The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1859 Bloodline Mark

Baxia, who was in a furious state, bit directly at the sixth-level pharaoh of the Minghe Empire. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Although this guy is still at the end of the outbreak of the contact seal, facing the direct bite of a tyrannical master, he has no ability to resist at all!

The situation of the two monsters beside the sixth-level pharaoh was not much better at this time.

In this place where time and space cracks are densely packed, they maintain a body size of nearly a kilometer, but they are as small as toys in front of Baxia's dragon head.

And facing the action of Ba Xia biting the sixth-level pharaoh, the two monsters didn't even dare to fart.

The pressure from the deep realms of blood and life levels made these two monsters tremble a little when facing their underlords.

"Ah!" The painful scream echoed around the space.

Ba Xia's huge dragon head was not polite to this guy. After swallowing it into his mouth, some gray-red blood flowed out from the gap between Ba Xia's teeth. 🅆

The sounds and struggles of the sixth-level pharaoh became smaller and smaller as the bully chewed furiously.

Until it disappears completely.

When Ba Xia let out a "gulp", he swallowed this guy completely.

The anger in his heart had not yet subsided, and he looked at the two level six monsters with his huge dragon eyes.

It's the same process again.

Ba Xia swallowed two level six monsters into his mouth one after another.

The constant biting and chewing left a lot of blood on Ba Xia's dragon teeth.

In ordinary life, Baxia has always been a gentle person.

You can tell just by looking at the tourmaline. The dragon turtle likes to sleep all year round, so what bad intentions can it have?

But today, Baxia is really angry!

The dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it you will die!

As Ba Xia's youngest daughter, Bi Xi was hunted down by creatures from the Ming He Empire today, and her life and death were unknown.

Even for an "honest person" like Ba Xia, after swallowing his flesh, drinking his blood, and devouring his bones, he still couldn't let go of his anger. \u003c



The three level six creatures that brought great pressure to Thane and others were so vulnerable in front of the dominant level powerhouse.

After devouring these guys who poisoned his daughter, Ba Xia calmed down a little. He glanced at the shattered space-time window not far away and slowly approached it.

Part of the tourmaline blood factor spilled out in the surrounding space, causing Ba Xia's eyes, which were bloodshot and red due to rage, to become covered with a layer of mist.

The power of space concussion and crack cutting, which even sixth-level creatures couldn't bear, had no impact on Ba Xia as he continued to approach.

After all, with Ba Xia's exaggerated defense, he can withstand the attack of an eighth-level creature.

However, Baxia's life source is too huge.

The surrounding broken space-time window becomes more sensitive after entering the collapse process.

The melee just now and the attack by the sixth-level pharaoh made the turbulence of the time and space rules here become more intense.

When Ba Xia's dragon head cautiously finally approached the collapsed and broken space-time vortex.

Just as his nose sank into it, the surrounding space-time power, which was already at its limit, erupted again, creating a violent space-time storm that swept through a large area of ​​the surrounding space.

The intensity of the space-time storm made Mel and Lina, who were extremely far away from the center of the vortex, unable to withstand it and kept retreating.

Dragon Turtle Baxia seemed unaffected at this time.

But this level of space-time storm was enough to prevent him from exploring deeply, and the last breath of Tourmaline and Thain completely disappeared.

"Ouch!!!" The roaring dragon roared far more angrily than before, rippling around the space.

Dominant Dragon Power

, making many combat legions from both sides on the surrounding battlefields weak and unable to maintain their original combat strength.

This roar full of dragon power even penetrated the surrounding star field and spread deeper into the starry sky!

Members of the Baxia family have always had a very obscure blood communication method.

That is, no matter how far apart family members are, they can contact each other through a special bloodline mark method, and roughly know each other's blessings and misfortunes. 🅆

The same situation can also be seen in the two phoenix masters of the Wizards Alliance - Fire Phoenix and Ice Phoenix.

Basically, they are the ones closest to each other by blood and have the deepest sensitivity to each other.

After Bixi and others encountered a crisis, Baxia was the first one to sense it and rush over quickly.

At this time, Ba Xia's dragon roar and roaring sounds were mainly transmitted to his brothers!

The influence of the Baxia family in the star world is still not small.

The wizard civilization and the fairy civilization are the top civilizations that are most intertwined with them.

In addition, there are many other world civilizations that are related to this dragon beast family.

Ba Xia's roar also places his hope on his brother family to help find and rescue Bi Xi.

The chaotic space-time storm around him made it difficult for Ba Xia to sense Tourmaline's position and life status through the bloodline mark.

But as a father, Baxia hopes that his little daughter will be safe no matter what, and will never give up looking for Tourmaline.

After the roar, Baxia, who gradually calmed down again, took a look at the center of the completely collapsed space-time storm, and finally flew towards the center of the Motorola star field.

There were his other daughter Bai Xing, son Mo Yan and two nephews waiting for him to rescue them.

When leaving this place where time and space storms gathered, Ba Xia looked back several times.


Unfortunately, no miracle happened.

While flying towards the center of the Motorola star field, the honest and steady Overlord also used his power of dominance to help Mel, Leah and the wizard civilization legions on the surrounding battlefields withstand many attacks from the power of the time and space storm. impact.

And the endless gray tide of death, as Ba Xia continued to advance, spread out to both sides of Ba Xia's body like a divided river.

In the space-time channel.

The sharp cracks in time and space directly turned Sain and Bixi into bloody men.

After all, this space-time passage is not a stable space passage. In terms of danger, it is much higher than the passage that Thain took when he went to Faerun.

The moment Dragon Turtle Tourmaline entered the space-time channel, it reached its ultimate state and then returned to the form of a little girl.

Thain hugged Tourmaline tightly in his arms, and the two cyan ribbons seemed to know that the owner was in a severely injured state, tightly binding Tourmaline's petite body to Thain.

Although these two cyan ribbons look very delicate and thin, they are world-class secret treasures after all.

After wrapping the two people together, it can still offset a lot of the corrosive force from the surrounding space for them.

The Flame and the eight-winged angel Fumila were also closely aligned with Thane at this time.

The Flame, with the lowest strength, was actually at its limit long ago, but the power of time and space in the surrounding space was too chaotic, and Thain was unable to take it back.

Fumila, as the strongest person present, almost used her own metal body to resist the cracks and space-time erosion from all directions on behalf of Thain and others.

She was now under the greatest pressure, and at the same time, her body was getting closer and closer to its limit.

In this way, the few people hugging each other, withstanding the impact of chaotic time and space, flew towards the depths of the unknown passage...

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