The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1910 Flame Law Cave

Gongsun Wudi's words gradually made Thain's face look a little uneasy.

Because during the battle with Gongsun Wudi just now, Thain did use the Phaseless Mask and the Rubik's Cube, two world-class secret treasures.

But in the end, he was beaten by Gongsun Wudi.

When the strength gap reaches a certain level, it will be difficult for equipment to make up for it.

However, Thain never used the eight-winged angel Fumila to help him.

In the process of competing with Gongsun Wudi, Thain did gain a lot.

Especially when it comes to combat skills.

Thain had not deliberately honed his melee abilities before.

His body training was just a matter of inheritance from his master, plus improving his vitality and ability to resist blows.

I think that when Gargaru was fighting the enemy head-on on the plane battlefield, he never thought of using any special skills to defeat the opponent.

But while borrowing the power of magic elements, it also hits the flesh!

The explosive feeling of pure power combined with the power of the fire element is what most creatures know about the members of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

Gongsun Wudi smiles beautifully, but she rarely smiles.

Including the faint smile on his lips when he was talking to Thain, it quickly dissipated.

This makes many people's first impression of Gongsun Wudi be cold.

Many ministers of the Tianming Empire were in awe of Princess Taiping.

Only in the army would Gongsun Wudi be enthusiastically pursued and loved by the warriors of the Tianming Empire.

This is because Gongsun Wudi can lead them to win the battle.

And the proceeds from every foreign war are very fair.

From the generals to the lower-level soldiers, everyone supports Gongsun Wudi.

It is worth mentioning that although Gongsun Wudi and the current Emperor of the Tianming Empire are brothers and sisters, they are actually half-mothers.

The current emperor Gongsun Wuji's mother's surname was Li, while Gongsun Wudi's mother came from the Ximen family.


This situation also makes the Li Clan and the Ximen Family the two most powerful families in the Tianming Empire besides the royal family.

When Thain first arrived in the Rongyue Star Territory, the general Ximen Feixiao he came into contact with was, strictly speaking, Gongsun Wudi's cousin.

Thain looked at the special flame lotus in his hand and gradually entered a state of deep thinking.

Thain does this every time he encounters a specimen of great research value.

Seeing this, Gongsun Wudi did not disturb Thain. She then stood there and realized the gains from the battle just now.

After a long time, Thain suddenly asked: "Where did you find this special law fire lotus?"

"What's wrong?" Gongsun Wudi asked curiously.

"I want to see the origin of this law fire lotus. Can you take me there?" Thain asked, his eyes a little excited at this time.

Gongsun Wudi looked at Thain in front of him and nodded slowly.

The territory of Tianming Empire is quite large.

No wonder this powerful world, which seems to have friendly diplomatic relations with the wizarding civilization, has not joined the Wizards Alliance.

Because even the Titan World, the top member plane of the Wizards Alliance, does not necessarily have as many planes with complete rules as the Tianming Empire.

Once the Tianming Empire joins the Wizards Alliance, no matter how good the high-level relations between the two civilizations are, they will often have to act in accordance with the alliance's charter.

It is unlikely that the wizarding civilization will allow an alliance under its command to develop into another world without restrictions.

This is not a matter of closeness, this is a matter of rules.

From the current point of view, the Tianming Empire has two large star fields, more than ten medium-sized star fields, and dozens of small star fields.

The number of complete planes with rules seems to have reached

Four thousand or more.

With such a large number of planes with complete rules, only two seventh-level masters were supported, which made Thain slightly surprised.

However, there are many creatures above level four in the Tianming Empire.

Just what he saw and sensed the powerful ones far exceeded the scope of the large world within the Wizards Alliance.

Is it possible that the Tianming Empire allocated most of its resources to the middle and upper-level creatures instead of concentrating them on a few powerful people at the top?

Or maybe the Tianming Empire has been promoted to a large-scale world civilization for a relatively short period of time, and is currently in an explosive period of vigorous development of civilization.

During this period, the number of organisms in the mesosphere will be greatest.

Due to problems such as insufficient time accumulation and other problems, upper-level creatures cannot easily break through to the dominance level.

Thain couldn't help but guess.

The place where Thain and Gongsun Wudi went was a large star field under the rule of the Tianming Empire.

The abundant elemental power in this star field makes Thane, an elemental user, very comfortable.

A large plane in the center of this star field is the destination of Thane and Gongsun Wudi.

Originally, Thain thought that Gongsun Wudi would send someone to bring him here, but he never thought that Gongsun Wudi would send him here himself.

A vast sea of ​​molten lava was where the Tianming Empire first discovered the Burning Fire Lotus.

"Fire lotuses with special laws like this are not often found."

"On average, every few thousand years, if you are lucky, maybe one will appear."

"The flower I gave you was a tribute handed over to our royal family by the transporter of this plane five hundred years ago." Gongsun Wubi said to Thain.

Titles such as General Wei, Great General, Prime Minister, Transporter, etc. were all titles that Thain came into contact with only after he came to the Tianming Empire.

This large-scale world civilization does not regard strength as the only criterion for status, but also incorporates the official position system into it.


\u003eFurthermore, the types of official positions in the Tianming Empire are extremely complicated, and the paths taken by civil servants and military generals are somewhat different.

The only thing they have in common is the use of dragon energy.

Thain looked at the molten sea below and said, "I want to go down and have a look. Well... it might take a little longer."

"Go ahead, I'll be waiting for you nearby." Gongsun Wudi nodded.

Thane nodded and jumped into the sea of ​​scorching molten water below.

The ability of wizards and wizards to analyze plane nodes and appearance rules amazes most creatures in the plane world.

Gongsun Wudi was so much stronger than Thane, and he was still filled with admiration for Thain's performance during the Rong Yue World War.

After entering the magma sea, Thain quickly found the location of the plane node through analysis of the surrounding elemental environment.

It was a strange cave filled with the power of the fire element.

As he went deeper into it, what surprised Thane was that he was not the first to discover this place where the law of fire converged.

In this place where the flames gathered, Thain clearly felt that there were traces of other living beings practicing here.

Some mottled law scratches appeared on the surface of the cave.

Thain, who already has a certain understanding of martial arts civilization, judged that before this, there should be a warrior who was at least equal to him in strength, or even stronger, who had practiced here, so there were only a few traces left.

And the opponent is not just leveling up, but is suspected of absorbing the power of this abundant node of the Flame Law!

Thain did not come here to absorb the power of fire. He just did research, delving into the profound laws and secrets and integrating them into his own knowledge system.

At least there will be no actual damaging effects on this law node.

The surprise in his heart did not last long. After all, it was none of his business. After pondering for a moment, Thain immediately entered a state of research and exploration after setting up the next level of magic restrictions.

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