The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1918 The battle of running-in

Gongsun Wudi lamented the special way Than used his power.

As everyone knows, Thain is very awkward at this time.

And due to factors such as immature technology, Thain's battle process was still somewhat stumbling.

The realization of any perfect technology requires countless adjustments and adjustments.

Thain is now in a period of adjustment.

The fact that actual combat tests can be conducted on the battlefield is not because of Thain's superiority, but because the opponent's strength does not reach the level of threatening Thain, and this kind of actual combat drills can reflect many problems better than boring tests in the laboratory.

The lightsaber in his hand, supported by the speed of the eight wings behind him, possesses extremely sharp cutting power.

After Thane rushed over and cut off the hurricane god's arm. When he turned around, a turbine-shaped muzzle appeared on his chest.

Suppressed level six energy fluctuations began to brew in the muzzle.

A blazing white energy beam then shot out from the turbine muzzle.

The powerful sixth-level power beam cannot be resisted by the hurricane god.

The artifacts of law in his hands are a conch and a storm hammer.

If the God of Hurricane had the wealth of Shirahoshi, and if the conch shell and storm hammer in his hand were both world-class secret treasures, he might still be able to block the combined power of Thane and Fumila.

But it's a pity that this guy obviously doesn't have that ability.

The divine storm shield gathered around him could not stop the lightsaber in Thane's hand and the energy cannon that followed.

Just the fact that one arm was cut off at the beginning of the collision is enough to show how powerful Thain is in such a blessed state.

Among the combat regiments fighting around, many Tianming Empire soldiers had never seen Thain's fighting style before.

Many young powerful people in the Tianming Empire are curious about what kind of powerful world the wizard civilization they support is like?

At the moment, Thain has obviously "misled" many creatures of the Tianming Empire, thinking that his fighting method is the daily fighting mode of wizard civilization creatures...

The energy beam, whose total power was enough to reach the late sixth level, directly shattered the wind conch in the hand of the hurricane god, and easily penetrated the hurricane god's body.

I don’t know if Thain did it intentionally or if he just missed the shot.


\u003eThis energy beam avoided the most precious godhead in the center of the hurricane god's chest. It did not penetrate his heart, but passed through the gap between his ribs.

The result of this was to naturally preserve the maximum value of the Hurricane God's corpse, but it also allowed this guy to not lose his fighting ability for a while after suffering a heavy blow.

The God of Hurricane, who had two divine horns, looked at the "metal mecha" in front of him with horror.

The disparity in strength made him unwilling to continue fighting. The power of the dark blue storm law surrounding him instantly raised the speed of the hurricane god to the fastest speed.

In terms of escape ability, a strong person who masters the origin of wind laws will indeed have a great advantage, second only to those who are strong in space laws.

"Want to run away?" Thain, who was in a combined state with Fumila, saw this guy's intention to escape from the elemental light screen in front of him.

Although he was still unfamiliar with the operation, Thain once again activated the power of the Rubik's Cube, and all eight metal wings on Fumila's back were spread out.

With both angelic and demonic wings, not only the area and shape have changed a lot, but the speed and kinetic energy they provide have also increased a lot.

The mystery of "man-machine integration" that Thain has developed in recent years has brought about growth to more than just himself.

Fumila is an important part of Thane's mechanical fusion. In theory, she should also be able to get significant bonuses from Thane and the Rubik's Cube.

When Fumila used the Rubik's Cube before, she was indeed able to improve a lot.

But the Rubik's Cube is, after all, a world-class secret treasure dominated by Thain, and all aspects are gradually imbued with the imprint of magical alchemy in the wizarding world.

Only Thain can bring out the best efficiency of the Rubik's Cube!

Before Fumila met Thane, the Gallente Federation's Sipnas scientists had only made her an early-level six or mid-level six battle angel at most.

