The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1856 Take action

"Isn't Thain out yet?" Trilis, who maintains the true form of the Law of Jade Fire outside the Motorola star field, asked Gargaru beside her.

Master Sain's true form of law looks slimmer and taller.

But her ability to resist strikes and explosive power in combat are really strong.

In the previous breakout process, facing a level 6 peak pharaoh who had unlocked the state, Cuilis was able to fight head-on with the opponent.

In the end, although Trilis was slightly at a disadvantage, she also left a mark on the opponent and successfully led the surrounding legions to leave the battlefield.

As a price, Trilis' elemental body now had an obvious scar on her cheek, which somewhat ruined her overall beauty.

And there is a strong smell of death element emanating from the wound on his cheek.

With the degree of corrosion like maggots on the tarsal bones, it is obviously not something that can be eliminated in a short time.

Facing Cuilisi's inquiry, Gargaru, who was also covered in injuries at this time, panted heavily, shook his head, and replied: "I didn't hear anything from him, but the junior sisters and the others seemed to have withdrawn in time. "

"Thion was one of the first magicians to enter the Motorola Star Territory. He took the Tourmaline with him when he left, so he probably got stuck in it." Triris said in a deep voice.

"Do we need to fight back to pick him up?" Gargaru asked eagerly.

This guy looks more like a knight than a magician when he enters combat mode.

Cuilisi's main purpose of rushing to the Motorola Star Territory this time is to save Bixi and others.

She can't control Bai Xing for the time being, but Bi Xi must save her no matter what.

Just now, she had taken the lead in breaking out, but for a moment she had ignored the situation of Tourmaline and Thain. It must be said that this was Cuillis' negligence.

Just when Trilis nodded in agreement and was about to fight back for a while, a violent fluctuation of space energy appeared outside the Motorola star field.

What appeared from the dim light in the space was a giant turtle with a dragon head.

This giant dragon turtle once appeared on the planet of the sea. Its tyrannical aura of dominance has been growing since it appeared here.


The starry sky began to spread out in all directions.

The dominance-level power fluctuations that shook from the center of the Motorola star field quickly dissipated into nothingness after approaching the giant dragon turtle.

The moment they saw this giant dragon turtle again, many powerful wizards and civilizations, including Trilis, breathed a sigh of relief.

Wizarding World.

At the intersection of the Sky City and the Ebalut Empire, there is a special valley hidden in the subspace. It is beautiful and the concentration of elements here is extremely high.

In the misty valley, there stand two tall magic towers.

One is off-white and the other is light blue.

An old man who had just completed the long-distance cross-space teleportation magic stood on the top casting platform of the gray-white magic tower.

"Although Ba Xia is only at the seventh level of life, his life thickness is really exaggerated, and his soul reserve is also something that I, an old guy, can't stop envying."

"Teleporting him across borders to the target star field will really break my old bones." The old man said with a wry smile to the old lady beside him.

"Huh, if you can't do it, you can't do it anymore. What else can you do?" the old lady retorted unceremoniously.

Faced with the old lady's rebuttal, the old man was not annoyed.

Nearly two hundred thousand years have passed, and the old man is indeed older than before.

Back then, he once led the wizarding civilization to a large-scale world level.

He is a well-deserved pride of the plane.

But now, he is just a very old man.

In addition to growing older, one of the biggest differences between him and the past is that his knowledge has become more knowledgeable and broad.

The old lady just satirized that the old man should obey his elders, and then asked with a sad look: "I heard that some time ago, Bev and the others were on the frontline battlefield.

We have suffered a huge loss and even Claire has fallen. Do we want to take action? "

The old man also looked thoughtful when he saw this.

He and the old lady were the few local masters in the wizarding world who had not yet participated in the war.

For both of them, protecting the wizarding world is their duty.

Especially for the old man, although the omnipotent soul of domination has been solidified, it was consumed too much because he experienced too many battles in his early years.

Although they have recovered a lot in recent years with the help of Sky City's True Spirit Holy Tower, they still cannot compare with those young guys.

Perhaps for him, the next time he shows his strength unscrupulously is to sing the final chapter of his life.

This is also the reason why Bev and others are unwilling to let this old senior take action frequently.

"Compared to the frontline battlefield, the wizarding world is our root. We must ensure the absolute safety of the mother plane."

"Including the Hades Empire and the Gallente Federation, I believe they also have deep cards and power that they have not yet used."

"Let's take a look at the situation. If I really need to take action, I believe Bev will contact me." The old man sighed.

He has given the light of wisdom to Bev. If the old man needs to join the battle, he can quickly arrive at the front line of the civilized battlefield in a very short time to use his light and heat.

When the old lady heard this, she rolled her eyes at the old man and said, "It's not like I'm asking you to go to the front line to fight. Don't you have any other elemental means besides bursting out the omnipotent soul of domination?"

"I see that you have been busy doing experimental research all these years, and your brain has almost gone crazy!"

"There is also the matter of the Guardian Mother Plane. The four guardians have all grown up. There is still that cow and that snake in the Western Islands, and there is still an old turtle sleeping under the endless South China Sea. Are you still missing?"

"Although you may be the strongest." The old lady muttered.

The old lady's retort made the old man choke.

But she


What you say makes sense.

But as the caster profession is the leader of wizard civilization, it would always be strange if the strongest local true spirit magician was not in charge.

And the old man can no longer be called the strongest. The eighth-level dark summoner Lilith, who left the wizarding civilization many years ago and traveled to the outer stars, should have replaced him as the most powerful magician in the wizarding civilization.

The old lady must have thought of Lilith, and couldn't help nagging: "It's true that Lilith and Karel have not come back in time even after the civilized war broke out for so many years."

"As a knight, Karel's long-distance communication means is not strong. I don't believe that Lilith doesn't have the means to teleport across space. She is originally a summoner!"

"Isn't it easy to use her summoned King of the Undead as the teleportation coordinate corresponding point to return to the wizarding world? Or maybe use her True Spirit Tower as the teleportation node." The old lady complained.

Not all children are as well-behaved as Bev.

The old lady thinks Lilith is very immature.

Seeing this, the old man said gently: "Lilith must have her reasons for not leaving to return to the wizarding world. Maybe she is encountering something critical now."

"And we haven't encountered any major crisis now. It's just that the frontline offensive situation has been slightly hindered."

"I will follow your suggestion later and go to the front line of the civilized battlefield to cast a few super forbidden spells." The old man comforted her. He had always been very tolerant of the old lady.

"Is there anything more important than the civilized war our wizarding world is experiencing?!" the old lady couldn't help but asked angrily.

The old man didn't answer immediately this time. After a moment, he said leisurely: "It's possible that the child Lilith has also found her way to the ninth level..."

"(PS: Xiaodou also discovered that the time interval set in the previous book is 170,000 years, which is a bit outrageous. It would be more reasonable if it was set to 300,000 years. This is Xiaodou's mistake. I wrote too much in the previous book, and it is not very accurate. It’s improved, I hope everyone can bear with me.)”

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