The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1911 Late Level 5

Cultivation takes no time.

Because they discovered a land of flame law that was extremely valuable for exploration, Thain and Gongsun Wudi temporarily stayed in this large fire plane.

And it lasted nearly ten years.

Gongsun Wudi is a low-key and people-friendly princess. With her status, coming to this large subordinate plane of Fang Tianming Empire will inevitably attract the fawning and flattery of the local bureaucrats.

But Gongsun Wudi may have expected this, and she deliberately did not disclose her whereabouts and identity.

In terms of gathering breath and hiding strength, Gongsun Wudi gave Thain the feeling that he did a better job than the Piccolo Demon King back then.

The Great Demon King Piccolo used the special magic equipment created for him by the wizard civilization to suppress his excess power and intimidating aura.

But Gongsun Wudi has nothing. She just stands there quietly. If you don't observe carefully, she can even blend into the surrounding environment.

I don’t know if this situation means that Gongsun Wudi is at a higher level than Piccolo.

Or it is the result of the different cultivation systems of the two world civilizations.

Thane was studying the mysteries of fire under the molten sea, while Gongsun Wudi was honing his martial arts on the surface.

This guy is also a practicing madman.

Many high-level knights in the wizarding world will deliberately enjoy life after reaching a certain level.

But Gongsun Wudi didn't. During those years in the princess's mansion, Thain never saw her hold any grand banquet.

Instead, it has been in-depth inspection.

Practicing martial arts is what Gongsun Wudi does most.

Just like Thane often tinkering with magical truths in the laboratory.

From this point of view, the two are quite a match.

Ten years later, a scorching pillar of elemental fire suddenly rose and erupted from the depths of this molten sea.



The flame energy and abnormal biological fluctuations attracted the attention of many powerful people stationed in the Tianming Empire in this plane.

When these local garrison strong men arrived here, they did not know that Princess Taiping of Zhenguo had come to this world until then.

Many officials of the Tianming Empire turned pale in an instant.

The four words "private interview in private" appeared in their minds.

In terms of plane governance, the officials of the Tianming Empire in this world have done a good job.

But no matter how bright the place is, there is also darkness and filth.

Some of these guys are definitely not clean!

Just when some strong men from the Tianming Empire who had something fishy in their hearts felt uneasy, Thain, who had finished his cultivation and exploration of the truth, flew to Gongsun Wudi.

After ten years of not seeing each other, Thain's momentum is stronger than before.

A greater understanding of the subtle inner laws of the element of fire is not so easily manifested. The superficial change is that Thain's elemental power and aura intensity have almost reached the level of late level five.

The elemental power has reached the late fifth level, and the body refining process has also reached the late fifth level.

Even without the blessing of two world-class secret treasures, Thain can now arm-wrestle with level five peak creatures!

With the blessing of Rubik's Cube and Phaseless Mask, Thain's strength is undoubtedly stronger.

If he were to face those level six creatures now, he would definitely be less stressed than in the past.

"The way that magicians in your wizarding world practice and advance is really strange. Did you have any adventure down there?" Gongsun Wudi asked curiously.

Thain's breath suddenly rose a little, this very sudden reality

The method of improving strength has gone beyond the cognitive scope of martial arts civilization.

"That's right, the law nodes of this large fire elemental plane are very exquisite. I have never thought of such a spiral structure spell model before... I can also make some fine-tuning to the ash magic... the smoothness of elemental release and The power should be slightly improved," Thain said.

Many of the things he talked about were professional terms used by magicians in the wizarding world.

Because it involves a relatively advanced level of laws, some fourth-level magicians may not be able to understand it. Trillis, Thain's master, should know what Thain is talking about.

As for Gongsun Wudi in front of him, I don't know if she really understood it or if it was due to other factors, but he finally nodded thoughtfully.

"It just so happens that your strength has improved a bit. Let's go back and spar a few more times." Gongsun Wudi continued.

Thain looked bitter when he heard this.

It's not that there's no gain in sparring with Gongsun Wudi, but it's just a process of being abused, which makes people very unhappy.

Let’s talk about the discussion later. Thain also noticed that many strong men from the Tianming Empire stationed in this plane gradually gathered around him.

There was a look of thought between his brows, and then Thain reported his discovery in the Flame Law Cave below to Gongsun Wudi in front of him.

After Gongsun Wudi heard this, a look of understanding appeared on his face.

However, she did not express her position immediately. At the same time, she also refused the invitation to meet and banquet from the surrounding local garrison officials, and directly took Thain and left this world.

It wasn't until he returned to the star realm that Thain couldn't help but ask about it again. Gongsun Wudi said: "Just tell my brother and Dali Temple about this kind of thing later. We don't need to worry about it for now."

"There shouldn't be any problem, it's just a minor situation." Gongsun Wudi said with a straight face.


Said quietly.

Thain also nodded and then stopped thinking about it.

After returning to the main plane where the capital of the Tianming Empire was located, Gongsun Wudi did not immediately take Thain to practice martial arts, but left for a while.

Ten years have passed, and the Tianming Empire's military reorganization efforts have become increasingly large, and are gradually coming to an end.

In a few years, the vanguard regiment should be ready to send troops.

On their way back, including Thain, they also saw many plane worlds under the Tianming Empire, which had undergone many changes due to the upcoming emperor's personal expedition.

After Thane returned, he first returned to his laboratory and spent some time.

But not long after, Gongsun Wudi called him out again and continued to spar with her.

The experience of fighting against level six peak creatures is more valuable than studying in a laboratory.

Even though he was beaten badly, Thain gritted his teeth and persevered.

And in the process of fighting Gongsun Wudi, Thain did gain a lot.

On this day, after training with Gongsun Wubi, the princess, who was wearing a military uniform, threw him a huge flame ore. The deep and oppressive power of law in it was stronger than the core of a sixth-level creature. Not much worse.

"This is..." Thain said in surprise. From this flame ore, Thain noticed an aura that was very similar to that deep in the previous large fire plane node.

"You deserve this." Gongsun Wudi replied: "Also, we are about to go on an expedition, so we won't be sparring with you for a while."

"Get ready, we will all go out together with the forward army!" Gongsun Wudi said.

Looking at the law ore in his hand, Thain replied: "Okay."

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