The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1917 Man-Machine Integration

The Tianming Empire didn’t know much about demons.

Because there are very few demon activities around the star field where they are located, but there are many wild creatures that Thain doesn't know much about.

The unfamiliarity with demons and the brutal scenes around them put the Tianming Empire's vanguard army on alert.

Thane himself didn't feel anything. Because of the blood absorbed into his body, he had a certain affinity with the demon clan.

Thane, who has had many dealings with Spider Queen Rose and even had in-depth exchanges with the purgatory demons in Faerûn, probably knows that the wizarding civilization seems to have a deep connection with these demons and devils secretly.

No one told Thain about this kind of thing, he discovered and judged it naturally.

Spider Queen Rose has never admitted anything.

Finally, near the wreckage of a battleship that was still dripping with smelly green mucus, Thain and others picked up a piece of palm.

"This is the palm of a fourth-level creature. It seems that he died not long ago and was probably eaten alive." Thain said calmly, and then used extremely professional techniques to make the palm into a specimen. Put away.

Thane has never come into contact with the creatures of the God-born world before.

Just in time to enrich his specimen collection.

Moreover, the newly arrived Tianming Empire Legion was also checking the battlefield, looking for any threats.

Thain glanced at the surrounding Tianming Empire legions and wondered if he could ask them to pack him a few low-level biological specimens from the Goddess world.

"General, Lord Gongshuye has shown that he can trace the auras of those creatures that just left. Do we want to catch up?" A fifth-level general came to Gongsun Wudi and asked.

In addition to warriors, the Tianming Empire also has some miscellaneous professions, but they are not mainstream.

That Gongshuye is a special being who is good at tracking, divination, sacrifice, etc. His strength is not strong, but his functionality is good.

Gongsun Wudi was still pondering. Seeing this, Thain was about to step forward and suggest that he should ignore those demonic creatures.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor's oral instructions came from deep within the central army.

"Continue to march." The emperor was obviously paying attention to the situation ahead.

And as a dominating powerhouse, the other party might have noticed the abnormal situation earlier, and his observation skills would undoubtedly be sharper.

The emperor had spoken, and the generals of the Tianming Empire who were the vanguard naturally had no objections.

The army continued to advance according to the route of the Star Map and returned to Thain. The first feeling in my heart was that Emperor Tianming seemed to be relieved of those demons?


Not long after they continued marching, Thain and others finally experienced their first battle near the battlefield of wizard civilization.

The creatures of the Godborn world are very short, but their skin is hard, gray, and somewhat square and angular.

After embarking on the belief system of becoming gods, the strong men in the world of gods are not limited to creatures of the same species in their own plane in their choice of believers.

Those foreign and ignorant creatures that have nothing to do with them are also the main targets for the gods above level 4 in the divine world to spread their faith.

This may also be related to the extremely low fertility rate of the native dominant creatures in the world of gods.

Those dominant creatures call themselves "descendants of gods".

Level four and above are naturally gods with different titles.

Although those below the fourth level have not become gods, they are also called "sons of gods" and "descendants of gods". With the unique cultivation system developed by their civilization, even creatures below the fourth level can use part of the power of faith to bless themselves.

The first to confront the Tianming Empire Legion was the Divine World Legion led by dozens of gods.

The Tianming Empire spreads across one-third of the Divine Star Territory with great fanfare. Of course, the creatures in the Divine World cannot just sit idly by.

(PS: They actually wanted to sit idly by and ignore it... but the Gallente Federation wouldn't let it, otherwise they would have asked them to change their leading gods to clear their heads.)

Judging from the combat power sent by the divine world, it is undoubtedly a mantis trying to stand in front of the Tianming Empire's army.

The main god of the divine world seems to have not appeared yet.

Their obstruction is more like delaying time and blocking them layer by layer.

In the Tianming Empire, no emperor rushed to the battlefield from the beginning.

In view of the fact that the highest combat power shown by the opponent is only a late-level sixth-level god.

Gongsun Wudi thrust his halberd forward, and the Tianming Empire's vanguard army rushed forward.

Thain also participated in the battle subsequently. There were some new magical research results that he needed to actually test on the battlefield.

As an alien civilization that follows the path of belief in becoming a god, the legions of the god-born world are actually mixed with a large number of Gallente Federation technological elements, which feels quite novel.

Thain, who has a sharp eye and quick hands, is targeting a fifth-level creature that masters the power of storm. The opponent is the hurricane god of the god-born world.

