The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1985 Six Masters!

When all the insects came into the world, the first ones to be hit were the Wanhua Tianzun World Legion on each battlefield.

There is no way, who puts them in the outermost position.

The Divine World Legion and the Gallente Federation Legion are both at the innermost level of this star field battlefield. Even if the Zerg wants to target them first, they will have to wait for a while.

As the terrifying jet-black death giant descended on this star field, no one in the federal camp dared to stop it.

He was probably afraid that as soon as he flew over, the big guy on the opposite side would successfully land and become the target of public criticism.

The dominant beings in this star field battlefield are not die-hard members of the Gallente Federation.

Everyone has their own interests and demands. It is okay to fight against the wind, but when the wind is against them, it is not too reliable.

For example, when the two Wanhua Tianzun world masters sensed the eighth level of life of the terrifying death giant and the combat power of several masters inside, the first thing they thought of was to evacuate the battlefield.

However, the Divine Star Territory War had already turned into a mess in the previous confrontation with the Tianming Empire.

It is not easy to withdraw from a battlefield like this where you are already trapped.

What's more important is that the two Wanhua Tianzun World Masters are actually blocked in the deeper parts of the Divine Star Domain.

In order to break out of the encirclement, they first had to break the encirclement set up by the newly arrived Zerg.

Maybe they sensed the intention of the two venerables to evacuate.

The Zerg will never allow their prey to escape!

The giant death creature with an exaggerated size could not squeeze out of the space-time wormhole for a while because its life level was too high and its movements were too slow.

However, under the command of the Queen of Blades within it, the huge mouth of this behemoth slowly opened.

The first one to appear from the mouth of the giant death creature was a Dominator-level blade warrior, and then, two more figures, one tall and one short, appeared from it.

The tall one is a wild thunder beast with eight layers of overlapping broad-bladed fangs.

Its size itself is very huge, but in the giant death

It just looks a little "graceful" against the background.

These days, I am afraid of comparing everything.

The short one is a dark-skinned insect beast that looks very much like a velociraptor.

Its blood-colored eyes were violent and fierce, but one of its right eyes was dark red. I don't know if it was blind or something else.

The dense scars on its body show that this insect beast has experienced hundreds of battles.

These three dominant insect beasts are the most powerful subordinates of the Zerg Blade Queen.

Among them, the Blade Warrior is the strongest. This is a male insect warrior that is directly modeled after the Queen of Blades.

In the entire Zerg clan, the Blade Warriors are a special guard at the top of the pyramid in all aspects of performance, second only to the Queen.

The cost of cultivating each blade warrior is huge.

Currently, the Zerg have only two Dominator-level blade warriors.

In addition, the Queen of Blades also has a guard of about two hundred blade warriors. These blade warriors all have life levels of level four or above!

The other two dominator-level thunder beasts and velociraptor insects are the only dominator-level kings born among the current branches of the Zerg tribe, the thunder beast king and the velociraptor insect king.

Among them, the Thunder Beast King is relatively strong, probably in the mid-seventh level.

The Swift Insect King is weak, only at the early stage of level seven.

The Thunder Beast King is extremely powerful and has exaggerated destructive power.

As the most powerful heavy-attack unit of the Zerg tribe, when the Thunder Beasts appear on the battlefield, all living creatures appear so weak.

However, slow movement is the biggest shortcoming of the Thunder Beast clan.

Therefore, during the Zerg's external wars, there were very few times when the Thunder Beasts acted alone. When they trampled wantonly on the battlefield, they often brought a large group of Zerg with them.

, used to make up for one's own shortcomings.

Just the opposite of the Thunder Beast King, the Velociraptor is characterized by its extremely fast speed and tenacious vitality.

Therefore, despite the fact that the power level of the Thunder Beast King is a small level higher than that of the Swift Insect King.

But in the domination game, the two of them really can't necessarily tell the difference.

These are also the only two clan kings of the Zerg clan at present.

In fact, in addition to these two, there are many other types of ethnic groups currently owned by the Zerg.

I won’t go into detail about those insects that have special and weird functions and are rare in number.

Just to mention a few of the main Zerg forces: Hydralisks, Flying Dragons, Self-destructing Zerg, Ground Thorn Zerg, Cockroach Zerg, etc. In fact, they all have the potential to give birth to a dominant king of their own clan.

There are many factors that prevent these major ethnic groups from giving birth to a master.

However, the fundamental reason is the limited resources of the Zerg.

The Zerg, who have a morbid need for tidal crystals, must find more of these inert crystals in order to keep their tribe growing.

Especially when it comes to the level of evolution, it is absolutely impossible without the tidal crystal veins.

Back then, the Queen of Blades excavated all the tidal crystals in the entire wizarding civilization, and she only gave birth to a seventh-level blade warrior and advanced her own power to the eighth level.

Now that the Zerg have added three more masters, it is enough to mark that they have had new opportunities in the years since they left the wizard civilization.

Now returning to the battlefield of wizard civilization with a stronger attitude, the Zerg's powerful assistance to wizard civilization is even more powerful than that of the fairy dragon clan!

The Dominator Blade Warrior was the first to jump out from the mouth of the giant death creature.

This behemoth of death, which is exaggerated to the extreme in the eyes of any living creature, is called "Death Descendant" Femton.

It is a derivative of the laws of the death system. It is unknown which star field's distortion and chaos laws gave birth to such a strange individual.

After coming into contact with the Zerg, Feimton unexpectedly found out that

What's wonderful is that we have established a symbiotic relationship with these Zerg.

Most of the time, the Deadborn Feimton floats in an unconscious state, and the times it wakes up are very limited.

The Zerg used this to establish a complete worm nest system in Femdon, and in some way, drove and guided Femton forward.

The weapon used by the Blade Warrior is a sharp spear that is integrated with his left arm, and his right arm is a shield.

The fine and detailed Zerg scale armor is distributed around the body of this blade warrior.

The sharp eyes are a major feature of this dominant blade warrior.

At least in terms of personal aura, this blade warrior feels much more "calm" than both the Thunder Beast King and the Swift Insect King.

Behind the Blade Warrior, the Thunder Beast King and the Swift Insect King also rushed out from the left and right.

After arriving at this star field battlefield, the three Zerg masters went straight in the direction of the two Wanhua Tianzun world masters who wanted to slip away.

Their charging momentum was unstoppable, and they had no intention of discussing with the World Master of Wanhua Tianzun.

Obeying the orders of Her Majesty the Queen is an instruction engraved deep in the genes of the trillions of insects.

Even Zerg individuals who have evolved to the master-level life level will never dare to disobey the Queen of Blades' instructions.

The Queen is their belief and the only meaning of their existence.

When the Queen of Blades orders them to die, these swarms don't hesitate for a moment.

This is the Zerg, an extreme race, a race born for plunder and killing.

Obtaining resources and continuously expanding and reproducing are the innate instincts of Zerg creatures.

However, in this generation, the Queen of Blades, as the leader of all insects, has a special bond with the wizard civilization, so that even if the insect swarm faces some wars that are not in their own interests, they will participate without hesitation.

The contemporary Zerg Queen of Blades, like the Titan King Odin, possesses half of the wizarding world's blood.

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