The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1983 Farce

The war in the world of Bros is a tug-of-war.

The garrison and attacking sides are both strong.

And because this place is close to the dominant battlefield, both armies fought very hard.

At this time, the battle for dominance around the world of Bros is between the Holy Dragon King and the Venerable Muge.

In terms of realm, the two are almost the same.

It's just that the Holy Dragon King has fought Marduk for a long time before, and his condition will inevitably decline.

Fortunately, Venerable Muge is a dominant master who has mastered the original path of the plant system. His ability in the field of combat is not particularly outstanding.

When facing the Holy Dragon King, who was blessed by the Tianming Empire's powerful dragon energy, the two fought back and forth.

From the beginning, he fought in the plane of Felice, and later moved the battlefield to the star realm.

The aftermath of the battle between the two dominator-level creatures even affected many low-level battlefields in the surrounding star fields.

After a period of fighting, Thane also moved his battlefield to the star realm.

This time, Thain did not overly demonstrate the power of the Rubik's Cube, nor did he easily reveal the planetary fortress's transformation ability.

Being too jumpy on the battlefield is not a good thing.

Thane didn't want to be suddenly hit by a domination.

Except that the Holy Dragon King is fighting Master Muge.

Gustavo, the demon master of the Qatar Star Thieves Group, was also wielding the magic sword at this time and was fighting with Tianyang Zun, the seventh-level late master of the Wanhua Tianzun world.

Just like the situation with the Holy Dragon King, Gustavo is also a bit inferior here.

But as the dominant side, Venerable Tianyang and Venerable Muge couldn't help cursing in their hearts at this time: "What on earth is the main god of the gods doing? Why don't you show up immediately to join the battle?!"

The inner monologues of the two world masters of the All-Transformation Heavenly Lord are very common sense. The one who is currently confronting the Goddess from afar is the Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji.

Based on the difference in strength between the two, Gongsun Wuji, the only one left, would obviously have a hard time blocking the seventh-level peak-strength Goddess who mastered the Ark.

But the final result was that the main god shrank in the plane to avoid the battle, leaving only Venerable Muge and Venerable Tianyang busy here.

Although Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji was afraid of the sudden intervention of the main god of the gods on the battlefield, he did not come to support other battlefields, but the current stalemate war situation is obviously not what the two world masters of Wanhua Tianzun want to see!

The situation on the battlefield in front of us cannot be conquered for a long time.

The Wanhua Tianzun World Army also began to show significant losses.

War always kills people. It is impossible for you to come here for no reason and get war wealth.

Seeing that the death and injury threshold on the battlefield was getting closer and closer to the bottom line before the Wanhua Tianzun World went into battle, the two seventh-level sages invariably changed the direction of the battlefield and directed the war as far as possible to the area where the Divine World was.

The original three-layered sandwich siege of "inside, inside and outside" gradually turned into a "pot of porridge".

Creatures in the center of the whirlpool of the battlefield may not feel anything at all.

But those level 5 and 6 experts with relatively high vision should be aware of it.

The two seventh-level masters of the Wanhua Tianzun world still couldn't help cursing in their hearts.

This is not what makes them most angry. The most angry thing is later.

After more than ten years of chaotic war, two seventh-level sages from the world of Wanhua Tianzun hope to fight close to the world of gods, so as to get assistance from the god Marduk, the god of gods, and the federal doomsday weapons.

However, when they approached the surroundings of the Goddess world, they suddenly suffered two divine strikes from within the Goddess world!


Purple thunder and divine light beams appeared on the backs of Venerable Muge and Venerable Tianyang.

In the surrounding star field battlefield, all the powerful people who noticed this scene were stunned.

The source of the divine strike is naturally the seventh-level peak god Marduk who is also the ruler of the plane.

Isn't this horse one of our own? Why are you taking action against your own people!

Countless creatures have this question in their minds at this time, including the two warring parties involved.

Even the two five-star generals in the Gallente Federation who controlled the command of the doomsday weapons could not help but point their strike at the Goddess.

They had urged Marduk to fight many times before, but to no avail.

Coupled with the current situation, the Gallente Federation has every reasonable reason to suspect that Marduk has deserted the Federation and switched to the wizarding civilization camp.

In fact, Marduk did not switch to wizard civilization!

Otherwise, the masters of the wizard civilization camp would not be stunned.

The main factor that prompted Marduk to take action against the world master of the Wanhua Tianzun came from the god himself.

Marduk is a pervert, which can be seen from the fact that he killed his wife and brothers in his early years, and cleansed the God Star Territory of threatening gods all year round.

This guy can't even tolerate the peak level six gods. Apart from him, there are only a few late level six gods with the strongest combat power in the entire Divine Star Territory.

And the name of the divine world was still changed because of him.

This guy can sleep peacefully only if the dominant creatures in the entire world carry part of his blood factor.

At this time, in addition to Marduk, many other masters entered the God World battlefield.

I won’t go into details about the enemy’s wizarding civilization masters, but the world master of the Wanhua Tianzun brought by the Gallente Federation is obviously a friendly party!

\u003eBut for Marduk, it still doesn’t work!

He couldn't even trust his wife and brother, so how could he trust two seventh-level sages who appeared out of nowhere?

The two seventh-level venerables took the initiative to approach the world of gods, which obviously stimulated Marduk's sensitive points.

He always felt that these two guys would have a sneak peek at himself and the Ark in his hands.

With such psychological factors at play, how could he sleep peacefully?

This strange mentality and deep wariness towards outsiders left the powerful civilized warriors on both sides confused.

The wizard civilization is the fastest to respond.

The Tianming Empire doesn't care about your internal conflicts. Seeing that the two venerables were a little deflated, the Tianming Empire's army immediately launched a fierce attack on the Wanhua Tianzun World Army under Gongsun Wuji's order.

The Gallente Federation was the second to react.

The judgment from the ultimate quantum computer let them know that Marduk had not betrayed the Gallente Federation, and that even now, it was impossible to make peace with the wizard civilization.

Therefore, the two five-star generals immediately re-entered the control commands and launched the fully charged doomsday weapons outwards again in an attempt to withstand the offensive momentum of the Tianming Empire's army.

The war, which was far more chaotic than before, intensified because of the "farce" of the Goddess.

Now even the Wanhua Tianzun World Army does not believe in the world of gods and the Gallente Federation. How can we fight?

It is also in this increasingly chaotic background of the God-born star field.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The twisted wormhole and the power of space rules reappeared in this large star field.

A new force has entered the scene!

"There is one more chapter, which may have to be at night. I will try to update it around seven o'clock."

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