The eight-winged angel Fumila appears in Cyprus

After grace.

The blue light of law flashed, and after a special period of distortion and deformation, Thane's body surface was covered with a layer of liquid silver metal.

Eight silver wings then appeared on Thain's back. The color and luster of these wings still had the holy meaning of an angel.

But the sharp barbs under the wings and the connecting veins like flesh wings give people the feeling of being a bit ferocious and fierce of the devil.

This is a pair of wings that combines the characteristics of angels and demons at the same time. The completely conflicting temperament fields give people a very deep first impression.

A shell like a Gallente Federation mecha was then placed on Thane's body. 🅆

In terms of appearance selection, Thane did borrow some styles from the Federation mecha.

He has dissected and studied so many mechas, and naturally knows that the model designed by the Federation humans is the most consistent with fields such as dynamics and energetics.

However, in terms of general appearance, Thain still used the optimal solution given by the Rubik's Cube. In the process, Fumila also put forward many personal suggestions, all of which were adopted by Thain.

A lightsaber surging with special energy fluctuations appeared from Thain's right hand after being mechanically blessed.

Thane's left arm was transformed into a sharp blade like a devil's claw.

In terms of shape and size, Thain, who has completed the transformation and combination at this time, is not much different from his usual Ash Demon Law true form.

However, his inner form still maintains the status of a human magician in the wizarding world.

"Uh, how do you feel?" Inside the angel mecha, Thane looked at the dazzling elemental light screen in front of him and couldn't help but feel a headache.

Sure enough, magician and mecha pilot are two completely different professions.

Although Thain had conducted many magic researches before and experimented several times in a semi-armed state, the feeling after actually setting foot on the battlefield and conducting in-depth integration was still different.

"It feels weird..." Fumila's voice sounded in Thain's ears.

Thain's state at this time is one of his main research results in recent years.

In fact, Thain had a rough idea of ​​this research direction as early as the Aiyoulandie Civilization Relics War.

But it wasn't until recently that Thain successfully realized some of his wild ideas.

Fumila's combat power is at level six, and she has the most powerful combination of Rubik's Cube rules. In theory, Thain, who has a half-machinist system, can borrow the opponent's power.


\u003eAnd Thane’s source of inspiration matured and had a deep connection with the sixth-level mechanic Vel’Koz and his molten steel Tyrannosaurus King who he later came into contact with.

Vel'Koz seems to be able to perform some mechanical fusion-related double-blessing performances on the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King who has completed deep mechanical transformation.

If Vel'Koz can do it, then so can Thane!

"Maybe I have to go back to Yuri and ask her about her experience in piloting the Flame." Thain sighed, and the lightsaber in his hand burst out with a dazzling light, and then he rushed towards the enemy in front of him.

The fifth-level hurricane god from the world of gods, when he saw Thain and Fumila, he was first shocked by Fumila's sixth-level power fluctuation.

But then he saw Fumila and Thain merging together. This "novel" scene made Alaga, the god of hurricanes, stunned in place.

The combined aura and energy fluctuations of Thane and Fumila may be mixed due to their immature technology and insufficient running-in.

One moment it was level five, and the other moment it was level six.

The reason for the performance of Level 5 is that after realizing the integration of man and machine, Thain, as the leader, is a Level 5 creature, and the aura he displays is of course Level 5.

The performance of level six is ​​because Fumila, who is now the pendant of Thain, has level six strength. After fully supporting Thain, Thain's strength naturally reached level six.

This is a newly developed skill by Thane, and there is no guarantee that it will allow him to transcend levels and fight.

This concept of integration mainly follows the truth of mechanics in the wizarding world, and it has nothing to do with the essence of mechas in the Gallente Federation.

The world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube played a big role in this process.

When Thain participated in the battle in this state, not far from the starry sky, Gongsun Wudi looked at Thain with interest.

The sense of novelty that this magician in the wizarding world brought to Gongsun Wudi not only did not diminish with the passage of time, but was always able to come up with new things for Gongsun Wudi.

Gongsun Wudi didn't know whether this was because Thain was special or because magicians in the wizarding world were extremely special.

Innovation, research, and continuous exploration of the truth are the source of strength for the growth of magicians in the wizarding world.

Gongsun Wudi, who was wearing a white-gold armor, couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a unique way of fighting."

"You can let him spar with me this way next time."

"There are currently 179 monthly tickets."

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