The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1914 Reinforcement Distribution

The number of Familia legions under Fantasy Spring is indeed small, probably only 10 million.

Fountain of Destruction has also seen those legions, appearing in full gear near the teleportation spring.

But where are Kun's legions?

Fountain of Destruction looked at it for a long time, but did not see a fairyland combat unit.

Finally, the Fountain of Destruction shifted its gaze to Kun's huge abdominal cavity...

The Familia legions of the Ten Thousand Springs World Group quickly stepped into the teleportation springs one after another under the orders of the Fountain of Destruction and the leadership of the spring owners.

In this expedition to the Wizarding Star Territory, the Wanquan World Group dispatched at least one-third of its effective forces.

Moreover, the legions and spring masters dispatched are all extremely warlike and active individuals in this star field.

Although only one-third of the number of legions involved, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Fountain of Destruction took away more than half of the combat power of the Wanquan World Group this time!

Because some spring masters and dependent creatures are not fighting types themselves.

When the creatures such as the Fountain of Destruction also gradually left through the teleportation spring.

In the center of the Ten Thousand Springs World Group, the eighth-level creature Quanzu couldn't help but look in the direction where the Fountain of Destruction and the Fountain of Illusion left, and sighed.

Staying next to Quanzu at this time is the seventh-level master, the Fountain of Life.

He is the eldest son of Quanzu and has always been a staunch implementer of Quanzu's philosophy.

"Brothers and sisters, they should be fine this time. I have heard from several foreign masters that I have good relations with that the wizard civilization has always been in an advantageous and dominant position in the war against the Gallente Federation.

"Including the Mingha Empire, which made a surprise attack on the Wizarding Civilization some time ago, it has not completely set foot in the local star domain of the Wizarding Civilization." Fountain of Life said.

Because of the concept of moderate development it advocates, the Wanquan World Group has connections with many large and medium-sized world civilizations in the star realm.

There are some extremely remote, remote, and special alien civilizations that even the wizarding civilization and the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce that do business in the surrounding star fields may not have heard of.

Wizarding literature


The war between the Ming Dynasty and the Gallente Federation seemed to be a game between the two top civilizations.

But in fact, it has already affected the hearts of a large number of plane civilizations in the surrounding star regions that have not participated in the war.

Including alien civilizations that have little connection with them beyond the distant starry sky, they are also paying attention to the war here.

Fountain of Life made this statement because he was obviously very familiar with the war going on in the wizarding civilization.

After hearing this, Quanzu, who had a gentle breath, remained silent for a long time. All the thoughts finally turned into a silent sigh.

Wizard civilization.

Since the last attack by the Pharaohs of the Hades Empire, the leader of civilization, Ms. Bev, has not moved the main control base of the wizard civilization. Instead, she has continued to set up the frontline headquarters of the wizard civilization at the border of the underworld star field.

Rooting the headquarters firmly here is also a signal sent by Ms. Bev to the entire alliance - the wizarding civilization has not retreated from the attack of the Hades Empire and the counterattack of the Gallente Federation!

Including frontline battlefields, the main theater of war is still taking place within the borders of the Gallente Federation at this time.

Except for a few battlefields that occur within the territory of the wizard civilization, most of the time, the wizard civilization still maintains its active and offensive posture.

And this approach undoubtedly made the billions of alliance combat legions feel relieved.

Most of the alliance planes and alliance alien gods, in this state of war, hope to see a powerful wizarding world with almost endless successors.

Because only a strong wizard civilization is most beneficial to them at this time!

If the wizarding civilization shows decline in the previous setbacks, it will be a disaster for the entire wizarding alliance.

At this time, Bev, who was sitting in the frontline command center, was working with the wizard Wen

The true spirits and master-level powerhouses on the battlefields of various star fields have remote video conversations.

In this meeting, only the powerful locals of the Wizarding Civilization participated, and the alliance masters were not included in this meeting.

Because the main content of the meeting was related to several armies of alien civilizations that were about to come for reinforcements.

Some information, as well as the decision-making and deployment of wizard civilization, should not be publicized and leaked to outsiders.

"The Dragon Clan Legion is about to arrive. I also asked Tomov and the others to continue to handle the request for help from the three major Taoist sects in the Immortal Realm."

"About the next war deployment, some adjustments are needed." Bev said slowly while looking at the elemental light screen in front of her.

"Dragon Legion? It seems that a few guys from the Baxia family have been arrested, which is also a good thing for us." Seti, the dominant knight of the Kingdom of Jahana, smiled.

After the death of Doron, the dominant knight of the Kingdom of Jahana, Seti, the dominant knight in front of him, is currently the main leader of the Kingdom of Jahana on the civilized battlefield.

Knight Seti has a very good relationship with Knight Dolon. After Knight Knight Dolon died in the battle, Seti swore to make the Gallente Federation look good.

However, in daily contact, this Seti knight is a being with a very good character and mentality in the wizarding civilization.

While most of the powerful wizards and civilizations are used to speaking with a straight face, Knight Seti often behaves playfully and with a smile.

But the essence of this dominant knight is not as superficial as he usually appears.

Without echoing Knight Seti's joke, Knight Klopp then said: "Indeed, the war assignment against the Dragon Clan in the Immortal Realm cannot be carried out according to our original plan."

"It would be better to send them to the heavy industrial star fields of the Gallente Federation."

"The energy crystal production value of the Gallente Federation should be able to satisfy the appetite of the Dragon Clan in the Fairyland." Klopp said.

Knight Klopp is indeed Ms. Bev’s right-hand man, and his speech is exactly what Ms. Bev thinks.



r\u003e Bev nodded and said: "As for the request for help from the three major Taoist sects in the Immortal Realm, if they agree to send troops, we will still send them to the battlefield of the Great World according to the original plan."

"Second the proposal!" Seventh-level true spirit mage Saneses said first.

"Second the proposal!" The second person to express his position was Alice, the true spirit witch of the North.

"Second the proposal!" The Hassan Knight of the Belen Empire also nodded.


The powerful fairyland civilization is a major foreign aid.

But regarding the borrowing of Taoist power, the wizarding civilization does not want these powerful men from the fairyland to interfere too much in the war of the Gallente Federation.

As the wizarding civilization has always believed - the war with the Gallente Federation is the wizarding civilization's own war.

It was just because of the sudden end of the Hades Empire that they sent an eighth-level pharaoh to spy on and instigate rebellion against the master of the Wizards Alliance, and they sent an elite team to storm the wizard civilization command center.

The wizard civilization had no choice but to pull the fairy civilization onto the chariot.

When it comes to traditional forces such as the Fairyland Taoist Sect, the Wizarding Civilization hopes that they can directly confront the Minghe Empire.

As long as the Fairyland Civilization can hold back the Hades Empire, no one else really needs to worry about the war on the Gallente Federation side.

As for why the Immortal Domain Dragon Clan was not allowed to pass, it can only be said that there is a difference between closeness and distance.

The relationship between the wizard civilization and the dragon clan is relatively good. There is no problem in letting the dragon clan take a sip of soup on the Gallente Federation star field battlefield.

The war in the Great World will be much more intense and dangerous, but the benefits of the war should also be good.

The wizard civilization did not cheat the fairyland civilization.

After Knight Seti expressed his stance, he couldn't help but smile and said: "The King of Star Universe in the Great World of Universe is going to bleed again."

"But it doesn't matter. Their family is rich and they should be able to satisfy the appetite of the Immortal Realm Taoism, right?"

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