The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1898 Dynasty Luck (Additional update)

Regarding Thain's question about what "dragon energy" is.

Gongsun Wudi later explained it as "luck", "dragon vein" and so on.

These modifiers and descriptive words are all unique words of martial arts civilization, and Thain felt a little ambiguous when he heard them.

However, based on Thain's own observations, he judged that this energy dragon should be composed of some special mysterious power factor. πŸ…†

Just like the shadows of the totem poles that Thane saw in the world of Rong Yue.

The martial arts civilization has obviously also developed new ways of using power in its development of more than 100,000 years.

This kind of dragon aura amazed even Thain.

"Excuse me, besides protecting the mother plane, does this dragon energy have other functions?"

"For example, as a special attack technique when going out to fight?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

"Of course. In our Tianming Empire, the higher the position and the more powerful the people, the more dynasty luck they enjoy."

"The person who can mobilize the most dragon energy to participate in the battle is my brother, the current emperor."

"Below my brother, the prince and I are the ones who can summon a lot of dragon energy."

"In addition, the hundreds of officials in the Tianming Empire can also borrow part of the dragon energy."

"Generally, those with higher official positions in the Tianming Empire can borrow the most dragon energy, while those with lower official positions can use less dragon energy."

"In addition to fighting against enemies, the special luck of dragon energy can also speed up the cultivation speed of our warriors from the Tianming Empire."

"It will even be of great benefit to personal luck and the development of the entire family." Gongsun Wudi replied.

After hearing Gongsun Wudi's answer, Thain became even more awed and curious about this special mysterious energy body.

"This Rong Yue World War is at the end, so I haven't used dragon energy to fight. I can show it to you if I have the opportunity in the future."

"Under normal circumstances, our Tianming Empire warriors rarely borrow dragon energy."

"Because dragon energy is closely related to the dynasty luck and overall prosperity of our Tianming Empire."

"It is said that when the Dragon Qi of our Tianming Empire was first born, it was only the size of a palm, which fit perfectly into our national jade seal."

"But as long as I can remember when I was a child, dragon energy has been able to cover our entire capital.


And the continent in the plane. "

"In the past tens of thousands of years, the overall strength of our Tianming Empire has also been in a state of rapid expansion, so now you see that this Dragon of Fate has expanded to the point where it can roll out of the plane."

"The fact that the Dragon of Luck is so active today should also be related to the return of our master to the court."

"Most of the time, it is still very 'quiet'." Gongsun Wudi said.

Thain nodded. He really gained a lot of knowledge during this trip.

The total strength of this dragon of luck is probably comparable to that of a dominator-level creature!

Then, Thain couldn't help but ask: "Listen to you, this kind of dragon energy is acquired. Excuse me, who invented it?"

"This special method of using mysterious energy must be a high-end topic that only true spirit level magicians can dabble in in our wizarding civilization. Can it also affect luck?" Thain sighed.

Thain's voice of reverence and admiration caused some changes in Gongsun Wudi's eyes under his metal helmet.

She then looked towards the deepest part of the sea of ​​luck in front of her, and seemed to see through the layers of clouds, the imperial court and the towering sky-high buildings, and replied: "My father created it."

When Thain heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

Gongsun Wudi's father was obviously the "First Emperor" of the Tianming Empire.

Being able to create a civilization on one side is in itself a sign that the other side is anything but ordinary.

In particular, the use of dragon energy was developed.

Another top figure who has created a great avenue on his own...

Thain couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


As Gongsun Wudi said, the dragon energy of the Tianming Empire is closely related to the overall strength of their civilization.

As this Tianming Empire legion returned to the dynasty, it brought back a large amount of specialty resources from the Rongyue Star Territory, Rongdi Dijian as a prisoner, and Caiyu Feidi, the envoy who surrendered on behalf of the Rongyue world, etc.

Compared with this energy dragon hovering inside and outside the plane,

They are much more active and vigorous than before.

