The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2093 Kathleen

During the subsequent academy war, this female apprentice performed admirably.

She rarely moves with other magic apprentices in the Sunlight Holy Tower. Most of the time, she looks for hunting opportunities by herself.

In today's holy tower teaching atmosphere that pays more attention to group cooperation, the performance of this female apprentice is indeed a bit unique.

The black magicians in the Black Realm are actually trained as "leading soldiers".

Even the living and growing environment of those black magic apprentices is even worse, and they are more tolerant and patient.

But this female apprentice is completely different from those black magic apprentices in that she also has the dedication and collective concept of apprentices cultivated by normal holy towers.

For example, she will also work hard for the resource points of the Sunlight Holy Tower or the combat goals of the entire apprentice army.

But her method is to wander and lurk in the more dangerous frontline areas.

Of course, when necessary, she will also join other apprentice legions to release long-range magic to carry out strike missions.

This regional Holy Tower Academy War lasted for a total of two years.

It is a relatively short term, and it is the norm in today's wizarding world.

There are four desperate apprentices in this class.

There are two in the Holy Tower of Ashes. In addition to Simak, the Hand of Ashes, who has attracted attention for a long time, the other one, Sophie, who has the title of "Dim Fire", also has the strength of the Desperate One.

It turned out that this little guy had been hiding her true power before. She didn't even reveal her college instructor. Her purpose was to shine in this regional Holy Tower Academy war.

The other two apprentices with desperate level strength came from Dawn Holy Tower and Seablue Holy Tower respectively.

The Sun Yao Holy Tower, whose tower master did not show up in person, performed relatively mediocrely this time. Not a single Desperate Apprentice showed up.

However, in the final overall ranking of the academy, Sunlight Holy Tower actually ranked third, second only to Ashes Holy Tower and Dawn Holy Tower.

The reason for this situation is that this sixth-level holy tower from the Belen Empire seems to attach great importance to the discipline of its apprentices.

It's not just the female apprentice that Thain is paying attention to, but most of the apprentices in this holy tower, who are involved in some melee skills.

Should this be added specifically to their academy curriculum?

Thanks to the fact that in this academy war, there were no desperate disciples from Sunlight Holy Tower, otherwise Dawn Holy Tower would not even be able to secure its second position.

This made Safuye, the master of the Holy Tower of Dawn after the Academy War, look a little sad.

"There are actually two apprentice-level guys in this Ashes Holy Tower Academy who possess first-level magic in advance.

The quality of the training was beyond our expectations. "

"To be honest, if the little guy named Sophie hadn't suddenly exploded, the first place this time would have been yours, Master." Thain complimented Savoye after the battle.

Thain was telling the truth. In fact, the overall rankings of the top three companies were not much different.

However, the fourth-ranked Seablue Holy Tower is about to drop down a lot.

As for Jessica's Green Flame Holy Tower and Mussol's Black Forest Holy Tower, not to mention, they are completely behind the scenes.

Together, the two companies could not match a quarter of the total points earned by Shanghai Blue Shengta apprentices.

If divided by region, the two Holy Towers on the south coast clearly won this Academy War, with the Land of Ashes second and the Belen Empire third.

There is nothing deceptive about Thain's tone. As long as you get along with him for a while, you can find that Thain is not a magician who can "pretend".

So after hearing Thain's compliments, Savoye's face looked a little better.

"The quality of the apprentices in the Holy Tower of Ashes is so high. It is indeed the place where our South Coast Holy Tower should learn."

"In addition to the impressive truth you master, Master Thain, the Holy Tower of Ashes also has a good dean." Safiye smiled.

Thain recruited Meili to his side. During the subsequent communication with Safiye and others, Meili mentioned that she was also a member of the Holy Tower of Dawn.

"Oh? It seems that I really want to ask my deans to hold them accountable. How did they let you go, Master Meili?" Safuye said with a smile.

Meili replied, "Dean Doblon and the others have taken good care of me back then. I want to leave on my own."

After saying that, Meili glanced at Thane beside her.

Savoye nodded and said nothing more.

Dobron was the dean of the Holy Tower of Dawn several times ago. The other party unfortunately died five thousand years ago in the early days of the Civilization War.

This Meili seems to have really come from the Holy Tower of Dawn, even people who lived thousands of years ago knew about it.

Thinking of this, Safiye, who smiled on the outside but was actually a little depressed inside, became even more depressed.

"The dean of Dawn Holy Tower in those days is also the current master of Qiming Holy Tower, Midic. He is also a powerful man who has been of great help to me."

"Looking at it this way, our Holy Tower of Ashes and the Holy Tower of Dawn on the south coast do have a deep connection many years ago." Thain also added in a timely manner.

