The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1951 Fierce Demonic Power

The huge arm penetrated from the sky and hit the surface of the dimension barrier of the world.

The regularized starlight barrier now showed a very obvious dent picture downwards under the attack of Magic Karst's huge power and laws.

And the dozens of layers of superimposed shields and energy barriers also collapsed and damaged one after another at this time.

To reach this level with one person's power is simply reaching a level that makes even dominant-level creatures unbelievable.

Is this the peak power of the eighth level?

No wonder the King of Star World, Fire Phoenix, Vivian and others teamed up before, but they couldn't defeat the third pharaoh in front of them!

When the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire is in seclusion, and the monster emperor still has obvious personal conflicts, the third pharaoh in front of him, Demonkarst, actually represents the strongest combat power of the Hades Empire. .

The ferocious demonic power has greatly shocked the dominant powerhouses inside and outside the world.

When most of the rulers, including the King of Star Universe, were fearful and even faintly afraid.

Dark Knight Abadang clenched the buzzing blade of darkness in his hand, and his emotional expression seemed to be more excited and impulsive than before.

The sealing fist belonging to the third Pharaoh has penetrated down a long distance.

Just from the appearance, it is difficult to imagine that the flexibility of the plane barrier in the world is so strong.

The King of Star Universe and others, who should have immediately counterattacked, were intimidated by the surrounding momentum and did not move for a while.

Dominant-level creatures are actually thought to be too vague and majestic by the middle and lower-level creatures.

In fact, they are also afraid of death, and they are also afraid.

In the end, Ai Badang couldn't contain the fighting spirit in his heart, and finally roared, and the sharp blade of darkness in his hand slashed towards the sky.

The outline of a huge jet-black blade appeared on and off the battlefield in the world.

When the fist and the blade collided, the regular air waves generated swept over and overwhelmed hundreds of millions of creatures.

Regardless of whether Abadang can defeat Mokarst, at least his courage to draw his sword is


Too many masters have been surpassed.

Unlike the Nie Yu master who was also from a top civilization, when he fought against an ordinary seventh-level monster king before, he punched hard and was high-spirited.

Now facing the stronger Demon Karst, this seventh-level master who has only been in the star world for a short time is a bit wilted.

The collision of rules caused by the eighth-level master formed a circle of shock ripples in the world.

That is to say, this is a large plane with profound foundation and strong ability to withstand attacks.

If it were an ordinary medium-sized plane, although it could withstand the coming of the Overlord, it would probably be just a few rounds of collisions, and the entire plane would fall apart.

Mokarst also felt the tenacious fighting will of the eighth-level master of the wizard civilization below. He was not angry but happy. After laughing "haha", his right arm shrank back slightly, and then, he punched more fiercely and domineeringly than before. The seal appears again in the sky in this plane.


A sound similar to breaking glass appeared in the sky of this large world.

The King of Star World, who believed that he had no retreat and had to fight desperately, also participated in the process of resisting Demon Karst after giving a low drink.

Not only the King of Star Universe, but also other dominant-level creatures participating in the battle to defend the world of Universe, now have to take action either actively or passively.

The local ruler of the other world, the Great World, looks a bit like a snake. Its tail keeps making "hissing, hissing" sounds, and its snake skin is obviously peeling off.

The snake skin of this local master was not forcibly peeled off by the pharaohs of the Hades Empire, but was bitten off by himself during his growth and rise.

The title of this local master is very strange. The creatures in the surrounding star field call him the "Snake Master".

This is a powerful master who has mastered the power of the wind tunnel rules, with a late-level seventh level


In fact, among the four local masters in the world, this snake master has proven its power as the only one in the seventh-level realm.

It is indeed more capable of fighting than the other two unlucky masters who have fallen.

A strong Law Wind Tunnel was generated from the tail of the Snake Master, and then flew towards the Magic Karst high in the sky.

According to outside rumors, this seventh-level master is very "greedy" and "eating". Because he needs to eat constantly, he even ate his own tail.

Maybe this is just a rumor from the outside world. The greedy snake master chewing its own tail should have something to do with the evolutionary mystery of its race.

But from the perspective of personal strength, the Snake Master is still somewhat inadequate against top beings in the star realm such as Demon Karst.

However, more and more masters are joining in the process of resisting the supreme power of Demon Karst.

Although Vivian, Fire Phoenix and others have withdrawn from the world of Huanyu, the King of Xinghuan relied on his connections and wealth to win over five masters and four master shadows, including himself, to guard the throne of his mother. noodle.

What is the dominating shadow?

It is a clone of the law created by relying on part of the soul of the master.

Judging from the surface combat power, these master phantoms barely possess level seven strength.

But they are all bluffing, and can fool creatures below level seven, but when they encounter a real dominant-level individual, they will soon show their fatigue because they do not have enough omnipotent soul to support them.

However, so many creatures that dominate the aura appear together in the world of Huanyu, which makes people feel a little scared at a glance.

Including the generals, pharaohs and kings of monsters who came to this star field from the Hades Empire, when facing the lineup in the world, they would also stop being underestimated and act more restrained. .

Several pharaohs and imperial generals expressed their intention to help Mokarst, but they were blocked by Mokarst.



He let out another heroic laugh, and the magic arm, which was even more exaggerated and fierce than before, fell from the sky again!

When the quality of the opponent can no longer force out the potential of Mokarst, allowing him to peek into a higher realm.

You can only make up for it with quantity.

Mokarst is also a madman who is constantly exploring the field of power and is still growing.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, he was still addicted to the pleasure of killing and destruction.

Today, hundreds of thousands of years later, Mokarst has begun to think about what power is?

The terrifying rule turbulence and power impact have devastated the world inside and outside the world.

Even if you are far away in the starry sky, you can feel the amazing battle that is breaking out near this large plane.

In the middle and rear of the world's star field, a wizard civilization army is setting up defense here.

Daenerys, the mother of dragons, appeared in front of Vivian and asked: "We really don't need to go up and help? Can Aiba be able to hold on?"

Vivian shook her head and replied: "This is Aiba's own choice. It is impossible for our wizard civilization to devote too much power to the world."

"Using the space of the Great World battlefield in exchange for the time we need to defeat the Gallente Federation, this is the resolution we had already decided on in the previous remote meeting."

"Ask the seventh-level knight Ota to also prepare to evacuate. We need to move to the border of this large star field." Vivian said.

Ota is the master-level knight of the Ebalut Empire and the only master-level knight in the Magic Empire.

Daenerys said in surprise: "Withdrawing so far? Didn't you say that the fairyland would send people over?"

Vivian looked at the other party and said: "In order to welcome the army of fairyland civilization, we need to protect the large teleportation arrays on the border of this starfield, including those that are also our retreat to the wizard civilization."

"Okay." Daenerys nodded.

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