The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1913 Big Fish

When she saw Gongsun Wudi, she was handling official military affairs in Luan Jia.

When doing things, Gongsun Wudi has a serious and cold face, which makes people look unique.

After Thain entered Luan Jia, Gongsun Wudi didn't even raise his head and pointed directly at the corner of Luan Jia, indicating that he could do whatever he wanted.

The architectural and utensil styles of martial arts civilization are very different from those of wizard civilization.

At this time, this huge Luanjia was already equivalent to the space fortress of the wizard civilization.

Gongsun Wudi's daily rest and official duties for the next period of time will be completed in this Luanjia.

The journey from the martial arts civilization to the Wizarding Star Territory is not short, and Thain does not want his time to be wasted.

Returning to the Wizarding Civilization this time, the Ash Star Thief Group that Thain had previously recovered will also accompany them.

In the next period of time, Thain prefers to spend this journey in the airship laboratory.

Gongsun Wudi may have thought of this, and she said without raising her head: "You and Mel, you can stay in my car during the next period of time."

"I will order someone to prepare a place for each of you." Gongsun Wudi said.

Princess Luan's car is obviously much more comfortable than the spaceship of the Star Thieves.

It's just that doing this is not in line with the dignity etiquette of the Tianming Empire.

"Isn't it good?" Thain hesitated.

"It's nothing, this is also to show our Tianming Empire's friendly etiquette towards wizards and civilized friends." Gongsun Wudi replied.

On the other side, Mel shouted: "Yeah!"

Seeing this, Thain could only reply: "Then I'll trouble Her Royal Highness again."

Gongsun Wudi let out a soft "hmm" but still did not raise his head.

Wanquan World Group.

As the armies of the Tianming Empire and the Immortal Domain Dragon Clan are dispatched one after another, the armies of the major spring masters in the Wanquan World Group have also been assembled.


The eighth-level master, the Fountain of Destruction, finally waited for his sister Huan Zhiquan on the eve of his departure.

As expected, Huanzhiquan did not come back alone, a huge fish followed her.

This big fish, with the power of rich water patterns rippling all over its body, has far exceeded the cognitive limit of normal astral creatures.

Even Bi Xi's father, Ba Xia, seems to be slightly smaller than this big fish in terms of body size.

Sure enough, there is no way to know what kind of weird and special creatures are gestating in the boundless star realm.

You think what you have seen is the largest one, but in fact there are larger creatures in the star world, but they have not been discovered yet.

This is a behemoth that only floats in the star realm, and can have a huge impact on the surrounding planes and starry sky just by relying on its own mass and gravity.

This huge guy comes from the fairyland civilization, and she is also the best friend of Fantasy Spring.

When seeing this huge fish, Fountain of Destruction behaved better. He had seen it many times.

Although he found that the fish seemed a little bigger than last time.

The other party seems to have no limit to growth?

You can always grow your physique without limit.

However, Prison Niu, who had not returned to the fairyland civilization for a long time, was shocked by this big fish that had grown to a dominant level of power.

"Is this... that Kun?" Qiu Niu asked a little uncertainly.

As a creature that existed in the Immortal Realm in ancient times, Prisoner Niu certainly remembers all kinds of rare species in the prehistoric world.

To be able to grow to such a huge size, even the Black Turtle clan of the fairyland civilization may not be able to do it.


Only Kunpeng... can do it in theory.

After seeing Fountain of Destruction's firm answer, Prisoner Niu couldn't help but sigh: "Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the demon master Kunpeng tried to attack the realm of saints, but ultimately failed. The soul split into two and turned into Kun and Peng."

"I didn't expect that the realm that their predecessors, the demon masters, had not reached, but the souls after the split could achieve it separately."

"It's just...why didn't she transform into a metamorphosis form?" Qiu Niu said a little confused. 🄲

What Prisoner Niu doesn't know, Fountain of Destruction certainly doesn't know either.

He himself is not a pond owner who likes to think.

Fountain of Destruction laughed and said: "Kun and Peng have little to do with their predecessors. They are two independent individuals. They only inherited part of the demon master's memory and cultivation inheritance."

"Since my sister has brought Kun back, it is inevitable that the Wa Palace of the Immortal Civilization will also get involved in this battle."

"I just don't know whether Saint Nuwa and Saint Fuxi will take action personally?"

"Including the Wa Palace, there are many powerful people." Fountain of Destruction said with a smile.

Prisoner Niu shook his head and stopped making any comments about this.

The Fountain of Illusion is a special master who masters the power of psychedelic laws. She is also the most special master of the power of laws bred by the ancestors of the springs in the world.

The Fountain of Destruction is actually quite special, otherwise it would not reach the eighth level.

But in terms of the application of the power of law, the psychedelic law is more mysterious and unpredictable.

A rainbow of seven colors appears in the starry sky.

This rainbow band happened to appear on the back of the big fish Kun.

The voice belonging to the Illusion Fountain came immediately: "The wizarding civilization encountered a joint attack by the Gallente Federation and the Hades Empire?"

"In this war to aid the wizarding civilization, I will naturally participate in it!"\u003cb



"Eh? What a cute little turtle." This was a young and beautiful female voice.

Unlike the Fountain of Destruction, which has a male personality, the Fountain of Illusion is a female.

A rainbow of light immediately appeared around the tourmaline.

Qi Niu also knew that the other party would not harm his niece, so he did not stop him.

Lifted up by the rainbow light of the Fantasy Fountain, Tourmaline looked around curiously.

Compared to the Fantasy Fountain, which has the power of psychedelic laws, Kun, who has more majestic water vapor and a peaceful and regular atmosphere, actually makes Tourmaline like it more.

Tourmaline, who then transformed into the form of a dragon turtle, stretched out his dragon claws, poked the surrounding rainbow light, and stretched out his limbs towards the big fish in front of him.

Huanzhiquan also cooperated very well and placed the tourmaline on Kun's head.

The tourmaline, which could be called a behemoth in any plane, looked a bit "petite" when turned over against the background of Kun in the star realm at this moment.

The big fish named "Kun" seems to be very curious about tourmaline.

The huge fish tail couldn't help but swing, and the power of rich water vapor began to appear in the Wanquan World Group like an overwhelming force.

Thanks to the fact that the Wanquan World Group is a large water world group, Kun's arrival will have less impact on this world group and will be beneficial to many spring owners.

If it were a fire-type world community, Kun's flick would probably bring disaster to the fire-type creatures in that star domain.

There is no need for Kun to have any extraordinary fighting talent or original laws.

Just her physique, in the eyes of domination-level creatures of the same level, is also a headache for them.

"I don't have many military clan legions under my command, but Kun does have some legions of monsters from the Immortal Sea Clan."

"Let's go!" The voice of Fantasy Fountain appeared in the minds of Destruction Fountain and Prisoner Niu.

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