The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1982 It’s good to be young

But the enlightened traveler is not dead.

The exaggerated regeneration ability of level six creatures means that even if their heads are wiped off, they can grow back in a very short time.

However, it is certain that Weiming Walker will be severely injured.

After incorporating some of the power of the doomsday weapon photon railgun, Thain's attack just now theoretically has the ability to threaten peak level six creatures.

After regaining his body shape, Weiming Xingzhe's face became pale and terrifying.

At that moment, he really smelled the danger of death.

But this crisis was brought to him by a fifth-level magician and a sixth-level robot, combined in a fixed state.

wrong! After the two are united, the cubic crystal that exudes a blurry blue light between them must be something special!

Weiming Walker can be regarded as a sixth-level creature who has seen the world.

In the world of Wanhua Tianzun itself, traveling across the star realm is very popular, but Ming Walker also visited many places in the star realm in his early years.

The fear and fear in his eyes were gradually replaced by greed.

Weiming Walker kept his eyes on the Rubik's Cube.

Ming Xingzhe was not the only one who also paid attention to Thain and the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

Another Lepu Walker with level 6 strength was also lying near the plane barrier, looking down with his eyes.

At this time, the plane barrier of this low-level plane has been completely broken, and creatures above level four in the world of Wanhua Tianzun have also begun to descend from various regions of the world.

According to the power that Thain and others put into this world, this small low-level battlefield may eventually evolve into nearly twenty creatures of level four or above fighting in it.

To be honest, it's quite crowded.

"Since ancient times, treasures have been treasured by the virtuous!"

"Follow me!" Lepu Walker, who possesses late-level six strength, shouted in a low voice.

Wizarding World, Western Isles, Dark Realm.

Since returning to the wizarding civilization, Nigel has paid little attention to the frontline war. His main daily life is still to recuperate from injuries. From time to time, he repairs his corpse-refining synthetic beast and does some daily experiments.

The only thing Nigel paid attention to about the war on the front line was the current situation of his daughter Rose.

As the adopted daughter entrusted to him by his best friend before his death, although Nigel usually ignored Rose, he actually cared about her very much.

Rose's performance on the battlefield in recent years has been of the steady and steady type.

The fighting style of this coquettish Spider Queen is quite different from the image of the evil goddess she usually displays.

Recently, Rose has made her fortune mainly in the resource warehouse transit star area under the rule of the Federation.

The wizard civilization had just attacked and occupied it. As the leader of the war in that star field, the seventh-level peak true spirit magician Nobin had recently returned to the wizard civilization.

As a returning strongman, Master Nuobin's performance on the battlefield is outstanding.

The overbearing thunder magic has caused serious disasters to the Gallente Federation.

Not long after he returned to the wizarding civilization, Master Nobin had already surpassed Master Saneses in the Gallente Federation's threat rankings.

You must know that Saneses has the Flame Conclave as his support, but Nobin has not established any power. He only has one person and one lion.

"Civilized war has to be a stage for these young people. How long can we old guys be of use?" Nyholm said with a low smile, stroking the crystal ball in his hand.

As the "Evil True Spirit Mage" who brought horrific disasters to billions of creatures in the Gallente Federation, Nigel, who was currently in the Tower of True Spirits in the Black Realm, was just a skinny old man with a stooped body.

Nigel's injuries have not yet recovered.

The Federation Endless Light hit him too hard and caused him severe injuries.

After all, Nigel is a magician, not as rough-skinned and fleshy as the Mountain Titan Qingtian and the Destruction Giant Ape Wukong.

Being able to resist a single shot of endless light, he could join hands with Volta and others to fight the eighth-level Pharaoh of the Hades Empire again.

Nigel's awesomeness and tyranny have been proven.

The crystal ball in his hand once again emits a blurry light.

Nigel, who has also been involved in the mysteries of genealogy and has done great research in the field of astrology, seems to have discovered something.

"Huh?" Nigel, who had captured some fateful thread, couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

He has not taken the initiative to contact the frontline battlefield in recent years, and he is not sure where the latest reinforcements from the wizard civilization come from.

The information that Nigel knows about the situation is that the Dragon Clan in the Immortal Domain has joined the battlefield, Jiejiao and other forces have arrived around the world of Huanyu, etc.

Regarding the situation in the world of Huanyu, although the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization did not have much discussion on the main battlefield, Nigel knew that the higher-ups were more worried about the war there, especially the threat from the Hades Empire.

Nigel himself is also a member of the senior management. He has personally fought against the eighth-level Pharaoh King Mingha, and he knows very well how difficult these guys who master the self-sealing technique are.

But what was revealed in the crystal ball at this time was that the wizarding civilization was about to usher in a new turning point and change.

"Could it be that Lilith is back? With her dark summoning technique, supplemented by the endless army of undead, it can indeed change the pattern of civilized war to a large extent." Nigel pondered.

Lilith's first-level powerhouse has brought greater help to the wizarding civilization than Nobin!

It is quite ridiculous to say that even Nigel, Douglas and others have recognized that the contemporary first magician and first knight in the wizarding world are not within the wizarding civilization at this time, but this civilized war can still advance to this point. .

It must be said that this is a manifestation of the exaggeration and profound foundation of the overall strength of wizard civilization.

"The road of destiny is not my area of ​​expertise. Let's leave this kind of thing to that little guy from Sinnoh Nordin to explore."

"I'll just ask Bev later."

"My old bones have been recuperating for a while. Why don't I go back to the front line and have a look?" Nigel pondered.

Thinking of this, Nigel did not leave immediately, but first contacted Volta, the master knight who was also recuperating in the black area of ​​the Western Islands.

Nigel and Volta, one in the east and one in the west, work together to suppress all the evil spirits in the black realm.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the wizarding civilization has maintained a clean internal environment, and there have been few large-scale disturbances by black magicians and black knight groups.

Do you think the major holy towers and knight halls are suppressing it well?

In fact, more than 70% of the credit here must be placed on Nigel and Volta.

"What do you want from me?" After getting in touch with Volta, the dominant knight asked coldly.

In the last battle of the Lord, Nigel fooled Volta, because the eighth-level pharaoh himself was not looking for Volta.

When they met again, Nigel laughed twice. I don't know if he was trying to hide his embarrassment, but he said directly: "I plan to return to the front line of the civilized battlefield. Do you want to come with me?"

"It seems like something big is about to change," Nigel added.

Volta's cold eyes glanced at Nigel on the other side of the elemental light screen.

Behind Volta, several narrow dragon-eye eyes lit up, which was when his mount, the Fang Evil Dragon, opened its eyes.

This pair of master and servant are both recovering from their injuries.

After examining Nigel for a moment, Volta replied: "Not interested."

At the same time, he took the initiative to interrupt communication with Nigel.

The communication in front of him was interrupted, and Nigel was not annoyed.

He then touched his chin, smacked his lips twice, and muttered: "You dare to hang up my communication. Is it possible that this guy really wants to break through to the eighth level?"

Thinking of this, Nigel couldn't help but look towards the southern land of the wizarding world.

There, in the Mamet Alliance, there is also a fat man named Rogge who is at the peak of level 7 and is trying to reach level 8.

Not knowing what he was remembering, Nigel smiled jeeringly again and said, "It's better to be young."

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