The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1986 Zerg Base

The Zerg attack was fierce.

When the three masters took the lead in charging and hundreds of millions of insect swarms swept across most of the Godborn star field, almost all battlefields in the planes turned into a quagmire of war in an instant.

The strongest blade warrior went straight to Lord Tianyang.

The Zerg do not seem to use the so-called world-class secret treasures. Their bodies are their sharpest weapons and strongest shields.

Relying on the body to fight continuously and maximizing the passive evolutionary ability is the path taken by the Zerg creatures.

For example, in the process of rushing towards Lord Tianyang, the Dominator Blade Warrior has been fighting with his own body.

Opposite him, Venerable Tianyang, who was constantly retreating, relied on a red bead and a special mirror plate. Both pieces of equipment possessed the laws of world-class secret treasures.

When the Zerg launched a charge, the Tianming Empire Legion and the demons of the Kada Star Thieves Group on the battlefield of the Divine Star Territory also reacted very quickly.

The Tianming Empire Legion and the Kada Star Pirates Group recognized these Zerg creatures as "friendly" almost immediately.

Their joint attack was equivalent to another hard kick towards the Wanhua Tianzun World Army.

The ratio of the number of dominant-level creatures instantly changed from three to three to six to three.

Not to mention that the dead descendant Feimton has not yet been dispatched, and there are two other master-level combat powers in Feimton that have not appeared yet.

In particular, one of the master-level experts was the most fearful to Lord Tianyang. The opponent was a more troublesome existence than the Deadborn Feimton, and was the Queen of Blades of the Zerg tribe.

As the War of Domination kicked off again, Thane, who was in the plane of Bros, was also greatly affected by the changes in the surrounding battlefield pattern.

Originally, the Bros plane he was in was the plane attacked by the Wanhua Tianzun World Legion.

But when the insect sea army of the Zerg appeared, the offensive momentum of the Wanhua Tianzun World Legion outside the plane was significantly weakened.

An enemy that was many times his size suddenly appeared. It was estimated that even those powerful people in the world of Wanhua Tianzun were not sure whether they should continue to attack or retreat first.

Thain's reaction speed is also very fast.

He didn't know whether those Zerg legions were enemies or friends, but Wuxiang Mask's ability to capture battlefield information allowed Thane to discover that in the outermost area, those Zerg legions were directly biting and attacking the Wanhua Tianzun World Legion.

So Thain decisively issued an order, asking the own army in Bros World to launch an all-out attack on the Wanhua Tianzun World Army.

Thain's goal is to hold the opponent back and prevent these Wanhua Tianzun World Legion from retreating easily.

Are you kidding me? In a civilized battlefield, you can come and leave whenever you want.

With the entry of the Zerg, these Wanhua Tianzun world legions are like dumplings, and it will be difficult to evacuate from the God-born star field in the short term.

Unless they make a desperate breakout now.

The instructions that came soon from the Tianming Empire also proved the foresight of Thain's request.


Thain, who had long since dissolved the fusion with Fumila, activated the true form of the Ash Demon Law and flew to the highest altitude in the world of Bros.

Due to the melee of many fourth-level creatures in this low-level plane, the entire world has become dilapidated, and the rules of the plane have been stretched out of shape.

The huge shadow of the mask gradually appeared in front of Thain.

Vigorous law and elemental energy fluctuations then appeared around the shadow of the mask in front of Thane.

Dazzling firelight appeared from the head of Thain's magic wand.

As he murmured the curse in a low voice, the fires became more and more numerous and brighter!

Soon, dense rain of flames and light descended on the sky of this low-level battlefield.

The magic of flowing light and waterfall rain appears in this low-level plane.

The battlefield of Bros plane, close to the medium-sized world Felice plane.

Around that medium-sized plane, a domination battle broke out at this time.

Although Thain is only a fifth-level life level, it does not prevent him from paying attention to such high-level combat games.

In the melee, Thain's main focus was the battle between the Holy Dragon King, Venerable Muge and the Swift Insect King.

The Holy Dragon King is the totem of the Dragon Army of the Tianming Empire. As early as when he set off from the Tianming World, Thane was lucky enough to see the mount that the emperor rode in his own expedition.

The power of the original law mastered by Master Muge is the obvious path of the wood system.

During the battle, this guy transformed into a towering green phantom giant.

The huge true body of the law makes the visual impact these masters cause to lower creatures during battle, like gods and demons.

Low-level creatures below level four consider creatures above level four to be gods.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of fourth- and fifth-level creatures, those dominant-level beings whose strength is exaggerated to the limit are more like "gods."

Maybe in the eyes of dominant-level creatures, there are also "gods" they think of?

The road to strength and evolution seems to have no end.

The new Swift Insect King joins the battlefield because its speed and agility are too fast.

Even if Thane uses the Phaseless Mask as an assistant, it will be difficult to capture the opponent's figure.

He only saw a blood-red shadow of the law, constantly impacting and destroying the true body of the law of Venerable Muge.

Observing the Battle of the Dominator from a closer distance, the biggest shock to Thane was not the vast power possessed by those Dominator-level warriors, but the fact that no matter what losses they suffered during the battle, they would quickly recover in an instant. Back to good health!

This is an ability beyond Thane's understanding.

