The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1886 The power of destruction

"Oh, it turns out he is a disciple of Master Jos." Fountain of Destruction's tone was indeed much calmer.

Most of the spring owners of the Ten Thousand Springs World Group do not have a fixed form.

Including the Fountain of Destruction in front of him.

What Thane saw was just a huge water element.

The eleventh grade lotus platform under him is also extremely huge.

Thain has noticed that this lotus platform is exactly eleven and a half grades.

Like Thain's Rubik's Cube, the Lotus Platform owned by the Fountain of Destruction also seems to be a world-class secret treasure that can grow.

"What are you doing in the Wanquan World Group?" Fountain of Destruction continued to ask.

Thain glanced at Tourmaline, who kept trying to climb up the Lotus Platform of Destruction, and replied in a deep voice: "During the war, we were hunted down by the powerful men of the Hades Empire, and were forced to escape into the Broken Time and Space Channel, so we accidentally ended up in this starry sky. "

"It originally appeared not here, but in a small star field called the Victoria's Secret Star Field." Thain said.

"Oh? Isn't your wizard civilization at war with the Gallente Federation?"

"Why are you at war with the Minghe Empire now?" Fountain of Destruction asked curiously.

As expected, this dominator-level existence knew about the wizarding civilization and also paid attention to the war between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation.

It's just that the Minghe Empire has only been active on the battlefield of wizard civilization in the past few hundred years, so the information obtained by the Fountain of Destruction lags behind.

To this, Thain had no answer.

He shook his head and said: "According to what my master said, the Minghe Empire is the ultimate enemy of my wizard civilization."

"In terms of threat, the Hades Empire is far more powerful than the Gallente Federation, which is at full war with us."

"Although I don't know the specific situation of the current civilized war, I have heard that our wizard civilization has been deployed on various battlefields on the front lines recently.


Despite being hindered, the Gallente Federation even counterattacked for the first time and recaptured many of the star fields originally occupied by us. "

"I think this may have something to do with the Hades Empire." Thain said.

The Fountain of Destruction also knows about the Minghe Empire.

After listening to Thane's words, Fountain of Destruction fell into silence for a moment, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, Fountain of Destruction finally came back to his senses and asked strangely: "Your master? Aren't you a disciple of Master Jos?"

Thain then talked about how he first became a disciple of Lu Lianman, and then received the inheritance of Maskless Joss in the secret realm of Knight Continent.

Thain's ability to obtain Jos's inheritance was actually due to a lot of luck and trickery.

But getting is getting.

Moreover, the world-class secret treasure of the Phaseless Mask did indeed provide a great help to Thane during his growth.

The profound knowledge from Master Jos also allowed Thain to avoid many detours in his exploration of the truth of the two systems of light and fire.

The only pity is that Thain did not inherit much of Master Jos' achievements in the sonic field.

A person's energy is really too limited.

Thain's current main research direction is still the fire system and the mechanical system.

He even lost a lot of light magic over the years.

After hearing Thain's explanation, Fountain of Destruction also understood something. He then asked with a smile: "Then did you see a cow and a snake in the secret realm of Knight Continent?"

The question about the Fountain of Destruction was strange. Thain shook his head hesitantly and said he had never seen it before.

The existence that can make Fountain of Destruction miss him must be a strong man of the same level as him.

Creatures of that level were beyond the reach of Thane, who was still in the demigod stage back then.

"Crash!" The roar of the destructive spring echoed in Thain's ears. 🅆

Different from the springs of vitality, springs of hatred, springs of joy, etc. that Thain collected and captured before, the spring of destruction that contains part of the power of the laws of the spring of destruction is obviously more precious!

While answering the question about the Fountain of Destruction, Thane was also carefully observing his surroundings.

In addition to the Fountain of Destruction itself and the eleventh-grade lotus platform that made Thane extremely curious, Thain then noticed the countless vortexes of laws below the lotus platform of destruction.

Thain's position at this time was relatively close to one of the law vortices, so he looked over through his phaseless mask.

The information-gathering ability of the Maskless Mask is quite good. In the picture presented by the mask, what is shown is a vast low-level battlefield, in which two groups of creatures from different camps are fighting.

The life energy levels of these creatures seem to range from demigod level to below.

As for why they were fighting in it, Thane didn't know. He only vaguely saw that there was some black energy and special power of law brewing in the vortex of the battlefield.

If Thain had been on that battlefield, he might not have noticed these details.

But through the vortex of laws under the lotus platform of the Fountain of Destruction, and supplemented by Thain's understanding of the power of rules... Thain couldn't help but infer that the master in front of him seemed to be able to obtain certain benefits from the wars of lower creatures in the vortex. An increase in strength?

What a master with strange methods!

And those densely packed and numerous


There are so many law vortices, does it mean that behind each place represents a dimensional battlefield where a war is taking place? Thain couldn't help but think in his mind.

When Thain enters a state of thinking, he can easily reach a state of selflessness.

When he finally came to his senses, he found that Tourmaline had jumped onto the lotus platform, including Lord Fountain of Destruction, who seemed to be looking at him.

"Haha, have you noticed it at all?"

"As expected of a wizard and civilized magician who is good at exploring the truth."

"I don't really like dealing with magicians like you in the Wizarding World. I just feel like it's too easy to be seen through." Fountain of Destruction let out a burst of laughter.

Immediately, the big black hand condensed by the Fountain of Destruction lifted the Tourmaline that was playing around.

I saw the Fountain of Destruction saying: "Your attributes are not in line with mine. If you stay by my side for a long time, your mind may be affected by the aura of destruction. I don't want to fight with those dragon beasts from your family."

"If not, I can give you a lotus seed."

"Calm down for a while. Your uncle should be arriving soon. Then you can follow your uncle." Fountain of Destruction said to Bixi.

Then, Fountain of Destruction looked at Thane again and said: "As for you...the battle situation in your wizard civilization is so fierce. I suggest you bring back a supporting army before going back."

"Which civilization's reinforcements are these?" Thain asked respectfully.

"A civilization that has a great connection with your wizarding world." After saying that, the jet-black water of the Fountain of Destruction surged with excitement, and a spatial spring gradually appeared in front of Thane.

I don’t know which space is connected to the other end of the spring. Just judging from the permeating breath emitted by the spring, it seems to be quite far away from the Wanquan World Group.

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