After getting to know Thane, with the awakening of consciousness given by the Rubik's Cube, and the many transformations that Thain later made to her, Fumila's strength should have stabilized at the mid-level six, even at the original level.

On top of that, there has been considerable improvement.

And this time after Thane has integrated man and machine, theoretically, the combat power of him and Fumila should be able to reach the late level six...

But a theory is just a theory after all, and it is difficult to become a reality in one fell swoop.

After actual combat testing, the main gun beam released by Fumila can reach the late-sixth level of power. However, due to poor coordination between the two parties, and Thain has not yet adapted to this special combat mode, Fumila also has a conflict with Thain. The combination of En and En feels strange, so that in the end the combat effectiveness exerted by the two of them working together may not be as good as Fumila fighting alone.

Thain, who sped by, easily stopped the Hurricane God who had just started to escape.

Densely dense blue-purple energy light spots appeared around Fumila's eight wings.

These light spots are the combination of technology, machinery and magical elements.

Relying on the energy lines provided by the eight metal wings, Thane built a dedicated spell model and elemental nodes outside the body.

The world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube instead provides the bonus of the power of rules, making the power of these light points enough to reach an eye-catching level.

"歘! 欻! 欻!" The dense blue-purple energy light rain shot directly towards the hurricane god who had transformed into a divine form.

Although it has not yet reached a perfect fit with Fumila, the victory is due to the large amount of Sion's shots, and Fumila's autonomous locking and the blessing of the Rubik's Cube are also in place. Most of these energy light rains still hit the hurricane who was trying to escape. god.

A scream came from the hurricane god.

There are many space ships from the world of gods around, wanting to come forward to aid their gods.

Creatures that believe in the god-like system have such a major characteristic - they are fanatical and fearless of death!

It was obvious that not even the gods they believed in could defeat Thane, and they howled miserably.

But these lower-level creatures with even lower strength dare to rush forward, driven by their own beliefs and the concept of dedicating themselves to the gods.

Give everything to your god!

This is the basic quality of most devout believers.

And if they are fanatical believers, they will behave more radically and extremely



He often pulls heretics and blasphemers to self-destruct. For those fanatical believers, they don't even hesitate for a moment.

The fleet of god-born civilizations used around them made Thain frown.

The blue-purple light spots around the eight metal wings had not yet dissipated. Thain stretched out his right hand forward and then grasped it.

Dense energy rays once again swept across the surrounding starry sky battlefield!


"昻! 欻! 欻!"


Continuous explosions and elemental energy shock waves appeared in the surrounding area. A large number of divine world ships were hit by these energy rays and crashed with the coquettish purple flames.

The predecessor of these purple flames was the decomposing blue fire developed by Thane.

The outer protection technology of the Gallente Federation's mechas and battleships is constantly being upgraded, and Thane's understanding of the use of the power of the law of fire elements is also constantly improving.

These purple flames are the new product of Thain's frequent increase in the intensity of the fire element and its combination with Fumila.

Judging from the actual situation on the battlefield, their energy consumption and strike effect are indeed better than the previous original blue fire.

But despite this, there are still a large number of divine world legions and warships, resisting the erosion and burning of the fire of Thane's special law, passing through the ruins and debris, and coming to this battlefield, rushing to support the gods they believe in even if they risk their lives.

However, their hurricane god, who often claimed to "love" them, seemed to be frightened by the combined state of Thane and Fumila.

With the fire of the special law burning in his body, he turned around and tried to escape again without caring about his injuries.

Thain, who was gradually getting annoyed by the low-level legions in the world of gods, pointed forward with one hand.

A beautiful blue-purple starry sky gate appeared, and immediately after, more than 100,000 mechanical angels flew out from it.

What is connected behind this starry sky gate is naturally the inner space of the Rubik's Cube.

On the civilized battlefield, these combat legions that can be summoned at any time are indeed more convenient to use than the green source seeds developed by Thain's mentor Lu Lianman.

"Destroy them!" Thane ordered.

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