When I was in the secret space of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization before, even though the Rose Dynasty Civilization Dominant-level thinkers were also in contact with the Gallente Federation Oropa

The Sri Lanka-class war fleet group fought.

But that battle seemed to be just a "little fight", and both sides did not try their best.

Only the melee in front of him can truly demonstrate to Thain what it means to dominate the battlefield.

This is a game that seems to have no end, because if the warring parties can always restore their state to the peak instantly, how can there be a loser?

However, Thane is a staunch supporter of the laws of astral balance.

When he first came into contact with the power of magical elements during his apprenticeship, his mentor told him the major conservation laws.

"There must be some kind of energy that sustains the battle consumption of the dominant-level creatures. So what is it?" Looking at the phantom right arm of Venerable Muge that was bitten and damaged by the Holy Dragon King and the Swift Insect King from a distance, it has returned to its original state again. Thane couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Rumble!" As he spoke, two Zerg void motherships arrived around the planes of Felice and Bros.

Surrounding these two void motherships were dozens of large female insects and high-level Zerg legions at least 300,000 men away.

The larger void mothership carried more than half of the insect swarm and headed towards the Felice plane.

Another void mothership, with another half of the insect swarm, headed towards the plane of Bros where Thane was located.

As these Zerg legions approached, sharp roars and flapping sound waves came one after another.

Regardless of the number of these Zerg legions, they seem relatively small now.

But when they arrived directly above the Bros plane, more than a dozen female worms took the lead in opening their cavity walls, and a large piece of purple Zerg carpet mucus spurted out, followed by a group of ferocious-looking monsters. of low-level Zerg.

After these Zerg descended from the sky, they rushed towards the battlefield of Bros plane in overwhelming numbers.

At the same time, the Void Mothership has also arrived at the breach in the barrier of the Bros plane.

The larger and seemingly more advanced void mothership also began to project troops to the Bros plane.

Moreover, the number of troops delivered this time was larger and the types were more comprehensive.

A large number of flying dragons flew out from the wings of the void mothership, and huge thunder beasts rushed out from the front port of the mothership.

Even though there is only one Void Mothership and a dozen mother insects, the force that the Zerg put into this world is really not small.

Roughly speaking, the number is close to one million.

Not only that, after releasing the Zerg legion in the ship, Thane was stunned when the Zerg void mothership turned around and fell upside down like a green onion, falling straight into the Broth plane below!

The huge Zerg void mothership crashed directly into the richest area of ​​​​the Bros plane.

Thain, who has occupied the Bros plane for a short period of time, knows that that area is rich in energy crystals of various series and some metal minerals.

This ship

The void mothership fell to the ground, not crashed.

Instead, after it was inserted into the ground, a strange dark red light flashed from the hull, and then the void mothership began to disintegrate from the middle, twisted and deformed, and finally gradually transformed into a giant Zerg platform similar to a base.

A large number of insect beasts then emerged from the base.

At this moment, only a small part of these insect beasts are combat units, and some are more numerous and have two white bone-made flat insect beasts, which are obviously not very powerful.

Even their life level and power pressure, the feeling they bring to Thane can only be compared to the low-level monsters in the wizarding world.

Generally, creatures of this level would not bother to be used as slave creature cannon fodder in the past wars of wizard civilization.

Only some wizard alliance planes that really cannot squeeze out their power will use such low-level creatures as cannon fodder under forced circumstances.

Obviously, it is unlikely that the Zerg will use these insect beasts as combat units.

Looking at these flat insect beasts, they seemed to be unaffected by the surrounding wars, either sneaking into the forest, or digging deep into the ground, and some even entered the lakes and oceans in the surrounding areas, and soon afterwards, they excavated and brought back various energy crystals. Stone or resource material.

Not only was Thain in the sky stunned, but even the Tianming Empire legions on the battlefield below were also a little confused.

These Zergs obviously have a lot of intelligence, and the area where they operate is currently limited to the territory controlled by Thane's command and the Tianming Empire Legion.

These Zerg creatures are not picky when it comes to collecting resource materials.

They didn't even let go of the corpses. Many of the corpses of creatures from the Wanhua Tianzun world were dragged directly back to the Zerg base.

Even the robots under Thane's hands, many Zerg engineers tried to touch them with their hard and bone-made spikes.

When the unintelligent robots turned around and the surrounding mechanical angels came closer, the Zerg worker bees quickly left.

Can't you see, these engineers are quite timid?

Just when Thain was stunned by the sight before him, a rumble of rules turbulence reappeared.

I saw that deep in the distant starry sky, the dark shadow poured in again and got much closer.

It turned out to be Feimton, the dead descendant, who finally squeezed out of the space-time wormhole across borders.

The arrival of Femdon at the same time indicates that the other two master-level powerhouses in its body have also arrived in this starry sky battlefield!

"Hoo! Hoo!" The strong wind blew, and the mountains and rivers changed dramatically.

The Bros plane seemed to be unable to withstand the impact of such war, and it let out its own groan.

"It's still seven o'clock in the afternoon, Xiaodou will try to update another chapter.

Yesterday I noticed that the monthly ticket exceeded 400, and I owe everyone another chapter.

Keep it in QAQ's account first and wait for Xiaodou to make up for it and return it to everyone next month. "

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