The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1860 Survival from a narrow escape

Thain's spirit and will are quite tenacious.

When entering this space-time passage and constantly experiencing erosion and space cracks from all directions, Yuli and Bixi passed out because their bodies reached their limits. Only Thain remained basically awake.

He first had to make sure where he was and control his body so that he could not hit the place where the rules were broken in the time and space channel.

When entering this space-time passage with no idea of ​​its end, Thain had already encountered at least five areas that made him feel extremely dangerous.

As for other low- to medium-risk areas, there are countless others.

But the space-time erosion and crack cutting that accompanies the passage are now the least dangerous.

"No wonder the senior magicians of the wizarding civilization are very cautious when conducting experiments related to time and space."

"Especially the broken space-time passage whose details are unknown, no one is willing to explore it easily."

"Even a sixth-level magician doesn't want to be 'exiled in time and space' at will." Thain sighed.

Thain's sigh actually symbolizes his concern for the fate of himself, Bixi and others - exile in time and space.

If you are exiled to the depths of the distant starry sky who knows how far away, it will be very difficult to return to the wizarding civilization in the future.

What’s even more exaggerated is that maybe Thain won’t be able to find his way back to the wizarding civilization.

Being lost directly in the boundless starry sky and living alone for a lifetime is equivalent to death...

But at this stage, Thain doesn't need to think that far ahead.

The life crisis has not been resolved, and Thain has not yet left the space-time channel and entered the material star realm.

Being in such a broken passage, Thain needs to withstand pressure and threats from the surrounding environment at every moment.

Thain currently hopes to quickly find an area where the power of space is relatively stable, and then pass through it and enter the material star realm.

When Thane focused on his surroundings


When the situation happened, two more metal wings of the eight-winged angel Fumila were broken.

After the broken metal wings collided with the barriers of the surrounding space channels, a ball of dazzling sparks erupted, and then they were gradually eroded away.

Thain glanced at Fumila's face and couldn't help but ask: "Can you still hold on?"

Fumila has always been the type who doesn't have too obvious mood swings.

When asked by Thain, Fumila looked over, then nodded slightly and said "Yeah".

There is no concept of the passage of time in the space-time channel.

The passage of time in some time and space channels is slower than in the material star realm, but more often it is faster!

Because he had maintained a certain level of consciousness, Thain recorded himself drifting in the time and space channel for about half a year.

Half a year later, Thain finally discovered a relatively stable space-time window, and then tried his best to move closer.

When passing through the time and space window, the violent time and space inversion and the force of space shock directly knocked out Thain.

The situation of the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila and the Flame was even worse, with a large area of ​​sparks appearing behind them.

On the other hand, Yuli, the constructor with a weak constitution, was pulled into his arms by Thain in time, and the green ribbon of tourmaline kept wrapping them to reduce the erosion from the surroundings as much as possible.

"I hope the outer star realm is not a dangerous place with turbulent rules, or that there are no tyrannical creatures of level four or above wandering nearby."

"This kind of unknown situation where the fate is not controlled by oneself is really too bad." Before unconsciousness, Thain couldn't help but think.

When he regained consciousness, Thain felt that his cheeks were wet, as if someone was licking him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Tourmaline with wide eyes.

Seeing that Thane was awake, Bixi cried out happily, "Wow!", then stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

Tourmaline is really powerful.

Thain was so strangled that he couldn't help coughing twice.

A touch of elemental blood overflowed from the corners of Thain's mouth and all over his body. His condition at this time was extremely bad, and his whole body was weak and weak.

I'm afraid even a demigod-level creature could make him look good.

On the contrary, Tourmaline's body was covered with small blood stains, but now she seemed to be fine.

Tourmaline's ability to withstand blows and recover from physical injuries truly makes Thain envious.

The opponent's life source seems to be thicker than some fifth-level creatures.

Seeing that Sean was coughing up blood in pain, Bixi quickly let go of him.

Looking at the little girl in front of him who was as embarrassed as himself, Thain couldn't help but tickle her nose and joked: "You are so energetic."

"If I eat you, it will definitely help me a lot." Thain said with a smile.

Thain's joking words made Bixi shake his arm pretending to be a little scared.

Bixi opened her eyes wide and asked, "Sain, you want to eat me?"

The lovely tourmaline in front of him seemed to relieve a lot of the pain in Thane's body covered with wounds.

He looked back at the surroundings and found that it was an endless pitch-black starry sky with only a few scattered meteorite blocks around. Thain and the others were currently on the surface of a relatively large meteorite block.

And there is no space-time fluctuation force nearby, let alone any space-time window.

Although there was some memory loss after the coma, Thain observed the surrounding environment and his own understanding of the power of space and the passage of time and space. It was not difficult to judge where they came from.


After the relatively stable space-time window left, their appearance caused an imbalance in the matter and energy in the surrounding space.

So much so that the meteorites that originally existed in the surrounding starry sky were sucked into the space-time channel.

When the material energy in the material star realm and the space-time channel returned to balance, the space-time window closed, and Thain and others were left behind in this starry sky.

It's really lucky that there are no dangerous places nearby that are severely turbulent due to the power of rules.

Thain couldn't help but pinch Bi Xi's chubby cheeks again. He found that when he was with Bi Xi, no matter what he did, he was very lucky!

However, this place is obviously not a place to stay for a long time. Before knowing what is going on nearby, the danger can never be said to be far away from himself and others.

"Under normal circumstances, if there are abnormal time and space fluctuations, it will inevitably attract the attention of nearby planes and powerful people."

"Given our current situation, it would be better to find another quieter place to rest."

"Then we will find a way to find out which star field we are in." Thain said.

"Okay, I listen to you." Bixi hugged Thain's arm and said.

After experiencing life and death danger, she seemed to be more dependent on Thane.

Thain turned his head and looked around. The Flame and the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila were not far away from him and others.

The Lieyan was the most miserable, and now she only had one head left.

But looking at her eyes flickering from time to time, at least her consciousness was not lost.

The condition of the eight-winged angel Fumila is also very miserable. Most of her body is now severely damaged. The originally snow-white memory metal is now completely black.

Thain must be grateful to Fumila, because without her, he, Bixi and others might have perished in the time and space channel.

"There is one more update, try to do it before two o'clock~"

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