The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1994: Lack of Money (Thanks to last month’s list)

After finishing the treatment, he chatted with Gongsun Wudi for a while before Thain said goodbye and left.

With only a quarter of the gold and silver potion left, Thain thought about it and took it back.

Wastefulness is not in Thane's character.

This level of precious medicine, even after dilution, is definitely enough for Thain's next healing needs.

When leaving, Gongsun Wudi told Thain that there would be a batch of supplies to be dispatched to his legion.

… 🅆

The war on the Felice plane continued for another two years after Thain led his legion to join.

After all, it is a medium-sized plane, and it was almost dominating the battlefield. There are still quite a lot of Wanhua Tianzun world legions in the Felice plane, and the quality of the legions is relatively high.

Unfortunately, they encountered internal and external attacks from the Tianming Empire and the Zerg, especially the Zerg.

The Zerg showed more legion power in the Felice plane, including Thane, who also visited the center of the plane. He found that the Zerg base in this world was even larger than the Bros plane in terms of size.

The strongest Zerg in this world is a flying dragon king with six peak life levels.

Thane couldn't compare it to Gongsun Wudi.

However, subconsciously, and based on Thain's analysis of Gongsun Wudi's past performance, he still believed that Gongsun Wudi should be better.

In the war on the Phyllis plane, Thane only took two shots.

Because the combat power of the middle and lower levels is overwhelming, there is really nothing that requires Thain to take action.

Those two attacks were because Thain was paying attention to Gongsun Wudi's recovery from injuries, and because he wanted to visit the Zerg base in the center of the Felice plane.

Gongsun Wudi was recovering well from his injuries, and Thane discovered that Gongsun Wudi seemed to be like him. The Zerg Legion in this world also showed obvious kindness to her.

After getting close to the Zerg base, there are even

A group of flying dragons whose life level reached level two came forward to greet them and acted as temporary transportation mounts.

In this Zerg base, the person responsible for receiving Thain and the two was not a strange insect beast, but a Zerg warrior with a humanoid physique.

The opponent has a fifth-level life level, claims to be a member of Her Majesty the Queen's most loyal guard, and is an extremely rare blade warrior.

Blade Warrior's abilities are extremely comprehensive in all aspects, with no obvious flaws.

The blade warrior in front of Thane even gave people a very "handsome" feeling overall.

Gongsun Wudi's face still had a cold expression. After seeing this blade warrior, Gongsun Wudi directly mentioned, "This medium-sized plane and its surrounding 147 low-level and micro-planes are jointly managed by both parties involved in the war." Divide.”

"Our Tianming Empire will provide corresponding war supplies for your Zerg race, and we also want to ask your Zerg race to cooperate with us to complete some combat plans."

"And... in the coming God World War, will your Zerg race draw armies from various battlefields to accompany our Tianming Empire Legion?" Gongsun Wudi asked.

Naturally, there is no objection to cooperating with the Tianming Empire in war.

Even if Gongsun Wudi does not come forward to formally negotiate, the Zerg will complete what they should complete, and they will even do more.

As for what Gongsun Wudi mentioned about jointly sending troops to the divine world.

The fifth-level blade warrior smiled and said, "Our great Queen has personally arrived in that other world, and is accompanied by tens of millions of our elite insect swarms and the vast majority of blade warriors."

"According to the last bloodline instruction I received, we do not need to send out troops to the insect swarm nests scattered in other battlefields in this large star field for the time being.

The world of gods. "

"The Zerg army there is enough." The fifth-level blade warrior said confidently.

One of the characteristics of the Zerg is that they get stronger as they fight, and the snowball gets bigger and bigger.

Regardless of the fact that the Queen of Blades stood above Femton and forcibly descended into the world of the Goddess, there didn't seem to be many middle- and low-level legions accompanying her.

But in fact, just the amount of insect sea stored in Femton's body is not a small amount.

In addition, the Zerg also has secondary broods and engineers, which can be directly transformed into a Zerg base on site to start producing insect swarms.

As long as there are enough resources, military strength will never be a problem for the Zerg.

To put it bluntly, the cost of gathering and packaging the insect seas in these worlds and transporting them to the world of the gods is probably higher than the cost of hatching the sea of ​​insects directly in the world of the gods!

Of course, the above sentence may be a bit exaggerated.

But this also shows the cheapness and explosive growth characteristics of the Zerg cannon fodder army.

They are also all Zerg. Compared with the Zerg now, the Flame Insects produced in the enslaved plane under Thane are far behind.

"Then after the war in these plane worlds is over, what other tasks do you have?" Thain, who was present, couldn't help but ask.

Blade turned his face slightly towards Thane and replied, "Gather resources."

When leaving the Zerg base, Thain and Gongsun Wudi each received a gift from the Zerg.

What Thane got was a flying dragon egg, which was similar to the velociraptor egg he got in the plane of Bros, except that it was slightly larger.

These zerg seem to know what Thanon is most interested in.

What Gongsun Wudi got was an extremely precious sixth-level biological crystal.


r\u003eThis was condensed in the body of a certain sixth-level Wanhua Tianzun world creature who fell in the plane of Felice. This guy was eventually torn into pieces by the Zerg Flying Dragon King. Countless high-quality flesh and blood factors were collected by the Zerg, and only the remaining This piece of purple crystal was retained.

"Among the Zerg tribe, the status of these blade warriors seems to be higher than that of the Zerg Kings."

"The strongest insect beast in this world is obviously the flying dragon king with peak strength at level 6, but the one who truly represents the legion of this world seems to be the blade warrior at level 5." After leaving the Zerg base, Thain turned to Gongsun Invincible said.

Gongsun Wudi gave a slight "hmm", then threw the crystal in his hand, and finally threw it to Thain.

"You helped me heal my injury. This is a reward for you." Gongsun Wudi said.

After catching the sixth-level biological crystal thrown by Gongsun Wudi, Thain replied in shock, "You don't have to be like this. I have received a lot of help and care from you before. This is what I should..."

Before Thain could finish his words, Gongsun Wudi interrupted, "I don't want to take back the things I sent out, you know?" Gongsun Wudi looked at Thain.

Thain also looked at Gongsun Wudi for a moment, then put away the sixth-level biological crystal and said, "Then I won't be polite to you. It just so happens that some of my next experiments will cost money. When I return to the main battlefield of the wizard civilization, Later, I planned to purchase a few more space fortresses to experiment with the secrets of the Rubik's Cube's combined machinery, but I'm short of money now."

The more money there is, the less money there seems to be.

Thain has accumulated a lot of assets in recent years, but he feels that he needs money more than before.

Especially the cost of casually purchasing a space fortress or configuring some kind of advanced body refining potion can easily amount to millions of magic coins.

Gongsun Wudi looked at Thain and nodded, without saying anything else.

"This chapter is an update of Brother "Take"'s title. Thank you for your support."

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