The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1885 Eighth Level Dominator

The existence visiting from outside the plane is the well-known top powerhouse in the Wanquan World Group - the Fountain of Darkness.

The fountain owners of the Wanquan World Group, who have a peaceful mind, usually treat each other as brothers and sisters.

And they may indeed all originate from one body.

It is only in the process of acquired division and development that variations and differences gradually occurred.

But some of the more extreme and negative fountain owners are not like this, such as the fountain of darkness in front of them.

A very small number of spring owners have dark and twisted personalities, and are keen on fighting and violent external expansion.

And their concept of status and inferiority is relatively clear.

The Fountain of Darkness is such an alternative. Under him, there are also younger brothers such as the Fountain of Hatred, the Fountain of Corruption, the Fountain of Darkness, and other dark creatures native to the Ten Thousand Fountains World Group.

Although they have different philosophies and personalities, disputes rarely break out within the Wanquan World Group.

Unless the conflict intensifies to a certain extent, usually everyone will just stay away from each other until death. 🄲

"Brother, why do you come to my place?" Fountain of Vitality asked with some displeasure.

The Fountain of Darkness was born earlier, so the Fountain of Vitality calls him his elder brother.

This is a sixth-level peak spring master who masters the power of rich darkness and water laws. In terms of momentum and pressure, the feeling he brings to Thane is almost comparable to that of the original Namekian strongman Piccolo.

"I'm here to invite these alien space creatures to be my guests." The Fountain of Darkness replied. His voice, like the Fountain of Vitality, was masculine.

At this time, the fountain of vitality pulled Bixi towards him and asked: "Brother, you won't be detrimental to these guests, right?"

Dark Fountain was silent for two seconds and replied: "No."

The Fountain of Vitality and the Fountain of Darkness are not on the same path.

Tourmaline brings a very friendly feeling to the Fountain of Vitality, and is a bit like the friends his sister Huan Zhiquan once brought over from the Fairyland Civilization.

If not necessary, the fountain of vitality


He didn't want to hand over Bi Xi and others to the other party.

It just so happened that his sister Huan Zhiquan should be back soon.

Introducing Bixi and others to Huanzhiquan might be able to solve their current troubles.

But obviously Dark Fountain is not a good character who likes to wait patiently. Seeing that Fountain of Vitality did not move for a long time, Dark Fountain took action to capture Bixi and others, and said: "This is what Mr. Fountain of Destruction meant. Sir wants to see them." .”

"Ah?" Fountain of Vitality said in shock.

The Fountain of Destruction ranks third overall in the Wanquan World Group, second only to Quan Zu and Fountain of Life.

But almost all the creatures in the Wanquan World Group know that the Fountain of Destruction is the strongest existence in the Wanquan World Group, and his strength has even surpassed the founder of the Wanquan World Group, Quanzu.

The power of destruction itself is one of the most powerful laws in the star realm.

The Ten Thousand Springs World Group, with its mild power of universal laws, does not yet have the law attributes of the spring master, which can reach the level of perversion of the Fountain of Destruction.

I don’t know how Quanzu conceived and split him in the first place, and how he grew up to where he is today?

Affected by the name of the Fountain of Destruction, the Fountain of Vitality was temporarily stunned in place, while the Fountain of Darkness divided a stream of dark water, wrapped the tourmaline and was about to take it away.

"Eh?" Bixi looked curiously at the dark water flowing in all directions. She didn't seem to feel much malice from the other party.

"歘! 歘!" Two energy beams shot out from the shoulders of the eight-winged angel Fumila.

The Fountain of Darkness took Bixi away in front of her, which was obviously not something Fumila could bear.

The eight metal wings on her back spread out, Fumila jumped suddenly and flew towards the location of the Fountain of Darkness.

Strength is already basic

After recovering to Level 6, she can still fight against Level 6 pinnacle creatures like the Fountain of Darkness.

The six-level battle definitely caused quite a stir.

I am afraid that the low-level plane behind the Fountain of Vitality will also receive a huge impact.

Just as a bright light flashed across Fumila's chest, and the dazzling and oppressive energy beam began to gather, the voice from Thane made Fumila gradually become quiet.

"Stop!" Thane shouted.

When doing things in a large and powerful star field, no matter whether you are a fifth-level creature or a sixth-level creature, you will definitely enter vertically and exit horizontally.

I am afraid that even ordinary seventh-level masters would not dare to come to Wanquan World Group to cause trouble.

After arriving outside the Fountain of Vitality plane in time, Thane took a deep breath and said, "I am willing to go with you to see the Master of the Fountain of Destruction."

"We are just travelers who have no intention of wandering in this star field. We have no ill intentions towards the Ten Thousand Springs World Group. We only hope to get the fair treatment we deserve in the Ten Thousand Springs World Group." Thain said solemnly.

The Fountain of Darkness did not respond at all. It was just a space door, and then appeared in the center of a pitch-black spring.

After looking at each other with Fumila, Thane walked towards the dark door.

Thain, Tourmaline and Fumila were not the only ones who left together.

Including the group of Ash Star Thieves under Thane, they were also taken away by the Fountain of Darkness.

A world filled with darkness, depression and ominousness.

Thain and others saw a vast spring water rippling on the eleven-pin lotus platform.

This isn't the first time Thain has had a close encounter with the Juggernaut.

But the terrifying existence called the Fountain of Destruction in front of him still made Thane feel the trembling from deep inside.

Stronger than all the masters that Thane has had close contact with before!

This is plug


En’s knowledge of the Fountain of Destruction.

It is also possible that the dominant beings that Thain had come into contact with before did not deliberately vent their pressure on Thain, so Thain's perception was not that strong.

But the Fountain of Destruction in front of me didn't seem to be in a fighting posture, but why was his pressure so strong?

"Could this be an eighth-level master..." Thain couldn't help but think in his heart.

At this time, Thain's Formless Mask was also analyzing the huge eleventh-grade lotus platform in front of him.

The final result is that the strength and quality level of Lotus Platform's laws are much higher than that of Formless Mask.

"This master-level existence shouldn't be interested in making money, right?" Thain thought again in his mind.

The masking function of the Formless Mask can block the detection sight of ordinary fifth- and sixth-level creatures, but it can never blind existences like the Fountain of Destruction in front of them.

Originally, Thain was still thinking that it would be so easy to encounter dominant-level creatures in the star world.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at Wanquan World Group, their group would be "invited" here.

On the lotus platform, Fountain of Destruction originally looked at the tourmaline.

But when Thane, who was wearing the Mask of Formlessness, also walked out of the Fountain of Darkness, the Fountain of Destruction couldn't help but look over.

"Hehehe, what a long-lasting memory."

"Boy, what's your relationship with Master Jos?" Fountain of Destruction asked Thane.

Thain, who was organizing his speech, was caught off guard for a moment.

The existence in front of him obviously knew about wizard civilization, otherwise he would not have accurately named Master Jos.

Judging from the other party's tone, this master shouldn't embarrass them?

Thain took a deep breath and solemnly replied: "Master Jos is my mentor. I inherited his truth and part of his legacy."

"There will be another update around two o'clock~"

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