The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1880 Blue Wave World

The treatment for the Red Beard Star Thief Group is to break up and reorganize.

Thain's Ash Star Thief Group has grown in size since leaving the Victoria's Secret Star Territory.

Alabi, the star thief's henchman, looked attentive and courteous in front of Thain, Bixi and others.

But in front of other lower-level star thieves, he was arrogant.

This guy enjoys a wealth and majesty that was far beyond imagination in the past.

As for the unlucky interstellar caravan that was plundered, the Ash Star Thief Group did not endanger their lives.

But after plundering their valuable resources, they were left with only a small amount of energy to reach the nearest supply depot.

"There are rules in the star realm. Not only within the wizarding civilization, but also in remote alien space such as this, there are also its own set of operating rules."

"If we just plunder blindly, we may get good profits at the beginning. But as time goes by, either the interstellar caravans in the nearby star fields will be cut off for this, or we will usher in a coalition of forces from the surrounding star fields. Encirclement and suppression." Thain sighed, rubbing his chin.

"If we want to find a stable and sustainable revenue channel... our choice may be to join in," Thain said.

"Join in?" Bixi raised her head and asked curiously.

"Well, join in their interests and then collect protection fees."

"Or you can use shares to get a commission from every interstellar trade." Thain said.

"Only in this way can it be regarded as a relatively long-term resource acquisition channel." Thain sighed: "If not, the faster we acquire resources, the faster we will perish in the end."

"However, this situation only applies to our activities in the surrounding star fields."

"If we were just passing through here and not staying in the same place for a long time, there should be no similar risks." Thain smiled.

Bixi nodded in understanding, then lowered her head and took a sip of the magic potion that Thain prepared for her.

Tourmaline doesn't like to drink pure potions because many potions are very bitter.

her body


The recovery speed is the fastest, but it has not yet returned to its prime, so Thain specially prepared some recovery potions for her.

A lot of sweetening agents were added to it, which Tourmaline liked very much.

Not only that, Thain has gained something while studying the vitality spring water and the joy spring water recently.

If these two special law spring waters are added as one of the raw materials during the potion making process, the effect of the potion will be better, and Tourmaline will like it more.

It's just that Thain will be more cautious when using the water of Happy Fountain.

Thain, who has done some research on the laws of emotions, has already discovered that the special power of emotions can be addictive as early as the fourth-level magician Jessica.

The power of emotions is also an extremely weird power in wizard civilization.

Looking at the huge reputation the devils have created around the wizarding civilization, you can see how impressive the power they control is.

Therefore, Thain has always been cautious when it comes to the use of the Fountain of Joy and Fountain of Hate.

Tourmaline is different from Jessica.

Jessica has fallen into it herself, and the fire of desire and emotion has gradually become one of her original law methods, and she can naturally practice it at will.

Thain can even experiment with any emotional means on Jessica. As long as it does not exceed a threshold, it should not cause Jessica to collapse.

But with Tourmaline, it was naturally impossible for Thain to conduct such a dangerous experiment.

Magicians are all perverts, but no matter how perverted a person is, they will have their own pure land to protect.

Tourmaline, Lina, Lu Lianman and others are the last pure land of Thain's soul.

When it comes to those alien plane experimental subjects, it doesn't matter how crazy Thain is.

The road to truth is always filled with white bones and endless corpses.

Keep yourself while exploring the truth

A trace of humanity, this is Thain's recognition of his path to truth.

The plane with complete rules that Thain and others first arrived at was called the Blue Wave World, which was just a miniature world.

This is a water attribute plane with an ocean covering more than 90% of the area.

On the eve of arriving at this micro-plane, Alabi, whose self-confidence has been extremely inflated in recent times, patted his chest and assured in front of Thain and others that he could lead people to snatch this place without the help of Thain and Xi Shen. Miniature world!

Plunder a world?

Things that Alibi could not even imagine before are now possible!

Even though Alabi has demigod-level strength, he is a very capable demigod and has almost just reached the threshold of being a demigod.

As for a plane with complete rules, even the lowest micro world, the thickness of its plane barrier is enough to deter ordinary life forms.

As for the local demigod-level creatures in the plane, if they are blessed by the laws of sufficient plane power, they can still have a certain ability to face fourth-level creatures.

Because the fourth-level creatures cannot forcefully descend into the micro-plane, they can only drive their legions into it.

Some relatively weak fourth-level creatures will even be helpless against a certain solid plane barrier.

Not every fourth-level creature can possess a wizard civilization space fortress and other powerful siege weapons.

The reason why Alabi is so confident is that some time ago, Tourmaline rewarded him with a "turbulent conch".

This conch was Bixi's toy when she was a child. It can unleash a water attack comparable to a full-strength strike from a late-stage demigod creature.

Tourmaline used it to see rainbows when she was a child.

But in Alabi's hands, this guy's strength at least doubled!

Not to mention, this guy got a lot of benefits some time ago, and he has a lot of equipment and props that haven't been used yet.

When he thought that he was about to conquer and occupy a plane, Alabi was so excited that he wanted to pee.


It's a pity that Alabi hasn't woken up from his sweet dream yet. Thain glanced at the blue wave world not far away, shook his head and said: "We are not planning to conquer this plane."

"The plane of flowing water is not far from here. Compared to the income from a micro-plane, I am more interested in the ransom mentioned by the God of Dusk Saliva."

"I don't want anything to alert the enemy before this happens," Thain said calmly.

Thain's words were like a cold wind blowing from the top of the snow-capped mountains. After hearing this, Albi's body trembled and he immediately replied respectfully: "Yes! Lord God of Ashes."

At this time, Thain's Ash Star Thieves group disguised themselves as an ordinary medium-sized caravan.

Why is it a medium-sized caravan? Because after annexing the ships of the God of Dusk Salivation and others, and later experiencing several battles, their team has continued to expand.

Most of the star thieves are acting talents.

It couldn't be easier for them to pretend to be normal caravan members.

Of course, there are also some star thieves who do not know what is good and what is good, or have poor acting skills.

They were either imprisoned at the lowest level of the spacecraft, or they became dismembered specimens or astral revenants on Thane's experimental bench.

There are always some who are not afraid of death, or who are too stupid, and want to help Thain establish his power.

Many times, Thain doesn't need to show up.

Just a cold glance from Fumila was enough to scare most of the star thieves into incontinence.

The same goes for Alabi, who claims to be the current number six figure in the Ashes Star Thieves group.

The five people in front of him are: Thain, Tourmaline, Fumila, Yuli, and the Flame with only one head left.

"The trading atmosphere in this micro-plane looks good. I wonder if I can purchase some technology-related materials."

"Let's see if we can shape the body of the Flame first." Thain said while looking at the blue wave world below.

"There will be another update around two o'clock~"

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