The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1869 Law Spring Water

The star realm is so vast and filled with wonders.

Although the special priesthood and deity of the God of Tears is a little rare, it is not incomprehensible.

The God of Tears, as you can tell from his name, he must be a god whose tears have special effects.

In fact, during Alabi's subsequent introduction, Thain learned that the role of the God of Tears around the Victoria's Secret Star Territory was somewhat similar to that of a pharmacist in the wizarding civilization.

The God of Tears Gem currently being auctioned is a relatively high-end restorative item.

There are also more precious ones, but they are rarely released for circulation. The God of Tears will only talk about them and trade them in limited quantities to a few gods who are good friends with him.

"The eyes of this tear god must have unusual effects, otherwise the tears it produces wouldn't be so special."

"I really want to dissect it and dig it out to see." Thain said, touching his chin.

When he entered the auction venue, he didn't know if any of the three level four creatures he sensed was the God of Tears.

When he heard Thain's sigh, Alabi, who was Thain's follower, couldn't help but break out a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

This God of Ashes is really a powerful god who is keen on killing.

At this time, a picture emerged in Alabi's mind. In a dark laboratory, the two eyes of the God of Tears were soaked in a glass vessel.

Thain, who maintained his true form as a demon, walked over and took a sip of tea soaked in the eyes of the God of Tears as if nothing had happened. The eyes of the God of Tears in the cup looked at Thain with a horrified expression.

His throat couldn't help but "Gurgling!" Albi behaved more respectfully and obeyed than before.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Thain asked.

"Nothing, nothing, my lord."

"I think the next auction items are very good-looking. If I let Miss Xishen bring them, they will definitely look very good." Alabi said hurriedly.

Thain's attention also turned to the auction table.

The God of Tears gems were sold very quickly. As soon as they came out, they were snapped up by participants at the auction and bought at high prices.

At this time the auctioneer is


Introduced, is a wreath of red roses.

This seems to be made by some ingenious demigod-level creature, using some pretty good plants and flowers as the main materials.

In the eyes of Thane, an orthodox alchemist, this wreath has nothing but beauty.

The amplification attributes it possesses are extremely crude.

But Tourmaline looked like her eyes were shining at this time.

Upon seeing this, Thain waved and took a photo of the object for Tourmaline.

The price of this thing is not high, mainly because of Thain's net worth.

In terms of payment items, Thane had energy crystals on hand, some soul essences given to him by the King of Ghost Crows in his early years, and some common low-end materials in the astral realm.

These are common media in astral transaction currencies and can be used almost anywhere.

When buying metal before, it was Tourmaline who paid for it.

This garland should be considered a gift from Thain to Tourmaline.

Not long after, Garland appeared in the box of Thain and others.

The bouncing tourmaline put it directly on his head.

I have to say that Tourmaline has very good taste, and this wreath matches her face shape very well.

As soon as Thain finished paying for the energy crystals, Tourmaline pulled his magic robe and asked, "Does it look good?"

Thain turned his head and glanced at Tourmaline, patted her little head, and said with a smile: "It looks good."

When Bixi heard this, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons and she smiled.

Thane calls himself the God of Ashes, and Tourmaline calls himself the God of Seals.

Two level 4 and 5 creatures were actually in a happy mood because of a small garland.

In the subsequent auction, Thain also saw many special treasures in this star field.

After all, it was just a small place. Even if the auctioneer's voice gradually became hoarse and the atmosphere of the entire auction became more and more lively, most of the time, it did not arouse Thain's mind.

In Thain's view, these are just "ordinary materials".

During the civilized war, the wizard civilization did its best to provide the knights and magicians on the front line with the needs of the war.

The entire wizarding civilization draws nourishment from the huge Wizarding Alliance, and continues to plunder many Gallente Federation resource warehouses from the frontline occupied areas.

The amount and grade of such resources are unimaginable even for large-scale worlds.

Therefore, after arriving in a small place like the Victoria's Secret Star Territory, it's no wonder that no matter what he sees, Thain finds it difficult to be interested.

However, in the second half of the auction, several treasures finally appeared that could cheer up Thain a little.

Most of these treasures come from outside the territory. Alabi said that many foreign interstellar caravans have come to the Victoria's Secret Star Territory recently, which is indeed true.

A special liquid called "Spring of Hate" is one of the highlights of the auction.

This is a special prop that can cause someone to feel inexplicable rejection and dislike of another thing after use.

Because it involves the use of some strange laws, this spring water can theoretically also have an effect on fourth- and fifth-level creatures.

In Thain's opinion, this is a special material that should be classified as mysterious.

Even the most primitive stimulation method can work on level four and level five creatures.

If Thane were to use mystical methods to make it into a special prop, wouldn't it also be able to interfere with level six creatures?

In recent years, Thain has dabbled in many other mysteries in order to lay a solid foundation, such as curses or mysticism that are most commonly used in the wizard system.

Thain is not very good at learning, but he can still use some basic spells.

When I saw this special material called "Spring of Hate", I felt...


The moved Thain participated in the bidding again.

Regarding the bid for the Fountain of Hate, Thain ultimately failed.

It wasn't that he didn't have enough money, but that he discovered through the Faceless Mask that two more level four creatures later participated in the bidding, and the price tended to go higher and higher.

At this time, Thain's condition has not yet recovered, and Fumila has been seriously injured and has not yet been repaired.

Under this premise, Thain did not want to expose anything to avoid unnecessary trouble.

When you go out, it's better to keep a low profile.

Unexpectedly, in addition to hating the spring water, several other materials that Thain was curious about appeared in the next auction.

And their attributes are surprisingly consistent, namely: "Happy Spring Water", "Vitality Spring Water" and "Silt Spring Water", all of which are water element materials.

Happy spring water can bring people a happy mood. It seems to be some kind of emotional law material.

Vitality spring water can effectively restore the physical condition of level four organisms and make cells more active. It is a special material in pharmacy.

The silt spring water is an offensive spring water. When used in battle, it can make the enemy's body become stiff and suffer a variety of negative attributes.

These types of spring water have aroused great interest in Thain.

Especially the Fountain of Hate and Fountain of Joy, Thain really wants to get them.

"What do you think... we rob them?" Thain turned his head and asked Alabi casually.

"Ah...ah?" Alabi looked at Thain blankly.

While they were talking, the auction for the last piece of "Rotten Silt Spring Water" had been finalized.

It was still bought by a certain level four creature in the box.

Looking at the star thief in front of him, he doesn't have the qualities that a star thief should have at all.

Thain frowned slightly, then said: "It's nothing."

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