The huge energy dragon passed through the entire team. Thain discovered that many middle and low-level Tianming Empire powerhouses had enjoyed great benefits at this moment.

Including top powerhouses like Gongsun Wudi, the surface of her metal armor also had a layer of glittering light at this time.

This is a gift from the will of the plane and the dragon's energy to them.

Immediately afterwards, Thane discovered that there was also a layer of pale white energy surrounding his body.

He couldn't help but said in astonishment: "Even me?"

Gongsun Wudi glanced at Thain and said, "According to the laws of our Tianming Empire, you are now an envoy to our empire on behalf of the wizard civilization."

"In the Tianming Empire, you also have an official status and rank." πŸ…†πŸ„²

Thain couldn't help but replied: "So good? It's just convenient for me to study this special energy body."

Gongsun Wudi then withdrew his gaze and said, "It's up to you. When you return to the capital later, you can stay in my mansion first."

"But you don't have much time left. Brother Emperor should summon us to the palace soon to meet the emperor." Gongsun Wudi reminded.

Thain nodded and replied: "I know."


After entering the plane of the Tianming Empire, Thain and others received a much warmer welcome than the previous planes they passed through.

Countless warriors from all over the Tianming Empire gathered around the team returning to the court, paying high respect and admiration to the Tianming Empire legion.

The Tianming Empire relied on military force to build its country, and all its people practiced martial arts.

Almost all qualified and talented warriors want to join the imperial military.

Although the Tianming Empire also has many aristocratic families with considerable strength.

But the current emperor is undoubtedly a powerful man with great skill and dominance.

If those aristocratic families want to develop, they must devote themselves to the imperial military. Through continuous wars and accumulation of achievements, they can make their families prosperous and enjoy the foundation of eternity.

As for warriors from humble families, there are also channels for effectiveness and development.

Starting tens of thousands of years ago, the path of "martial arts" has become a way for more and more low-income warriors and ordinary civilians to advance.


The capital of Tianming Empire is located in the center of the main continent of this plane.

It seems to indicate the legitimacy and supremacy of the imperial power of the Tianming Empire.

All the loot and resource wealth brought back from the Rongyue world were gradually transported to the treasury of the Tianming Empire.

Some captured creatures from the Rongyue world, including Rongdi Dihuan, were sent to prison in heaven after a "parade".

The fourth-level creature Caiyu Feidi, who negotiated the surrender of the Rong Yue world, also had a temporary residence specially arranged for her.

As a member of the wizarding civilization, the treatment that Thain enjoys is obviously far superior to that of Caiyu Feidie and his like.

He went directly to Gongsun Wudi's princess mansion to stay temporarily.

From the appearance, Gongsun Wudi's mansion is much more imposing than the Holy Tower of Ashes in Thain.

Rather than saying that this is a mansion, it is better to say that this is a small palace!

Among them, there are carved railings, jade inlays, green mountains and lakes, and everything.

In Gongsun Wudi's princess mansion, Thain can build several magic towers for his own use without any problem.

However, what shocked Thain the most were the two plaques at the main entrance of Gongsun Wudi's mansion.

One is to "preserve the country"!

The second is "peace"!

These two plaques, as well as the handwriting left on them, obviously come from dominator-level creatures.

And to this day, an extremely profound and repressive power of dominance still remains in it.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that these two plaques have reached the level of world-class secret treasures.

"This is the word my father left for me." Gongsun Wudi said lightly.

Zhenguo Princess Taiping Mansion!

This is the full name of Gongsun Wudi's residence, and it is also the princess title she enjoys in the Tianming Empire.

On both sides of the plaque, surging dragon energy was swirling around.

Gongsun Wudi is already strong enough, but if he is given the blessing of such luck...

Thain seemed to see the love and care Gongsun Wudi's father had for her.

β€œIt’s the last two days at the end of the month. Those of you who still have monthly tickets can vote~

Happy Mid-autumn Festival! "

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