The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1879 Mechanical Mark

The interstellar melee in front of them was caused by Thain and others discovering a plundered interstellar caravan.

Thain's Ash Star Thief Group was the third party to intervene.

Before they arrived, a small star thief organization called the "Red Beard Star Thief Group" was about to swallow up the interstellar caravan in front of them.

If they were the original members of the Alby Star Thieves, they obviously wouldn't be able to do such a high-end job of taking advantage of others.

But with the addition of the eight-winged angel Fumila and the angel legion under her command, it's different!

The originally extremely lawful intelligent robots seemed to have opened a new paradise after experiencing a series of interstellar robberies. 🅆

In the astral world, as long as there is wisdom, desire will arise, but sooner or later.

The desire of the intelligent robots under Thane is simple - to create more people and have legitimate identities as intelligent creatures.

If you want to create more angel-type robots, you must first have money.

Where does the money come from?

On the civilized battlefield, a large amount of wealth can be plundered by capturing Gallente Federation transport ships and resource supply centers.

In this unknown alien starry sky, star stealing activities are obviously the most unfounded business.

And resource wealth has many other functions.

Thain, who has participated in a Wizards Alliance conference and has a deeper understanding of the rules of the Wizards Alliance system, knows this.

If you want to have a certain status in the Wizards Alliance, especially if you want to promote some alliance bills, you can't do it without money.

Unless you are at the top of the wizarding civilization and promote rules from the top down, it will not require too much extra cost.

If the middle and lower-level alliance members want to fight for sufficient rights and interests in the Wizards Alliance, they need to be strong enough in their own planes, they also need to have a strong enough backer in the wizarding world, and finally they need to be willing to spend money.


If there are enough magic coins and other resources as funding, Thain believes that it is not difficult to win a place for the angel-type intelligent robot in the Wizards Alliance.

During one of his experiments, he accidentally mentioned this to the eight-winged angel Fumila, and Fumila seemed to have imprinted the matter in her heart.

Thain didn't know about the first two Star Thief robbery battles at the beginning.

When he walked out of the laboratory with excellent sealing and anti-interference effects today, he was shocked to see Tourmaline wearing a one-eyed mask, sitting on a single airship and shouting loudly.

Tourmaline's eyes did not look at Thain, but when Thain walked out of the laboratory, Bixi, whose nose moved slightly, immediately stood up and rushed towards Thain.

Wearing a one-eye patch, Tourmaline's whole body is filled with youth and vitality.

When she threw herself into Thain's arms, the battle not far away was actually over.

The main ones killed by the Ashes Star Thieves Group were the Red Bearded Star Thieves Group.

The reason why the other party chose such a strange name is because the leader of the star bandit group is a red-bearded creature with the peak strength of a demigod.

Fumila just used her arm cannon to pierce this guy's body with a laser shot in the melee.

The subsequent battle was said to be a melee, but in fact it was just a one-sided crushing.

It is worth mentioning that the interstellar caravan originally besieged by the Red Beard Star Thief Group was not within the attack scope of the Ash Star Thief Group.

Although Bi Xi was led a little bad, her heart was at least much kinder than that of Sean.

If it is not necessary, tourmaline will not harm those innocent lower creatures.

In his childhood, his sister Bai Xing and others had already created a normal and beautiful worldview for Tourmaline.

Unlike Thain, who was still begging for food in the underground world at that time, most of the time, what he considered justice and evil were judged based on whether it was beneficial to him or not.

Tourmaline, which was more attached to Thain, jumped up and used the small dragon horn on her forehead to rub Thain's chest.

She seemed to like this gesture of intimacy more and more.

Thain looked at Tourmaline's blushing face, which was still wearing a blindfold in his arms, and couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her.

Thain did not have any evil thoughts towards Bi Xi, he just expressed his love for Bi Xi normally.

I believe the same is true for Tourmaline. The relationship between the two seems to have progressed further than before.

When the eight-winged angel Fumila flew back to Thane, the angel robots under her command also brought back the harvest of this battle.

Thain did not pay much attention to these gains.

Except for a small number of specimen materials with alien star characteristics, which will later be presented to Thain's laboratory or collection room, most of the other trophies, such as energy crystals, ore materials, etc., are made by Fumila and tourmaline are allocated by yourself.

The Angel Legion under Fumila is very useful in low-end battles.

But one of the bigger flaws and shortcomings is that Fumila is the only angel above level four.

The manufacturing technology of level 4 and above robots is an extremely high-end technology in the Gallente Federation.

After all, the wizarding civilization cannot produce wholesale fourth-level creatures.

It is possible for Thane to get several production lines of angel-type robots on the civilized battlefield.

But if you want to get the combat power of other level 4 or above robots, you must first plunder them.


Top scientists like Sippnas and Michael Bay, and the experimental team behind them.

Just having a team is not enough. Thain also needs to obtain a large number of supporting top-notch robot production equipment and workshops.

It's not enough to just have equipment and workshops. Thain also has to get the corresponding rare metals and precious crystals that can be used as bioenergy at level four or above...

All in all, it is quite difficult to build robots above level four.

Scientific and technological civilization naturally has its own set of rules and mechanisms that restrict their development.

The astral plane is balanced.

On the other hand, the Rubik's Cube and energy amethyst are the only powers that Thane can currently borrow.

Experimental data has shown that Rubik's Cube and energy amethyst have the effect of promoting the growth and evolution of intelligent robots.

Since joining Thane's command, not only has Fumila's strength been partially improved, but even the ordinary angel robots that are usually stored in the Rubik's Cube, if you observe them carefully, you can find that they have undergone many changes.

What appears inside and outside the bodies of those angels is not only the technology and crafts of the Gallente Federation, but also now gradually bears traces of the magical energy alchemy of the wizard civilization.

Thain's Rubik's Cube is itself a fusion of the mysteries of two civilizations, and it has reached the height of today's world-class secret treasure.

Naturally, the mechanical legions that follow Thain will gradually bear the obvious mark of Thain.

"Stop playing, we need to get on our way as soon as possible."

"It seems that we are about to reach the nearest plane with complete rules." Thain said.

"Okay." Bixi answered in a clear voice with her head held high.

I don't know if there was something on Thain's face at this time. Bixi looked at him blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

So much so that Thain couldn't help but touch his face.

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