the concealment process. Breath)\u003cb


"Do you want to fail?" the female apprentice asked.

The objects of her questioning were actually the four Desperate Apprentices.

The four Desperate apprentices looked at each other. In the end, the water-type apprentice from the Seablue Holy Tower had the best temperament. He was the first to agree with the female apprentice's statement, and then summoned other apprentices around him to unite with the Sunlight Holy Tower apprentices.

Most of the disciples of the Sea Blue Holy Tower mastered the sea element summoning technique. One after another, the sea elements were summoned by them from the trial space and became the leading force.

During this period, the Sun Yao Holy Tower also showed the excellent discipline of its own Holy Tower.

Until they were injured and eliminated from the trial space, none of the Sunshine Holy Tower apprentices took the initiative to retreat.

The senior female apprentice who stood up first set an example and stood in the front row.

Influenced by the apprentices from the two holy towers, other apprentices in the trial space also joined in one after another.

Even though they had never cooperated with each other to practice joint attack formations, after a very short period of running-in, they quickly became perfectly coordinated.

Outside the trial space, Thain no longer paid attention to the scene in the trial space.

Since the senior female apprentice first stood up, this regional Holy Tower Academy war has already gained a lot for Thain.

"Bring the apprentice named Katherine back to the Holy Tower of Ashes."

"If there is any resistance during the process, ask Vol'jin for help, and she will do the work for the Tongberen Empire." Thane told Meili.

"Have you decided to accept her as your disciple?" Meili asked in surprise.

She still felt a little unreal that a fifth-level peak magician, who was about to enter the sixth level, decided to accept a disciple so easily.

In the past nearly ten thousand years, Thane had not had similar thoughts.

Thain nodded and said, "It's just this little guy. I'm very optimistic about her."

"Although she is not a top genius, I believe..."

"She is worth cultivating." Thain said firmly.

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