The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1995: Biting off more than one can chew

After returning to the planetary fortress, Gongsun Wudi went to handle her official duties, while Thain went straight back to the laboratory.

The God of Dusk Saliva took advantage of this period to report some of his recent business results to Thane.

Those Zerg are actually very easy to deal with as Thain said.

From the plane of Bros to the world of Phyllis, the God of Dusk Saliva, on behalf of Thane, completed several large transactions with the Zerg in these two worlds.

What makes the God of Dusk Saliva extremely excited is that these Zerg legions that came across the time and space wormholes actually have many gadgets in their hands that are obviously from distant alien stars.

Many of the traded products have never been seen by the God of Dusk Saliva himself.

He was convinced by Thain that as long as these rare resources from distant alien star fields were transported to the Ten Thousand Springs World Group for trade, he would definitely make a fortune!

Also eyeing the resources in the hands of the Zerg are the Household Department of the Tianming Empire and the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, which has been counting money in this large-scale star field battlefield until it gets cramps.

The officials of the Tianming Empire's Household Department showed a little more restraint and were very steady. They first needed to get approval from the emperor or Princess Taiping before they could act.

Those merchants from the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce will behave even more "shamelessly".

The Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce did not even send decent senior figures to actively negotiate with the Zerg. Instead, there were a large number of middle- and lower-level businessmen who could not control their thoughts and took the initiative to approach the Zerg base in the hope of completing a deal with the Zerg.

I really risk my life just to make money.

Aren't these interstellar merchants worried that those ferocious-looking Zerg will tear them apart and devour them? Just like devouring those Wanhua Tianzun World Legion.

The final result is quite satisfactory.

The Zerg did not reject these interstellar merchants who took the initiative to get close to them, but they also did not do too much business with them.

In the end, the bulk trading materials brought by the Zerg were mainly traded with the official Tianming Empire.


Moreover, we only need to wait for the Zerg Legion to arrive on the main battlefield of the Wizard Civilization in the future and intervene in the economic system of the Wizard Alliance.

With the huge size and market of the Wizards Alliance, these remote alien resources brought by the Zerg will allow them to make a lot of money, and at the same time, they will not have a big impact on the Wizards Alliance market.

The political, economic, cultural and military direction of the Wizards' Alliance are all controlled by the wizarding world.

To be precise, it was watched by the true spirits and dominant masters of the wizarding world.

As long as the top layer remains intact, no major changes will occur.

Everything is fine here in the Wizarding World, unlike the Gallente Federation. Due to the heavy pressure of war, the federal society that was originally functioning normally has begun to experience some turmoil one after another in recent years.

These turmoils are not caused by black magicians in the wizarding world, or undead natural disasters, but they have some internal problems themselves.

The federal society controlled by capital is still inferior to the wizarding civilization.

I just don’t know how long the Gallente Federation can last?

Accepting Gongsun Wudi's assignment, Thane will then lead the legion to the large plane world of gods.

It is another large-scale battlefield, and Thain has more and more experience in civilized wars.

However, before heading to the world of gods, Thane needs to conquer several low-level worlds that have been marked in advance by the Tianming Empire.

Those low-level worlds do not have strong resistance.

There is no need for Thain or Fumila to take action. It is enough to send the God of Black Mist and others.

A shallow sand world, an earth attribute plane, with relatively poor resources


Thane just sent out one million mechanical legions under his command, and in just three months, he bulldozed all the resistance forces in the world.

The wind world is a wind elemental plane with abundant resources.

The God of Black Mist and others fought in this world for more than half a year. Later, Thain felt that the progress was too slow and asked Yuri to drive the Flame to take action. One shot destroyed the five enemies being besieged by the God of Black Mist and others. Half of the head of the super tornado god directly brought the war in this world to an end.

The world of Tinglei, the plane of Skodamu, the world of Warsal...

These worlds are all low-level planes that Thane conquered along the way when he led his army into the world of gods.

Except for the shallow sand world at the beginning, which is relatively poor in resources, the remaining plane worlds are very rich.

Thane discovered that the closer the plane is to the large plane god world, the resources and development will not be too bad.

After all, it is a large world with great centripetal force for development, and the surrounding subsidiary planes and local gods can also live well.

Unlike the God of Black Mist and others who were squeezed out of the outer reaches of the Divine Star Domain, they could only find ways to earn some resources from other channels. 🅆

During the journey to the world of gods, Thane did not take any action.

Recently, he was mainly studying the two insect eggs he had just obtained.

The physical value of these two insect eggs is not high. Even if they are hatched, they can only bring two demigod-level insect beasts to Thain as helpers.

But their research value is very high!

Thain tried to obtain the genes of other Zerg creatures by studying the original bloodline genes contained in these two insect eggs, and then worked backwards, and even tried to find ways to restore them to their original forms.

But in the end, he almost blew up his laboratory again!

The genetic shackles that Zerg creatures place on themselves

, has deep and tight protection.

Fortunately, the two insect eggs in Thain's hand were "specially made". Otherwise, when Thain tried to explore the initial power of their bloodline, the two insect eggs would have exploded, and he himself would have suffered some losses. .

At the same time, Thain, who was unwilling to give up, also tried to use soul magic to control the chaotic souls in the two eggs.

In the end it ended in failure!

A special scream was stored deep in the genes of these two eggs. Every time Thain tried to take a step forward, the terrifying scream made Thain's head buzz.

Even a knowledgeable fifth-level magician like him cannot crack the secret of the genetic bloodline of the demigod-level Zerg.

It can be seen that these Zerg cannot be easily conquered by Thane.

Unless Thane can get a secondary brood and get the authorization from the Zerg Queen of Blades.

"That's all. The mechanical legion stored and manufactured in the Rubik's Cube is enough to consume the bottom cannon fodder for me in the next civilized war."

"I already have a job as a mechanic. If I get too involved in the mysteries of the bloodline system, I may not be able to take care of so much truth research."

"It's better to study these two insect eggs when you reach the next level or when you have free time."

"You can't bite off more than you can chew." Thain couldn't help but sigh after putting the two eggs back into his collection room.

And there wasn't much time left for Thain's research.

Two years later.

The vast outline of the divine world gradually appeared in the sight of the planetary fortress under Thane.

Arriving outside this large world at the same time as Thain, there was also the elite army of the Tianming Empire led by Gongsun Wudi on the flanks.

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