The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1950 The Battle of the Great World

Velvet Thorn Purple Star's decision has a lot to do with wizard civilization.

Previously, the wizarding civilization still helped the world of Huanyu to defend their mother plane.

However, since the last collision with the third pharaoh of the Hades Empire, the wizard civilization has begun to curb the combat power of its legions in an orderly manner.

Although there are still wizard civilization master-level creatures, appearing in the mother plane of the world, it is the eighth-level knight master Ai Badang holding the blade of darkness.

But this master doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​holding on to his mother plane for the great world.

The reason why he stayed here was more like he wanted to fulfill some kind of long-cherished wish and have a chance encounter with a certain master of the Minghe Empire.

Most of the other wizard civilization legions have withdrawn to the middle and rear of the world near the wizard civilization.

The Wizarding Civilization also advised the King of Star Universe to temporarily abandon his home plane and continuously extend the front line backward.

But the King of Star World finally rejected the wizard civilization’s suggestion.

It's not that the King of Star World loves his mother plane very much.

It simply cannot let go of what it already has, especially the endless assets and massive wealth accumulated in the world.

If we give up all the assets in the world, it will be more painful than cutting off our flesh for the King of Star Universe and others!

Outside the world, the third pharaoh, Mokarst, appears here again.

Looking at the colorful star rings in front of him, Mokarst not only did not have any beautiful thoughts about the large world in front of him, but also had a great desire to destroy it.

"Where is the witch from the wizarding civilization? Isn't she here?" Mokarst stared at the large plane below and looked coldly.

Mokarst is very interested in Vivian, the former leader of the Northland Witches.

The interest here is not because of Vivian's identity as a woman, let alone wanting to peel off Vivian's skin.

But... Mokarst hopes that the other party can seal him again.

At best, the sealing time can be longer.



br\u003eThis request may sound a bit strange.

But this is the truest thought in Mokarst’s heart!

Unfortunately, things never develop as expected.

Since the last battle, Mokarst has never had a head-on confrontation with Vivian and others.

Although Vivian's aura is still here in Huanyu World.

But the other party seemed to be avoiding the magic karst, which made the third pharaoh, who was always impatient, gradually lose his patience.

But this time, Mokarst discovered something new.

"Oh? The Blade of the Empire?" Feeling that the First Pharaoh's former weapon was in the large world below, the Third Pharaoh Mokarst regained his interest in the next battle.

The First Pharaoh has always been the target of the Third Pharaoh's pursuit, as well as the insurmountable mountain.

I have long heard that the Imperial Blade of the First Pharaoh was lost in the wizarding civilization many years ago.

Unexpectedly, these wizard civilization masters brought it back to Demon Karst.

"Have the dimensional barriers in this world not been broken yet?"

"Let me do it." The third pharaoh, who was eager to fight, came to the army of the Minghe Empire.

The generals, pharaohs, and master-level monster kings of the Minghe Empire all around them all bowed their heads to the strongest man in the Minghe Empire except the first pharaoh, expressing their respect. Respect.

Below, on the surface of the dimensional barrier of the world, there is a dense expanse of starlight, as well as various energy barriers and various rule barriers.

Those starlights are mainly the manifestation of the rules of the world of Huanyu. When a crisis comes, the world of Huanyu is naturally very resistant.

As for the remaining energy barriers and rule barriers, they are all from the universe

The world spent a huge amount of money to buy defensive props from various friendly civilizations and interstellar caravans.

Among them, there are several defense props that have reached the level of world-class secret treasures!

This also demonstrates the extraordinary economic strength of Huanyu World.

And there are several sets of protective barriers that exude a clear magical halo, and they look like they were created by the wizarding civilization.

And it should be the work of a certain true spirit level magician.

Otherwise, the exaggerated effect of covering the entire plane will not be achieved.

When Mokarst appeared in front of the Minghe Empire's army, and he stretched out his right fist, the self-sealing technique was gradually released. 🄲

Inexplicably, the Allied Forces of the Great World on the battlefield below felt extremely heavy pressure.

The eighth-level creature Velvet Thorn Purple Star is currently the one who most wants to leave this battlefield!

If he wasn't worried that if he left now, he would immediately become the primary target of that terrifying eighth-level peak life form outside the plane, Velvet Thorn Purple Star would have escaped long ago!

Lord Nie Yu, who came from the world of Tianyu, the top civilization, also looked outside the plane in disbelief.

With a pair of sharp beaks on his face, he stared at the sky in shock and murmured: "How could there be such a powerful and terrifying creature?"

"Tens of thousands of years ago, Lord Tianyu left our world..."

It is different from the emotions of panic, awe, or fear that other rulers of the battlefield in the world have.

Ai Badang, the eighth-level knight master from the wizard civilization, holds the blade of darkness and stands silently beneath the barrier of the world.

He should be the only calmest master present. Even under his dark and calm eyes, there is still a faint impulse and surging fighting spirit suppressed!

The blade of darkness kept buzzing in Aibadang's hands.

After drinking the blood of the eighth pharaoh of the Hades Empire, this blade of revenge is really eager to drink the blood of the third pharaoh in front of it, Demonkarst.



"Ouch~!" A faint dragon roar came from the edge of the dark blade in Ai Badang's hand.

But the first one to take action right now is the Demon Karst outside the plane and sky.

Like the Eighth Pharaoh back then, Mokarst had only partially unlocked his second unblocked state.

This unblocked state consumes less, but the short-term impact is not small. It is the most reasonable way to use power.

Moreover, the partial unblocking state performed by Mokarst is obviously much smoother than that of the Eighth Pharaoh back then.

Not to mention partial unblocking, even unblocking the whole body for the second time is not difficult for Mokarst.

Huge arms fall from the sky!

It was photographed directly on the surface of the dimensional barrier of the great world!

During this period, there were numerous attacks from within the big world, and there were even many defensive weapons specially purchased from the technological side.

But when these blows reached the surface of Mokarst's arms, they seemed to be tickling him.

Even the thick sealing bandage on his arm was difficult to break through for a while.

After all, these seemingly inconspicuous bandages were the skin of a prestigious star master a few years ago!

The eighth-level king of Xinghuan was looking at the eighth-level peak pharaoh king outside the plane who showed supreme magical power.

Looking at the leering look of the third pharaoh, the King of Star World seemed to see the pain of the skin on his forehead being torn!

No matter how many years have passed, Magic Karst is an unforgettable nightmare for the King of Star World!

"Are you ready?" Ai Badang, who was not as unbearable as the King of Star World, holding the blade of darkness tightly, whispered.

He seemed to be talking to his war blade.

Another buzzing dragon roar came from the Dark Blade, which seemed to be the Dark Blade's reply to Aibadang.

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