The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1857 Broken Time and Space Window (Additional update)

Near a broken space-time window.

At some point, Thain was forced to retreat here.

Not far from Thane, a level 6 pharaoh and two level 6 monsters were chasing him.

The eight-winged angel Fumila was besieged and pursued by the opponent. The metal wings behind her were damaged and two were broken. The other injuries were probably more serious than Thain.

This sixth-level pharaoh was obviously targeting Thain and Tourmaline.

Some wizard civilization combat units, including the Ash Fortress and the fourth-level Dragon Vein Warlock Mel, broke through and flew past his eyes. The sixth-level pharaoh did not try to stop them, but just chased Thain and his party.

And during the battle, this sixth-level pharaoh revealed a world-class secret treasure - the Death Skull.

It should be made from the head of a sixth-level creature, and it contains a large amount of death energy and the essence of the sixth-level creature's body.

In terms of grade, the skull held in the hands of this pharaoh was not too high. At best, it was just a low-grade world-class secret treasure.

But no matter how low-level it is, it is still a world-class secret treasure. With the strength of this pharaoh, it is enough to exert its full power.

This battle was not like before, with Thain mixing in among the crowd and participating in the beating of a certain sixth-level creature.

This time he was the one being beaten!

The sixth-level pharaoh and his two monsters formed a triangle, blocking Thane in the middle.

Not to mention that there are other middle and low-level combat forces from the Minghe Empire around who are causing him trouble.

In terms of the number of combat legions, the troops brought by Cuillis to the Motorola Star Territory and the legions brought by the Dragon Vein Warlock Family are quite large combined.

But in terms of quality, there is still a big gap with the Minghe Empire Legion.

Ninety percent of the main body of the wizard civilization legion are low-end slave creature cannon fodder or alliance cannon fodder legion.

But the pharaohs, soldiers and monsters of the Hades Empire generally have life levels above one level.


In addition, the Minghe Empire also produced a large number of undead legions, making the other party's legions larger than those currently gathered by the wizard civilization.

"Boom!" A wave of death came, and Fumila, who had a violent explosion on his shoulder blade, fell and flew towards Thane.

Constructor Yuli's role was very limited at this time, so she did not fight too far away from Thain. When Fumila was injured and flew over, she took the initiative to catch Fumila in the Flame. pull.

Thain also flew forward and took a look at Fumila's injuries.

The pure white memory metal on her shoulders was obviously distorted and even the color became much darker.

The slightest breath of the Law of Death seeped out from it.

This special law of death seems to have the characteristics of "decay" and "withering", and even intelligent robots like Fumila are not immune to it.

What's more serious is that Fumila's power system seems to have suffered heavy damage in the previous battle.

Under the superposition of multiple injuries, even her body became much stiffer.

For Fumila, it was certainly impossible for Thane to take out a few bottles of potion and pour it into her mouth.

Thain then directly stuffed the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube into Fumila's chest.

Strangely enough, when the Rubik's Cube was in Thain's hands, it still looked blue-purple, but after quickly merging with Fumila's mechanical body, the color turned into light red, and the size of the Rubik's Cube also became much smaller.

Looking from a distance, it seemed as if there was a small red crystal on Fumila's chest.

Tourmaline, who was in Thain's arms, opened her eyes wide and looked at the magical scene in front of her.

She was mainly staring at Fumila's breasts.

I don’t know if it’s because I lamented that Fumila’s breasts are too big, or because of the secret of the special fusion of the Rubik’s Cube and Fumila.

The color change of the Rubik's Cube was somewhat beyond Thain's expectations.

This is somewhat different from his previous fusion experiments. It is not known whether it is because the Rubik's Cube has recently undergone several rounds of minor modifications, or whether it is related to the fact that Fumila's body has completed several upgrades.

Several more death ripples hit Thain. These death ripples interacted with the surrounding broken space power, causing greater trouble for Thain and others.

The corrosive power of the surrounding space has increased significantly, and the sixth-level pharaoh is obviously trying to force Thain and others to a dead end.

The broken space-time windows and space cracks around it are caused by the vibration of the dominant power coming from the center of the Motorola star field.

The Pharaoh of the Hades Empire in front of him was obviously not a foolish alien god.

Whether he cooperates with the other two monsters to put pressure on Thain and others, or uses the battlefield environment to expand his own advantages, it all reflects this guy's mentality of lion versus rabbit.

Even if it is fused with the Rubik's Cube, it is difficult for Fumila's combat power to rise quickly. Thain himself was also seriously injured in the previous battle.

Faced with the pressing pressure of three level six creatures, Thain also felt like he was in a desperate situation.

An extremely magnificent and shining light of death condensed in the hands of the sixth-level pharaoh. This guy even extracted part of the life energy of the other two monsters to make his strike more powerful.

"Is he going to die here?" Thain couldn't help but think.

Thain, who was unwilling to die so cowardly, was even considering how many enemies around him could be dragged into the water after detonating the Rubik's Cube and stimulating all the elemental power in his body.

The Faceless Mask Thane does not intend to destroy it, and throws it into the space crack. Although it is possible to destroy this extremely precious world-class secret treasure, there is also a certain chance that Master Jos and his legend will be destroyed.


The inheritance continues.

It was only then that Thain finally regretted confiscating an apprentice.

Just when Thain was determined to die and Fumila's chest shone brightly with energy again, Tourmaline's little hand grasped Thain's devil's claw.

"Thion, let's go there." Bixi said, pointing to the ever-expanding broken time and space window not far from them.

Forcefully breaking into the broken space-time window is not fun.

And this is the phenomenon of space-time collapse caused by the master's strike. Who knows what kind of strange power of rules it will contain.

Even if Thane was in his prime, he would not break into some broken space-time window to make himself unhappy, let alone under the premise that he has endured a lot of trauma.

But facing Tourmaline's proposal at this time, Thain couldn't help but ask: "Tourismale, do you have a way to resist the cutting and erosion from the power of the rules of time and space?"

"I don't know, but I feel like we can give it a try. There might be a glimmer of hope there," Bixi said.

Although she has never dabbled in divination and prediction methods, Tourmaline's intuition is quite accurate most of the time.

Feeling that the power of space and time around them became more and more sharp and biting, the death energy gathered by the sixth-level pharaoh nearby also reached a level beyond the endurance limit of Thain and others.

Then Thane gritted his teeth, held the tourmaline in his arms, and informed Fumila and Yuri, then flew towards the center of the broken space-time window!

Thane's actions, in the eyes of the sixth-level pharaoh, were tantamount to suicide.

With the space-cutting power and energy chaos of that place where time and space are broken, even he is not willing to get close easily!

This person would rather die than let the treasure be captured by him.

Seeing this, the sixth-level pharaoh became angry. He directly focused the light of death in his hand to the extreme and hit Thain on the back.

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