The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1897 Tianming Empire

It can be seen that Gongsun Wubai is very relieved about the Tianming Empire Legion under his command.

And she was also confident that the defeated Rongyue civilization would not cause any big trouble again.

While there was still some resistance in the Rongyue Star Territory, Gongsun Wudi took Thain directly, escorted some prisoners, and returned to the Tianming Empire.

The most elite legion of the Tianming Empire was indeed the Dragon Army that Thane had seen before.

This is an elite regiment that takes orders directly from the emperor. The total number of soldiers is said to be only one million.

Only a small part of the Xiaolong Army came to the Rongyue Star Territory to fight this time.

This was specially ordered by the emperor to be used by his sister.

Under the Xiaolong Army, those with extremely strong combat capabilities belong to the Tiger Army.

This legion was built and led by Gongsun Wudi.

In terms of numbers, the Huben Army is larger than the Xiaolong Army. They are also the absolute main force in the Tianming Empire's attack on the Rong Yue world on the frontal battlefield. 🅆

It is not that the Tianming Empire has not developed space teleportation technology at all, but their level of development and frequency of use are far lower than that of the wizard civilization.

This also highlights the power gap between the two world civilizations.

Thain feels that the Tianming Empire is weaker than the Wanquan World Group.

In the border area of ​​Rongyue Star Territory, there is a cross-star territory teleportation array specially set up by the Tianming Empire.

While heading to the teleportation array, Thane clearly felt that since the guardian Bai Ma Ronglu chose to surrender, the resistance in the Rongyue Star Territory had dropped one level lower than before.

This time, the Rongyue creatures who went to the Tianming Empire together, in addition to the Rongdi Dihuan who was captured, were also accompanied by the little butterfly that Thain had seen at the negotiation venue before.

The little butterfly represents the surrender of the creatures in the Rongyue world and goes to the capital of the Tianming Empire to face the Holy Spirit.

Obviously, under the premise that the guardian cannot leave his home plane, the Rongyue world also needs to choose a spokesperson to represent itself.

The reason why she chose this little butterfly was because of her willingness to resist the Tianming Empire.


The lowest ambition.

She is really too timid...

On the way back, Gongsun Wudi called Thain closer and couldn't help but said: "Master Thain, you can actually affect the will of a medium-sized world. You should be remembered for this war. After returning to Tianming Capital, I will report this matter and give you the reward you deserve."

Although it is a sixth-level peak creature that is far stronger than Thane, it can be seen that Gongsun Wudi is also amazed by Thain's ability.

Even though the war is basically over, the other side is still a little bit worried about it.

"It is thanks to the invincible generals that you can suppress the rules of the navel of the world of Rong Yue by attracting the attention of the native creatures in Rong Yue world in other battlefields."

"Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to operate in a place with sensitive rules like this. It would easily arouse the vigilance of powerful local creatures." Thain said modestly.

He actually didn't expect that the process of carving the magic formation near the navel of the plane would go so smoothly.

It can only be said that the creatures in the Rong Yue world are too involved in their minds, and they cannot even protect their own navel.

Thain then said: "About my reward..."

"The Invincible General has given me a lot, hasn't he?" Thain smiled.

The large amount of Rongyue world specialty resources he obtained were sent by Gongsun Wudi recently.

Although it was his first time to come into contact with wizards and wizards, Gongsun Wudi seemed to have a good understanding of the magician profession and what Thain was most interested in.

Facing Thain's answer, Gongsun Wudi pondered for two seconds, and then he picked up a heavy black ax from behind Luan Jia beside him.

Gongsun Wudi's Luan Jia is a princess-sized Luan Jia.

In the entire Tianming Empire, there are currently only three people who are qualified to ride Luan Jia.

They are the current emperor, the emperor's sister, and the emperor's son.

At this institutional level, the Tianming Empire is much more strict and orderly than the Wizarding World.

"I heard that your magic wand, Master Thain, was severely damaged in this war."

"This heavy black ax contains various rare materials including star meteorite. I hope it will be of some help to you, Master Thain, in repairing your magic wand." Gongsun Wudi said.

This black heavy ax is one of the weapons used by the King of Shanyue, a sixth-level creature in the Rongyue world. 🄲

The workmanship of this thing is relatively rough, but the materials used are top-notch.

Even if the Black Ax itself does not reach the level of a world-class secret treasure, it is almost at the level of a quasi-world-class secret treasure.

Of course, it is impossible for Thane to choose a heavy ax as his weapon. After obtaining this black heavy ax, he will most likely smelt it and extract the metal essence from it.

Gongsun Wudi handed over such a generous gift, and Thain was not shy.

After accepting the opponent's black axe, Thain said: "With the quality of this black heavy axe, it is more than enough to repair my magic wand."

"Not only that, the remaining magic materials are enough for me to do more experiments."

"For example, help my Battle Angel and strengthen her body." Thane smiled.

Gongsun Wudi and other powerful people in the Tianming Empire should have known about Fumila's existence for a long time, and they couldn't hide it on the battlefield.

It can be seen that Gongsun Wudi is also very interested in mechanical and magical technology products such as Fumila.

But she didn't show it too obviously. After taking a look at Thain's face wearing the Wuxiang Mask, Gongsun Wudi said: "This is your right, Master Thain. You can do whatever you want with this black axe." .”

Across the teleportation array deployed by the Tianming Empire on the outskirts of the Rongyue Star Territory.

Immediately afterwards, he traveled through many areas that were obviously controlled by the Tianming Empire.


, small star field, Thain and his team finally arrived at the native star field of Tianming Empire.

Previously, Thain believed that the overall strength of the Tianming Empire was not as good as the Wanquan World Group.

However, in terms of the total number of planes occupied, the Tianming Empire, which also advocates the path of continuous expansion and development, outnumbers the Wanquan World Group, which embarks on the path of peace and stability.

And in the process of returning to the Tianming Empire, Thane discovered that Gongsun Wudi was very popular.

Almost every time he passed through a plane controlled by the Tianming Empire, Gongsun Wudi would receive a warm welcome from the native creatures.

A large number of flowers and compliments poured in overwhelmingly towards Gongsun Wudi.

In the Tianming Empire, Gongsun Wudi seems to have the title of "Martial Saint" in addition to the title of "Invincible General".

Amidst all the praise and respect, Thane, as an outsider, observed more details of every aspect of the large-scale world civilization of the Tianming Empire.

Thane discovered that, like the Gallente Federation, the Tianming Empire also had a deep colonial system in its path of expansion.

In almost every alien plane occupied by the Tianming Empire, there are a large number of Tianming Empire creatures living and living, and they have families and established businesses in these planes, and they do not have much conflict with the original will of these planes.

And when they arrived outside the large plane where the capital of the Tianming Empire was located, this large-scale world civilization gave Thain great surprise.

An extremely majestic giant dragon rolled and appeared outside the plane of Tianming Empire.

This is not a real dragon, but more like some kind of energy aggregate.

To a certain extent, it also plays the role of fending off enemies and protecting its own plane.

A bit like a plane barrier?

"This is the 'dragon energy' of our Tianming Empire." Gongsun Wudi pointed at the rolling white dragon below and said.

"The current monthly ticket is 1,500

Xiaodou is outside now, so the extra time will probably be in the afternoon or tomorrow. "

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