It's really big

The origin of the story is that the Holy Tower of Dawn took the lead in destroying the underground world of Menzobra where Thane, Lina, Meili and others were at that time...

Safiye once again lamented the deepness of the relationship, and Ms. Bellefin of the Seablue Holy Tower took the opportunity to mention, "Since there is such a deep relationship, we should strengthen cooperation with each other in the future."

Thain extended his hand to Safiye and said, "I am also looking forward to cooperating with the South Coast Tower of All Saints and the Dawn Secret Order."

As a result, the hands of the two fifth- and sixth-level magicians were held together again.

After the large-scale regional Holy Tower Academy War ended, there was actually a special trial for apprentices with the top 100 personal points.

These apprentices can basically be promoted to one level.

This is the most intuitive answer given by previous data. Their first-level promotion rate reached a terrifying 9878.

Almost all of them can become the next registered magicians in major holy towers, that is, the backbone.

The female apprentice who received excessive attention from Thane was also included in this list.

However, her strength is not particularly outstanding among senior apprentices, and she is not a quasi-magician, so her personal points ranking is only 82nd.

In this Academy War, in addition to the four Desperate Apprentices, there are a total of 56 quasi-magicians shortlisted in the top 100!

"Help me decentralize a group of robot legions and try out the quality of these top apprentices."

"Beyond that..." As Thain spoke, a burst of blue light flashed in front of Thain, and twelve intelligent angels with metal wings stretched out appeared in front of Thain.

These intelligent angels have just been released from the Rubik's Cube.

The dark blue light of law emitted by the Rubik's Cube made Safiye, Bellefin and others look sideways frequently.

Twelve intelligent angels, obviously possessing extremely high intelligence, appeared in front of Thain. They all knelt down on one knee and showed a high degree of surrender to Thain.

Because of Fumila, Thane felt that there was no need for these mechanical angels who already had self-intelligence to do this.

But it may be that the Rubik's Cube serves as the mother of creation and nurturing their intelligence, and Fumila, as the leader of the intelligent angel legion, calls Thain "master", so these intelligent angels all obey Thain's instructions unconditionally.

Even if Thane asked these intelligent angels to die, these intelligent angels who were guided and controlled by the Rubik's Cube would not frown.

Of course, if conditions permit in the end, Thain will "resurrection" these intelligent angels with the help of the black boxes recovered on the battlefield.

twelve intelligent angels

, enough to set up a complete angel battle formation.

The smallest angel battle formation unit only requires six angels to complete.

Among the twelve intelligent angels, the leader already has level two strength.

Thain said, "You also go down and test the strength of those little guys, be careful not to accidentally injure them." Thain ordered.

The apprentices who have been shortlisted into the top 100 personal points are different from those who were eliminated and died in the academy war.

These apprentices are all protected by the major holy towers. They may become second- or third-level talents in the future, or at the very least, first-level formal magicians.

The leader of the second-level intelligent angels quickly took the order and left. After Meili specially opened a road to the trial space, twelve angels and an army of thousands of robot cannon fodder rumbled into it.

Seeing Thain's performance, the sixth-level magician Safiye sighed, "Master Thain, you are going to give these little guys more strength."

"There's nothing wrong with trying their limits."

"And being able to gain early access to mechanical combat units like the Gallente Federation will also help them go further on the civilized battlefield in the future." Thain smiled.

Safiye nodded, and it was obvious that he was also very interested in Thain's Rubik's Cube.

But this is their first formal contact. No matter how deep the connection mentioned before is, it is not easy to ask for each other's magic weapon to study it right away.

Even if Safiye shamelessly asks for it, Thain may not give it to him.

The attention of several people continued to be on the "ending ceremony" of this academy war.

Below, the final trial of those little guys has begun.

Watching twelve intelligent angels swarming thousands of mechanical cannon fodder legions, they began to attack hundreds of apprentices in six holy towers.

At this time, Meili came close to Thain and said, "It has been found out. The little guy's name is Kathleen, and he is an orphan."

"The Belen Empire military lacked enough magicians for the frontline war, so starting from three thousand years ago, it followed the Abarut Empire and started the establishment of public magic schools and funded some extremely talented magic apprentices. .”

"That little girl was a child who received special funding from the military. Later, because of her outstanding performance, she was able to study at the Sun Yao Holy Tower."

"If you want to accept her as a disciple, it will be quite troublesome. You have to release her from the Sun Yao Holy Tower, and you also have to say hello to the Belen Empire's military headquarters." Meili shrugged.

"The next chapter will be at one o'clock~"

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