The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1870 Spring Master

In the end, Thain only bought some ordinary auction items that were "insignificant" at the auction.

Among them, what caught Thain's attention more was a star map recording the Victoria's Secret Star Field and several small star fields around it.

The star map covers a very small area and does not involve any medium-sized plane.

But Thain had a hunch that these interstellar chambers of commerce, who didn’t know where they came from, must be connected to medium-sized and above planes.

Because materials such as "Spring of Hate" and "Fountain of Joy" are relatively rare special materials in the wizarding civilization.

Thain doesn't quite believe that some low-level planes can produce such law materials. 🄲

The auction was still going on when Thain left.

Thain used the Phaseless Mask to quietly mark the two level four creatures that frequently attacked.

If his condition can be further restored, and the eight-winged angel Fumila can also be repaired to a certain extent... Thane doesn't mind taking a part!

When leaving the auction, all the metal materials Thain purchased had arrived.

After paying the balance, Thane did not stop at Vergis Star City. Instead, he took the metal and the Star Thief spacecraft to a deserted meteorite outside Vergis Star City.

After directly using violent means to hollow out the meteorite, Thain entered it and entered the experimental state.

A large amount of metal purchased from Star City was calcined and smelted by the flames of Thane's Ashes Law, and its volume continued to shrink and condensed into metal essence.

The entire refining process lasted for more than half a year.

The metals that Thane purchased from Star City ended up being less than one percent of their original volume.

If we talk about the original metals, they are only mid-grade materials.

Then the metal essence calcined by the flames of Thane's ashes can definitely enter the category of advanced materials. This is also the top priority for repairing and making up for Fumila's physical trauma.

Its value has definitely increased more than ten times!

This seems like a good one


The way to make money.

But under normal circumstances, who would waste time smelting these metals when they have nothing to do? (PS: Many indigenous gods from the fire elemental plane may do this kind of job.)

If he were in the wizarding civilization, Thane would probably spend a lot of money to directly purchase high-end materials suitable for repairing level six robots like Fumila, and there would be no need to bother smelting them himself.

Thain's time is very precious, and with this time, he is more willing to explore the truth in the laboratory.

After finally completing the metal smelting process, Thane summoned Fumila to repair her physical wounds.

Firstly, the severely damaged metal wings on Fumila's back, secondly, most of her body was damaged, and the mechanical parts inside her body should also be repaired...

This is a big project, even if there is a Rubik's Cube to assist the experiment, it will take a lot of time.

During this period, Tourmaline, who had been by Thain's side, was very obediently waiting for Thain outside the laboratory.

In the beginning, I was playing there by myself.

When he gets tired of playing, he transforms into a dragon turtle form and lies there to sleep.

The meteorite block that Thain chose is relatively hidden, and the surrounding area is also very deserted. No living creatures will pass by, so there is no need to worry about exposure and other issues for the time being.

After staying in this temporary laboratory for more than two years, Thain's repair process of Fumila is almost complete.

Fumila has not been completely repaired, but her condition is much better than two years ago.

After a layer of memory metal was reattached to Fumila's body surface, the skin on the body's surface that had been severely damaged was the first to recover.

Judging from the appearance at this time, Fumila has regained her prime appearance.

But internal damage cannot be repaired overnight.


Even if the Rubik's Cube continues to warm her body, it will still be some time before Fumila returns to her peak condition.

The good news is that at this stage, Fumila can basically exert its fifth-level combat power.

Thain has also been recovering well during this period, and his strength and energy have been further restored.

Of course, the one with the highest recovery efficiency should be tourmaline.

When Thain walked out of the laboratory, he saw Tourmaline sleeping lightly outside the cave. Thain found that the scars on the surface of the Tourmaline dragon scales were much rarer than last time.

It seems that sleeping is the best way for Tourmaline to restore her physical condition.

It is more effective than some panaceas and top-quality medicines.

"Hey, Thain, you've finished the experiment." Bixi sensed Thain coming out and rubbed her sleepy eyes. 🅆

Soon, Bixi, who returned to human form, stepped forward and took Thain's hand.

Two cyan ribbons were wrapped around both sides of Tourmaline's white arms. She asked: "Sain, where should we go next?"

Bixi still lived a comfortable life. She would go to sleep when she was tired from playing, and continue playing when she woke up. She didn't need to think about the next situation or what she should do. She only needed to follow Thain and listen to Thain's words.

He put the phaseless mask back on his face and sensed that the two foreign gods he marked were still in Vergis Star City.

Thain took out the star map, looked at it, and said: "Let's go to a place to wait in advance. Then there should be a 'fat sheep' coming to the door."

The God of Dusk Saliva is a well-known interstellar broker around the water pattern world.

Although the interstellar caravan it leads is not large in scale, it does a wide range of business.

Not only has he frequently contacted small star fields such as the Victoria's Secret Star Field, but he has also been to those medium-sized planes.

This time I brought several copies of the law spring water from the Victoria’s Secret Star Territory and sold them all.


Good price.

Thinking of these benefits, after being brought back to the water pattern world, he will definitely arouse the approval of the master of the water pattern world, and the mood of the God of Dusk Saliva will also feel much happier.

The harvest of the God of Dusk Saliva is not limited to this.

It will also introduce the local fourth-level god of the Victoria's Secret Star Territory, the God of Evil Tides, to the Lord of the Water Pattern World.

The God of Evil Tide is the local tycoon god in this star field who successively bought the law spring water at the auction.

Even the God of Dusk Saliva could guess most of this guy's thoughts.

Don't you just want to take the opportunity to get to know the spring owners?

The God of Dusk Saliva, including the water pattern world behind it, strictly speaking, belongs to those spring owners and their vassals in the world behind them.

It's just that the spring masters rarely show up to take care of things. The surrounding star fields, including the water pattern world, have a very free development environment.

There are five caravans in total that the God of Dusk Saliva rides on.

There are three more ships behind that belong to the God of Evil Tide.

The God of Dusk Saliva does not immediately return to the Water Pattern World. He will then go to several other star regions for trade.

The reason why the God of Evil Tide is accompanying him now is because he hopes to follow the God of Dusk Saliva to expand the world and see the prosperity of the star world.

This mid-level fourth-level god has never left his home star domain until now.

"The overall development of the Victoria's Secret Star Territory is good, but it is a bit too closed. These time and space fluctuation zones are really troublesome. Even if you leave this Star Territory, you have to take a specific route."

"But the latest time and space tide is about to happen. I don't know what good things will appear in the end. Quack, wow, I'm really looking forward to it." The God of Dusk Saliva couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the colorful time and space fluctuations outside the spaceship window.

This guy didn't notice that several dark shadows were slowly approaching them.

"There will be another update before two o'clock~"

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