The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1845 Moody (additional update)

There is no absolute winner in the war.

Until the final outcome is determined, everyone is a loser.

Looking at the wizarding civilization, the Gallente Federation and the Hades Empire, who has taken advantage of the series of recent actions?


We are all top-level civilizations. Although our strength is divided into strong and weak, everyone has to pay a price and suffer certain losses in head-to-head confrontation.

After the four assassination squads of the Minghe Empire withdrew, more than 30 million Minghe Empire legions led by the tenth pharaoh were also dispatched.

The tenth pharaoh was not the same as the fifth, seventh pharaoh and others.

Her main mission in the near future is not to assassinate or participate in the siege of a certain master.

Instead, like a nail, he led his army of the Hades Empire to stay firmly on the frontline battlefield junction between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation.

It is difficult for the wizard civilization army to prioritize their removal, and the Gallente Federation has reached a certain tacit understanding with them. 🄲

The role of this legion seems to be to constantly remind the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation that besides the two of them, there is a third party in this civilized battlefield.

And in the direction of the expedition, the tenth pharaoh of the Hades Empire was also very stable.

She did not directly send troops to the center of the frontline main battlefield of the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, but instead moved towards the peripheral local battle zones.

The Tenth Pharaoh also knew that with the more than 30 million legions she led, it was definitely enough to destroy a medium-sized star field or even cripple a large world.

But if you interfere in the frontal battlefield game between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, you will really be making yourself unhappy.

The Tenth Pharaoh himself has only entered the eighth level of strength for the first time.

Although she also has two monster kings under her command, those two silly giants are just ordinary seventh-level masters.

Although the more than 30 million Mingha Empire legions under his command are extremely elite, they are far away from their homeland, so how to replenish their troops is still a problem.

How could it be meaningless


its consumption.

The tenth Pharaoh is a thoughtful and strong woman.

She is more profit-oriented and pragmatic than the third pharaoh, more youthful and energetic than the fifth pharaoh, and handles problems more cautiously than the seventh pharaoh.

She could have come alone, but after thinking about it, she brought two level seven monster kings with her...

When the legions led by the tenth pharaoh of the Pluto Empire were marching on the battlefield in the alien star field far away from their homeland, the Gallente Federation also sent a small force to accompany them.

Euphemistically called - Field Observation Group.

The purpose is to learn from the advanced combat experience of the Hades Empire, and also to help the Tenth Pharaoh and others solve a small part of the resource supply problem.

Of course, their other identity may be to monitor the movements of the army of the Hades Empire, and try their best to influence and induce the attack targets of the Tenth Pharaoh and others.

As the leader of this field observation group, it is General Thaden who has the title of five-star general.

Because General Sardon gave a great gift to the Hades Empire on behalf of the Gallente Federation when the Legion of Hades first came.

Therefore, he could sometimes say a few words in front of the Tenth Pharaoh.

But after a period of contact and communication, General Saden judged that it was difficult for him to influence the will of the Tenth Pharaoh.

This is the master of the Hades Empire who does not tolerate disobedience from others. General Sarden has also seen more than one strong person being ravaged by her, including even those creatures of the Hades Empire who made mistakes.

On this day, when he visited the tenth pharaoh again, General Saden discovered that this pharaoh had changed into a "new toy".

What appeared in the delicate hands of the Tenth Pharaoh at this time was a sixth-level soul that kept moaning and howling in pain.

This is a very vivid soul.

The fact that he can still howl means that he has not been spoiled by the Tenth Pharaoh.

After a few words with the Tenth Pharaoh, Admiral Sadeng learned that this was the soul of a late-level sixth-level magician in the wizarding world.

"Haha, the souls of creatures in the wizarding world are so strong, so resilient."

"I heard that all magicians in the wizarding world major in spiritual power. Compared with the physical body, the spirit and the soul are more connected."

"I hope this civilization can bring me more surprises and fun." The tenth Pharaoh said with a smile.

General Saden saw this and hurriedly agreed: "Pharaoh, you want to play, I just have a recommended person here."

Seeing the beautiful eyes of the Tenth Pharaoh looking over, General Sadeng immediately took out a three-dimensional projection button from his arms.

I saw a giant mermaid with a white fish tail appearing in this space.

This mermaid also has a pair of "small" dragon horns. The overall feeling is pure and beautiful to the extreme.

The projection technology of the Gallente Federation is very realistic, and they even showed the ethereal dragon power of this mermaid.

Seeing that the Tenth Pharaoh showed some interest, General Sadeng introduced him while the iron was hot: "This is an extremely active sixth-level wizard civilization creature in the surrounding star field."

"She even has the ability to control a kind of sea creature unique to the wizarding world called 'Neptune-like'."

"I think she is extremely qualified to become another of your 'playthings', the Pharaoh."

"This special creature is relatively rare in the entire civilized battlefield. Pharaoh, you must not miss it." General Saden enthusiastically recommended.

He is worthy of being a federal general who started his career by reselling arms in the Gallente Federation military.

The top leaders of the Gallente Federation sent him here to communicate with the Hades Empire Legion, which can be regarded as making the best use of him.

One of the Tenth Pharaoh


After staring at the projection of the giant mermaid White Star with her beautiful big gray eyes for a long time, she smiled and said, "It is indeed a good 'toy'."

"But General Sarden, you don't think I'm just a joker, do you?" The Tenth Pharaoh then changed his tone and asked.

"Of course not!" General Thaden said seriously.

Since arriving in this civilized battlefield, the fifth and seventh pharaohs and others have called it a day and withdrawn to the mainland of the Hades Empire, but the tenth pharaoh has not yet come into contact with the masters of the wizarding civilization.

The main ones she wiped away were only some wizard civilization legions in the surrounding local war zones.

This was a strong man from the Hades Empire who was not easy to fool, and it was difficult for General Sarden to recommend any master-level strong men for the Tenth Pharaoh to "hunt" with.

This giant mermaid is considered to be the latest prey of the Tenth Pharaoh.

Looking at Bai Xing again, the Tenth Pharaoh said with a smile: "I guess she must be a descendant of a certain master, and the power of her own bloodline is very special."

"You want me to do something to her so much, don't you just want me to confront the master of wizard civilization?"

"Okay, I'll let you have your way this time. Which star field is she in now?" the Tenth Pharaoh asked with a dimple on his face.

Looking at her beautiful face, General Saden suddenly felt a chill.

This was a moody being, and even they could not guess the true thoughts of the tenth Pharaoh.

Taking a deep breath, General Sarden looked down at the star map and replied: "This mermaid, codenamed 'White Star', is now in the Motorola star field, not far from our current star field."

“Currently there are 864 chapters in the monthly ticket, and 10 more chapters need to be added~

I updated six chapters today~ It’s a small explosion~

The double monthly ticket event ends tomorrow, Xiaodou is asking everyone for a first-hand monthly ticket QAQ

Please please give me a monthly pass”

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